Chapter 4

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You return to your room "What did you want to talk about?" you ask innocently.

He looks at you and his eyes grow more intense, clearly he isn't in a good mood. "The conversation we're going to have is going to be about our relationship. As you know I was quite upset with you after we talked yesterday. But now I'm ready to let you know how things are going to be from now on."

You are exasperated you no longer understand his behaviour "What do you mean?" you say worriedly.

He stares into your eyes with intense conviction, as he begins to lay out the rules for you to follow.

"You will do exactly as I say without any argument or excuses. You will be at my side constantly and you will not have any relationships outside of me. Is this clear?"

"Constantly by your side? Vladimir you told me I would have some freedom if I agreed to marry you!"

Makarov doesn't flinch at all when you try to reason and protest. "Yes. You will be at my side, wherever I go."

"Vladimir wait! You can't pretend that I can't talk to anyone other than you!"

"What I said yesterday still applies. You will be able to go out every now and then. But it will be under strict supervision and I have complete control over where you go and who you see. And yes, you will continue to not speak to anyone else but me."

"This is madness, Vladimir!"

Makarov's eyes narrow dangerously and he stares at you with intensity as you raise your voice and protest. "Do not raise your voice with me. You will obey my rules and that's all! Is this clear?"

"I did not agree to be your wife to submit to these absurd rules!"

He slams his foot on the ground. "Do not defy me again. Your role is to be by my side, you will be MY future WIFE. Understood?"

For a moment, you recoil in fear of his aggressive gesture. "Yes, I understand"

He knows that you're lying or simply trying to appease him. "Good. Now let's address another matter and clear up any more misunderstanding between us" he clears his throat. "During our discussion you tried to leave me and I made it clear to you that if you do you will bitterly regret it. I'll say it again, in case you haven't realised it yet. YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME! Is that clear?

"Yes, yes I know. You were very clear" Out of despondency you begin to scratch your fingers anxiously.

"Listen Valdimir, I really want our relationship not to end but... I would like you to stop treating me like this. Why can't you be a leader outside this room and when you are with me be the person I fell in love with?"

He touches your face suddenly, his hand is cold and dry. "I love you too Y/N. But when you tried to leave me I felt betrayed. I don't want to lose you, I don't want you to leave" his grip tightens. "If you love me you will have to accept my change, otherwise I will have to make you accept it."

Immediately you grasp his hand. "That is exactly the reason Vladimir! This attitude of yours, there is no need to threaten me." you bring his hand to your heart. "You still have my heart, please don't shatter it"

He remains motionless, dumbfounded by your sincere and warm words. "I want to make up for lost time..." you look up trying to understand his words. "When we made love last night I realised I miss your warmth..."

"I don't think now is the time Vladimir..." but his gaze shushes you.

"You want to feel the same emotion we used to feel, don't you?"

You nod as you watch him unbutton his shirt and show off his muscular, toned body full of tattoos. The same tattoos that represent all his ideals.

He approaches you with a twinkle in his heterochromatic eyes. So beautiful... so dangerous. His body towers over you and he undoes your dress making it slide to the floor showing your beautiful body that has now become very thin. With his fingers he runs those slightly too prominent bones through you. "You are beautiful and you are mine" he kisses you hard scratching your face with his short beard.

You place your hands on his chest as he kisses you hard, holding your neck with one hand and your side with the other.

Despite his words, your heart starts beating again under his passion. He takes you in his arms and you put your legs around his back. He leans you against the window and for a moment you feel a cold shiver from the glass touching your skin.

"Take off your underwear" he orders as he finishes removing his jeans. When you remain naked, he grabs your breasts and sucks your nipples, grabs your hips and lifts you up, aligning his mouth with your wet folds.

You moan and groan. How much you missed his touch... yesterday is nothing compared to now.

"Vladimir please..." he looks at you with a cocky grin. "Patience, my love." His tongue explores your private parts and ends with a strong suck.

He leans you on the ground. "Why don't you use your pretty mouth now?" he says, touching your lips with his thumb. You nod and kneel down taking his already present erection into your mouth. As you begin to suck his cock he grabs your head to make you go deep. His hair tickles your nose but your throat aches fatigued from weeks of inactivity.

It doesn't take long and he comes in your mouth. His salty, sour taste invades your mouth but you have learnt to love it and swallow licking your lips. "Next time it will be your face that will be dirtied."

You smile a little because right now he has returned to the Vladimir you loved. An arrogant bastard who fucks you to exhaustion.

You stand up and turn your back to him, placing the palms of your hands on the window and bending down until your butt touches his groin.

"You little slut" he says as he grabs your hair. "I bet you can't wait to feel my cock inside you, can you?" you nod.

Makarov grabs your hips and penetrates you without much expectation. You moan with pleasure and clench your fingers on the window pane. "Ah! You are always so tight..." he slaps your ass. He puts his thumb in your mouth and when it's well coated with saliva he inserts it into your ass. He doesn't let you get used to the sensation and his thrusts begin, alternates thrusts with his finger in your ass.

His thrusts are so strong that you stand on your toes. Your breasts and face hit the window glass, creating a halo of fog on the glass.

Your moans fill the room. Makarov's drops of sweat fall onto your back.

"Vladimir, I'm about to come" you say between moans.

With a final slap on your ass he touches your clit and you come immediately. Your muscles contract and squeeze his cock so hard that he spills into you with a guttural scream.

He lets you go but doesn't make you fall, he turns you around and kisses you.

You look at each other intently. He rests his forehead on yours. Usually at this point he would have told you that he loves you but instead he pulls away.

His face turns serious again, he starts getting dressed without ever looking at you. You try to get closer but when you touch his shoulder he moves away. "I have to go now, I have a business meeting..."

"Vladimir, don't ruin the moment! Don't be the criminal everyone knows, even with me!"

"You will speak with respect when referring to me. Otherwise I will force you to show me the respect I deserve."

Your heart leaps. "I didn't mean... yes, sorry..."

"Good. Just remember that from now on."

"Yes, I understand Vladimir, you don't need to tell me again."

"Are you trying to provoke me again?"

You hug him. " I had a good time..." you try to soften him.

Makarov is surprised by this sudden change in your behavior. You were being very stubborn and challenging just a few minutes ago and now you're suddenly trying to apologize with a hug. After a few seconds he can't help but respond to your hug with one of his own.

He pulls away from you and leaves the room with a conflicted expression on his face.


When you love someone you also accept the negative sides. The problem comes when this person is crushed between two realities that he cannot control and risks losing what is most important. ❤️‍🔥

Any comments are appreciated! Let me know what you think.

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