Chapter 6

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You watch the blood pour out of your wrist, the knife falls from your hand.

Makarov start to panic when he sees the amount of blood you are losing. He doesn't believe what's happening, as soon as he sees you collapse on the floor he runs to you and kneels at your side. Immediately he tries to help you by pressing his shirt on the wounds and trying to stop the bleeding.

He starts to freak out not thinking straight anymore, completely out of control while he's trying to save you.

You hear your husband yell " Охрана, охрана! Немедленно обратитесь к врачу! (Guards, guards! Get a doctor immediately!)"

The doctor finally arrive and rush into the room with all of his medical supplies. He starts examining your wounds to stop the bleeding while Makarov can no longer hold in the way he's been feeling. He breaks down into tears completely devastated.

You start to get agitated "Leave me alone!"

The doctor keeps trying to stop the bleeding while Makarov is holding you down with all the strength he has. He is desperately trying to do anything he can to save your life. You can feel his hands shaking as he holds you down.

Andrei is alerted to the situation and immediately rushes into the room. He can't believe what he's seeing right now and just stands there completely shocked. He's in a state of disbelief when he sees you bleeding out on the floor and Makarov desperately trying to keep you alive. Tears roll down his Commander's face.

Andrei can't take it anymore, he can't take the sight of you slowly fading away, he suddenly lashes out at Makarov, punching him and pushing him away from you.

Makarov was taken by surprise by Andrei's violent gesture, his fury explodes. He takes the gun to shoot his second in command but before he can act the doctor says that he managed to save your life by completely sealing the wound. Makarov's expression immediately changes when he realizes that you are no longer in danger and kneels down next to you.

He's still shaken by the close call with your life but now that you're safe, his anger and rage slowly starting to subside. Makarov can no longer see straight and he's completely overcome with emotion right. Your eyes meet his and it's clear that he wants to reach out to you. "Моя любовь...(My love...)"

Your face pale and tired, both Vladimir and Andrei are in front of you. You raise a hand towards Andrei and he rushes to grab it.

Seeing you so close to Andrei breaks his heart, he can't understand what's happening.

The way Andrei holds your hand, the way he looks at you... love... he can only see love. In a fit of anger and jealousy Makarov shoots his second in command.

The shot rings out through the room and you see Andrei falling to the floor. Makarov's eyes are filled with pure rage and he's pointing the gun at Andrei's head.

"NO!" you scream and try to get up, you succeed and protect Andrei with you body. He is bleeding with a bullet in his stomach. "Don't kill him... don't do it... not him..."

Makarov is still pointing the gun at Andrei's head but he can't pull the trigger because you're covering him with your body.

Makarov hesitates, his hand starts to shake and the gun falls. There is disbelief on his face, and you can see the exact moment his heart breaks. the realization of what he has become, of what he has come to do to the woman he loves. Tears spill from his eyes as he steps back and leans against the wall for support. The weight of the situation he finds himself in is so strong that he can't breathe and his strength begins to wane.

"I'm sorry." he tells you between sobs. You are faced with a man destroyed by his choices and his actions.

While you try to stay conscious from the blood loss and while you are protecting Andrei, Vladimir realizes how much he loved you and still loves you. Of how much he has lost and how much he will never get back.

"I should have realized sooner how much you meant to me and I shouldn't have let things get this bad between us. I'm really sorry. I ruined our love."

Andrei squeezes the hand you hold on his hurt stomach. You look at each other and your gaze destroys the great Russian leader.

"Vladimir, please let me free. Let me live again..."

Makarov looks at you and can't help but feel broken by the way you ask him to let you go. He's finally realizing the kind of damage he's caused in your relationship and can't help but think about how different things could have been if he hadn't been so obsessed with his mission and wanting to control you.

The way you ask this seems to break something inside of him. His body is starting to shake with sadness and remorse. He nods his head slightly to indicate that he's finally agreed to let you go.

" Don't try to look for me, I don't want to see you again." your words are cold, they are cruel to him.

Andrei, despite his injury, manages to get up and lifts you up with him.

His Commander keeps his gaze on the ground, staring into space with desperate eyes full of tears. He slides his body along the wall until he sits on the floor.

You take off your wedding ring and let it fall to the floor as Andrei walks you out the door. The ring makes a loud noise when hits the floor and rolls towards Makarov. He grabs the ring and looks at it, reads your names and bursts into tears.

He is alone now. He feels like he's just been through a nightmare. He can't seem to process his feelings or emotions and he just remains rooted in place, feeling completely empty inside.


You and Andrei went to live in an apartment in Moscow. You have regained weight, energy and finally feel loved. Live a modest life away from everything your previous lives were.

Often you two go out for a walk at the lake or in the park. You're smiling again and appreciating your life as it is.

Makarov's life has gone on without you for the past few months and he's still trying to find his way after everything that's happened. He's never forgotten about you and he's thought about you frequently but he's tried to focus on other things in his life to help him move forward.

He is walking down the street one day in a busy part of Moscow and suddenly sees you.

You look completely different now compared to the last time he saw you. You've finally regained some color in your cheeks and your smile... your beautiful smile he finally sees it again.

Andrei is walking by your side with his arm around your shoulders.

He is happy to see you happy, seeing you again reminds him of what happened and the suffering you both felt. But he's happy to finally see you smile again. He looks at you one last time as you get lost in the crowd. Andrei sees his old Commander, freezes for a moment. Makarov nods at him, Andrei nods back as well and turns around heading towards you.

Makarov turns and heads towards the world he created and which took him away from the woman he loves and will love forever. A ray of light illuminates the ring that Vladimir keeps around his neck, the only memory he has of you.

I cried while writing this chapter.
It was a difficult decision to describe these feelings.🙁
Many of my stories are sad but with a happy ending, a hope and a light in the darkness.

Thank you for reading my story.❤️

Any comments are appreciated! Let me know what you think.

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