Chapter 5

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⚠️⚠️⚠️Warning! Attempted suicide!⚠️⚠️⚠️

Days pass and the wedding day arrives. The ceremony is nothing special, you are in the base meeting room with an administrative delegate handing you papers to sign. Vladimir is dressed in black with a jacket representing his group, he looks like he is ready to go to war and not to get married, you on the other hand have a tight and elegant black and red dress. Vladimir watches your every move, his gaze only breaking away when you finish signing the marriage certificate, you bring your hand over your heart and for a moment you cross Andrei's gaze.

"Я объявляю вас мужем и женой! (I pronounce you husband and wife)" the man's words bring you back to reality and you look at your husband. He grabs your neck and kiss you. A round of applause behind, Vladimir's soldiers are ready to celebrate the wedding.

Vladimir keeps you by his side the whole time, you pretend to be happy as you place one hand on his chest and one on his back, smiling.

When the party ends you both return to your room, your husband lights a cigarette and drinks something strong. You approach him as you rub the wedding ring with your fingers.


He looks at you through the reflection in the window "Hmm?"

You hug him tightly and for a moment a slight smile appears on his face and with a trembling hand he sets the glass down. You hope he will hug you or do something....

"I love you, Vladimir..." but his eyes are wide as if he is afraid, his mouth slightly open as if he wants to say something.

Inside you hope he will come back the way he was... you keep hoping... and you pray for it to happen.

"I love you too..." with a whisper he expresses his love for you. His voice sounds distorted, his breathing interrupted. A hand rests on your head. He lifts your face and kisses your forehead.

His heterochromatic eyes watch you... and you... and you keep hoping...


You're always by his side, no matter what he's doing, when he makes decisions, when he's involved in violence and when he kills people. You cannot express any disagreement or complain about this. This is the agreement/marriage.

You spend many nights together as he said he would make up for the time spent without intimacy. Making love with him is a rollercoaster of emotions because at times he seems to be the man you loved and at others a cold calculator ready to get only satisfaction from your body.

Andrei only talks to you when you can go out for a few hours, those few times that Vladimir allows you to.

You feel suffocated, you feel crazy because you see love in the eyes of a person who is not your husband. This destroys you more and more.

One evening you are sitting on the sofa with Vladimir while he relaxes drinking and smoking. He makes you lie on his chest and touch your hair, this attitude is just a way of keeping you there with him and calming his stress. Unfortunately in your eyes the way he behaves seems more a reflection of how he used to be, a habit rather than a feeling of necessity.


He turns and looks at you with a stoic face, like he has a lot on his mind. "Yes, go ahead."

"Why do I feel you so far away from me? You used to like to hug and kiss me to feel better."

He sighs slowly and decides to speak with honesty and openness. "Sometimes I feel like I want to kiss you and embrace you, but this is not the relationship we have anymore. I can't be romantic with you the way you want me to be."

Let Me Free (Vladimir Makarov x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now