Chapter 2

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It's silent for many hours, but eventually you hear footsteps coming up that make your whole body shiver. Someone is coming in... some knocks on the door.

"Come in"

Andrei opens the door and comes in, walking over to you immediately. He looks at your face which still has the red bruise and swelling. His anger grows when he sees this. "I'm assuming he hit you?"

"I'll try to talk to him again... I know he hasn't changed I know he's still in there." you say hopeful.

"How many times are you going to forgive him, Y/N? How many times? You're a fool for believing that he can change, but you keep letting him hurt you. Are you waiting for him to finish completely breaking your mind before you finally realize he won't go back to his old self?"

"Silence!" Andrei takes a step back.

"You're right, Бабочка (butterfly), it's none of my business. But if you want my honest advice..."

Andrei grabs you by the hips and pulls you against him, looking at you with eyes that know the horror you are experiencing.

"You can't hope for him to change, he will only hurt you more and more if you keep forgiving him."

"I would like to deny it but I am still in love with him, Andrei! And I know he still loves me too!"

Andrei raises an eyebrow.

"He loved you. Before, when you two first got together, when it was only him and you, yes he loved you. Now what he has is possession over you. And that's not love, Y/N. He only wants to use you." Andrei sighs "Please Y/N, don't deny that he's a cold, manipulative bastard at this point. You deserve more than that."

"Leave, now" Andrei stares at you for a moment. He knows how much you're in pain, how much you want to deny his words because inside you still have that hope that he'll come back to how he used to be with you.

Andrei lets go off you and turns around, starting to head to the door. "I'll leave you alone, Бабочка (butterfly)."

Andrei closes the door behind him and heads out the room. It's silent once again as you continue to lean against the window with your bruised face, feeling the fresh breeze against it. Eventually you hear footsteps once again. You turn around to see Makarov entering the room.

He walks over to you, looking at your bruised cheek, touching it softly with his hand.

You flinch at his touch.

He removes his hand and immediately goes to get the ring, putting in your hand. He still doesn't say a single word, just continues to keep his gaze on you while you hold the ring.

"You know very well that I won't let you say no to me. That ring is a reminder of your duties as my woman, and you will wear it whether you want to or not."

"I will not marry a man other than the one I fell in love with."

"Well the man you've known doesn't exist anymore. I'm the man you have in front of you now, and it's time you get used to it." he says, losing his patience.

"Now put the ring on your finger. You need to accept the fact that I'm the one you'll be with from now on. No one else."

"You can beat me and keep me locked up here but I will never accept!" you courageously respond.

"You must have no idea how much I can make you suffer and ruin you if that's the path you want to choose. I won't let you go unless you accept me and wear the ring. If you're stubborn, then I'll make you regret it."

You look at him hesitantly with hatred and sadness.

"Put the goddamn ring back on and accept my proposal, Y/N! I'm not going to stand here and negotiate these things with you. I don't have patience for your childish tantrums and games. Put the ring back on, NOW!

Let Me Free (Vladimir Makarov x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now