I'M BACK AGAIN (jk i never left)

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I'm here to present this awesome conversation I had about Not!Shasa with my friend and classmate

As a reward for being awesome sauce and reading this

(I'm VHJ he's VKO)

Conversation goes as follows:

VHJ: hey, do you want hear about this character?


VHJ: OK, nice so shet Not!Shasa, and she's not Sasha.

VKO: is she from that story thingy you're reading? Wasn't it something with like 500 pages?

VHJ: ummm, 200 episodes, 5 Seasons.

VKO: oh, OK. Is she from that omegaverse thing?

VHJ: what? No she's from The Magnus Archives.

VKO: I don't know what that is.

VHJ: doesn't matter, anyways, Not!Shasa is not Shasa

VKO: what? Who is she then?

VHJ: she's Not!Shasa duuuuhhhh

VKO: okkkkk?????

(I show him the wikipage for Not!Sasha)

VKO: oh. OK

(He lost interest and started talking about ww2 to my other classmate/friend)

You're welcome

Bye 👋

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