Chapter 1

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"Ciao, and welcome to the Vargas Café!" Feliciano Vargas winked at the customer that stepped through the doors. "How may we serve you today?"

It was Kiku Honda, a young black-haired Japanese man, with Arthur Kirkland by his side, a green eyed, messy blond-haired Englishman with dark caterpillar eyebrows. They were regulars here, just as the three men sitting by the table near the entrance (Francis Bonnefoy a blond French man, Gilbert Beilschmidt a German albino, and Antonio Fernandez Carriedo a brown haired Spaniard), and the loud, dirty blond American Alfred Jones, who was sitting at a table near the counter with his little brother Matthew Williams who had just moved here from Canada. And then there was Ludwig Beilschmidt, Gilbert's brother.

There was something about him that drew Feliciano in. Maybe it was the way he ran his hand through his blond hair to put a stray strand back in its place, or how his fingers skimmed over the keys of his computer. Or was it his German accent, or the way his blue eyes twinkled over the rim of his glasses? (A/N I don't know why, but I love Germany with glasses) Whatever it was, just being near him made Feliciano's heart speed up.

"We'll have the same as usual please."

Arthur's voice jerked the Italian out of his thoughts.

"That would be a cup of black coffee and a cup of tea please." Kiku added quietly.

"Si, coming right up!" Feliciano quickly walked towards the backdoor behind the counter, that led to the kitchen. In there Yao Wang and Elizaveta Héderváry worked together to create the most delicious Italian meals (all were special Vargas recipes of course).

Elizaveta was a tall Hungarian woman with long brown hair, and Yao was a significantly smaller Chinese male with long dark hair that he kept in a ponytail. Both were the nicest people Feliciano ever met and not to mention, excellent cooks!

"A black coffee and a tea please!" He called through the door.

"Coming right up!" Eliza smiled at him.

"A cheesecake and a hot chocolate." A grouchy voice ordered behind Feliciano.

Lovino Vargas. Feliciano's older brother, though many people mistook them as twins. There used to be three of them...

The smile on Feliciano's face faltered, and he quickly put it back on before anyone noticed. But Lovino noticed. He frowned at him, then nodded and put his arms around Feliciano. There were times when they could understand each other without words.

"Aw, look at you two hugging it out! So cute!" Elizaveta giggled, before she went to help Yao with the coffee.

"Anyway, you need to carry on taking orders." Lovino said after a moment, untangling himself from his brother. He usually wasn't into this whole hugging thing. "Meanwhile I'll go and tell Mr. Jones to shut the hell up!"

"Si, fratello!" Feliciano grinned and walked over to Ludwig. It looked like he hadn't ordered yet.

"Are you having the same as usual signore? A black coffee with a little sugar?" He asked as soon as he arrived at the table the German usually sat at.

"Uh, ja, thank you." He answered distractedly looking up from his computer. "Damn, why won't this work!" He mumbled, hitting a few keys in frustration.

"Do you need help?" Feliciano asked curiously.

Ludwig sighed, running his hand through his hair, and turned the computer towards the Italian waiter.

"I'm trying to copy the file unto this hard drive, but for some reason it's not working!"

"Let me try!" Feliciano took a seat next to Ludwig, trying to ignore how close they were, and instead focusing on the screen.

After a few clicks, the Italian solved the problem.

"Wow, Danke!" Ludwig smiled at him.

Feliciano's heart skipped a beat.

"Happy to help!" He answered with a wink. "Danke is German for thank you, isn't it?"


"And ja means yes?"

Ludwig laughed. "It does!"

"I'm learning German!" Feliciano let out an exited laugh.

"Hey fratello! Stop flirting with the customers and help me carry these boxes into the kitchen!"

Feliciano went bright red, and quickly hurried over to Lovino to take one of the cardboard boxes filled with food supplies off him.

"Did you have to let the whole café know?!" He grumbled.

Lovino grinned.

"So you were flirting?"

"N-no! Ludwig just needed help with something, so I helped him! That's all!"

"Ludwig?" Lovino lifted an eyebrow as he pushed open the door to the kitchen. "Where do you want these?" He asked Yao.

"Oh, they finally arrived have they? Just put them anywhere. Maybe over there." Yao nodded at the kitchen counter.

As soon as they set down the boxes, Lovino turned around to his brother.

"If you have feelings for that German, that's fine. But remember that he's just a customer that comes here to work. For all you know, he might have a wife and children waiting at home for him. I just don't want you to get hurt again." He added a little more quietly.

Feliciano flinched. Why was brother referring to him?

"I'm sorry fratello, I didn't mean to bring him up. I won't happen again." Lovino whispered. Then he turned and walked out the door to welcome a few new customers into the café.

Feliciano stood and watched him go.

"Feli? Are you alright?" Elizaveta asked behind him. She was holding a tray with three cups and a slice of cheesecake.

"Si I'm fine." He shook his head to clear it and smiled. "Are those the tea, hot chocolate, and coffee that were ordered? I'll bring them. Oh, and someone ordered a black coffee with a little sugar."

"Coming right up! You sure you're alright? You looked a little sad..."

"I'm fine!" He flashed her a grin and took the tray out of her hands.

She held the door open for him as he walked over to the table that Kiku and Arthur sat at, balancing the tray on one hand.

"Here is the coffee and tea! Anything else?"

"No thank you." Arthur said. Kiku nodded with a smile.

"Great! Well, enjoy!" Feliciano grinned and scanned the room for his brother. After all, it was Lovino who took down the order for the cheesecake and the hot chocolate.

He found him standing by the table near the entrance, where Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio sat. It looked like his brother was arguing with Antonio...

As Feliciano approached them, he could hear Antonio laugh, and to his surprise he saw his brother flush crimson.

(A/N. So, that was my first chapter, I hope you enjoyed! I'm going off to Germany tomorrow, but I'm taking my computer with me, and I'll try updating as much as I can!)

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