Chapter 3

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(A\N. Welcome to the continuation of my fanfic ;) As you might see, there have been some changes - as you might expect after 4 years, including Hungary's name, because my Hungarian friend told me the proper translation of it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it <3)

Feliciano was woken up by the incessant beeping of his alarm clock. He slowly peeled himself out of his bed, slunked into the bathroom and then got dressed. On his way to the stairs, he listened at Lovino's door to make sure he was awake too, but was met with nothing but silence. If his brother didn't get up in time, they would miss the breakfast shift at the cafe!

"Fratello?" Feliciano knocked at the door, lightly first but then more aggressively. Eventually he heard Lovino yell, something that he couldn't make out, so he left him to it and went downstairs to make them something quick to eat.

It was still dark outside as it was about 5am and before sunrise. Their cafe opened at 6am. Lovino hated it, he valued his sleep, but Feliciano actually enjoyed getting up early as long as he was given some time to wake up.

Not feeling very hungry, he made himself an espresso and waited for his brother to come downstairs, which he did, slowly, sleepily, his hair a mess and his clothes crumpled. Feliciano wordlessly handed him freshly brewed cup of espresso and Lovino's mood seemed to lighten a little after drinking it.

Then they made their way to the cafe, using the car they inherited from their grandfather. It was old but it worked well for short distances, so it was perfect for the little village they lived in. Usually all their customers were local, it was rare to get visitors. The next big city was about twenty minutes away by train, which was something they luckily had, though the train station was in big need of a renovation.

Once inside the cafe, Feliciano started setting up the tables, straightening table cloths and putting vases with fresh flowers on display for each table. Lovino disappeared behind the counter, and soon Erzsébet and Yao joined them, immediately getting to work in the kitchen. Feliciano looked at the clock hanging on a beam above the countertop: 6am, opening time.

Feliciano went to unlock the door and flip the sign, and immediately the door opened. He stumbled back and was met with an equally surprised expression, displayed on the very handsome face of Ludwig Beilschmidt. Feliciano's heart quickened and a smile immediately spread on his face.

"Oh, good morning, loyal customer!" he said jokingly.

Ludwig nodded, a little confused, as if he had taken the joke as a statement.

"Good morning, Feliciano."

Feliciano loved hearing Ludwig say his name in that heavily accented voice, it was like music to him.

Ludwig sat down in his usual corner and pulled out his computer. From what Feliciano knew about him, the German worked for a tech company and was able to work at home, though he seemed to prefer the atmosphere of the coffee shop - which made Feliciano happy.

Even though he knew Ludwig would always wait exactly half an hour before ordering anything, he sauntered over to his table, leaning on it, and asked,

"Would you like to order anything~?"

Ludwig looked up, surprised, perhaps even mildly irritated, but his expression quickly softened.

"Not just yet, thank you." His pretty, blue eyes wandered to where Feliciano was leaning against the table and then quickly back to his computer screen. Feliciano was about to give up and saunter back to the counter, when, without looked up from his computer, Ludwig said,

"There are some new people arriving in town today. Friends of Fernandez, or so Gilbert told me."

Feliciano looked at him in surprise. Ludwig usually wasn't one for small talk and especially not gossip, and this sounded suspiciously like it. He suppressed a grin.

"Oh, really? Do you know anything more? Perhaps I could figure out what sort of coffee they like to drink." It was another joke, but Ludwig seemed to have missed that too, judging from his bemused frown.

"I do not know such specifics but one was a former romantic partner of Antonio. They seem to be on good terms, however, as Gilbert would have said if it was not so. My brother will tell anyone anything as long as they're willing to listen. Which is not the case when it comes to me, I have no choice in that matter."

Was that a joke? Feliciano giggled, though he was a little concerned at hearing of Antonio's ex, considering how much Lovino liked him. A slight smile appeared on Ludwig's lips and he finally looked up again. Their eyes met and Feliciano was determined to hold eye contact. This was the longest and closest they had ever interacted! Maybe he wasn't so crazy in thinking that maybe, just maybe, Ludwig liked him too. Thinking of what Lovino had said to him the day before, he burst out,

"Ludwig, do you have a wife and child at home that I don't know about?" He could slap himself, how embarrassing.

Ludwig was stunned but it only took him a few seconds to regain his composure.

"Of course not," he said simply, and that was all Feliciano wanted to hear.

Relieved and a little ashamed, Feliciano excused himself and went to find his brother to let him know what he just heard about Antonio. Maybe there was nothing to it, but it was better for him to know.

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