Chapter 7

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Lovino took a deep breath. His eyes still felt a bit sore but he was certain he didn't look like he'd been crying anymore. He got up off the ground, wincing as little pieces of pavement gavel dug into his skin. Then he straightened himself and put on an air of confidence, before striding into the kitchen. He avoided looking at Erzsébet because he didn't want to see her pitying face, in case it would set him off again. He picked up a tablet with drinks, and stepped into the main part of the cafe.

Lovino handed out all the orders, avoiding anyone's eyes. When he came to Antonio's table to give Gilbert his beer, he coldly ignored Antonio's cheery greeting and Ivan's curious gaze. At Ludwig's table, he was barely aware of Feliciano giving him an encouraging smile. The smell of beer, coffee and wood made him feel sick and he almost ran back towards the kitchen, only to suddenly bump into someone.

Green eyes met hazel, as João took the tablet off him and wordlessly guided him into the kitchen. He put the tablet on the kitchen counter, gave Erzsébet and Yao a radiant smile, then took Lovino's arm and went out the back door with him.

Once outside, João gently grabbed him by the shoulders and stared intently into his eyes. Lovino could feel himself shaking a bit, then he lost it. Still without speaking, he felt João's arms wrap around him as Lovino sobbed into his shirt.

They stood like that for what felt like an eternity, Lovino crying and João embracing him tightly. Once Lovino was able to breathe normally again and most of his tears dried up, João let him go. Lovino sighed, deflated, and dropped down on to the concrete, which welcomed him; spiky and cold. João sat next to him, then broke their verbal silence.

"You really liked him a lot, didn't you?" He asked softly, but Lovino didn't reply. "Heartbreak when you weren't in a relationship is valid. It's still heartbreak, and it will hurt for a while. It does get better, but hearing that won't help you right now. Listen to what your body is feeling and take a day off, do something you like, such as reading, walking or eating ice cream. You can't run from your feelings forever, I can tell you're someone who is carrying a lot on their shoulders."

Lovino nodded, but knew that he would leave a lot of work on his brother's shoulders if he took a day off, especially with the cafe's anniversary coming up. Wasn't it already next week? He couldn't leave Feliciano to do all that alone. He decided to change the subject a bit.

"My brother said you wanted to talk to me about something. Is this it?" Lovino drew his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them.

João chuckled quietly.

"Not quite. What I wanted to ask isn't really appropriate in this situation."

Lovino rolled his eyes.

"Does that matter? Just ask what you want, I'm sure I can handle the 'inappropriateness'."

"Well..." João shifted beside him and Lovino turned his head to look at him, a little curious.

"Like I said, it's not the right moment, but I was wondering if you would indulge me by going on a date with me? Despite your obvious affections for my brother, I think it would also offer you a healthy distraction from all that's going on."

Lovino opened and closed his mouth in shock, searching for something to say while literally feeling like a fish out of water.

João smiled at him. "You don't have to answer now, I'm a patient man."

Lovino pressed his mouth closed. He felt so confused. He had to admit that he was attracted to João - he was a very good looking man - but his chest still tightened up at the sight of Antonio. It would take a while until that was gone. Would João be willing to wait that long for him? Why would he?

Lovino went back to staring at the concrete in time to see two ants crawling towards each other, touching their antennas together before continuing on in opposite directions.

"I need to think about it," he mumbled.

"I expected as much." João leaned back and stared at the sky; there wasn't a single cloud in sight.

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