Stupid Idiot

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“Blackwood Studios” the assistant, Ashley answered. “No, Ms. Blackwood is busy at the moment. May I take a message?” she asked, pulling a sticky notepad and a pen out of her desk drawer and jotting it down as a yellow-orange red headed woman dressed in  black skinny jeans, a red flowing top with bell shaped sleeves walked through the office, clutching  her camera. That’s me. Autumn Blackwood. Manager of Blackwood Studios. 

“Thank you, I’ll let her know” she hung up.

“Who was that?” I asked. 

“That, Autumn, was a manager for a band. He’s seen your work and he wants to hire you for an upcoming tour” Ashley explained. 

“Ashley, are you serious right now?” I asked, amazed. 

“Autumn, I’m dead serious” said Ashley  with a big grin, playing on her lips.

“That’s awesome!” I shrieked, excitedly. “When do I meet them?” I asked.

“As long as it’s okay with John, which I’m sure he won’t care but he still has to give you the okay” said Ashley as she leaned against her desk with her arms across her chest.

“I know he won’t, Ash but I’ll talk to him and see” I commented as I headed to the elevator when Owen ran in at the last second. 

“Hey Autumn, can I have a word with you?” My husband of four years, Owen asked. 

“Sure” I smiled as his face went serious.

“How’s that proposal going?” He asked, pushing the button for the third floor.  

“It’s going great, why?” I asked, raising a brow. The elevator dinged three times before letting us off. I stepped out of the elevator, looking at Owen. 

“I was wondering. Listen, I overheard Ashley talking on the phone this morning and I was wondering if it’d be alright if I go instead?” he asked.

“But that manager just called a few minutes ago” I searched his eyes, wondering what he was up to.

“Actually, that was the second time he called. I answered the phone early this morning downstairs” said Owen as I scoffed.

“You mean, You want to take my place on the tour and take photos for the band instead of me?” I asked. 

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean,” said Owen, smiling from ear to ear. I shook my head, irritated that he would think I would just give up my place.

“No” I laughed, shaking my head as his smile disappeared. “No, I’ve worked my tail off to get where I am now. It’s my work  they’re interested in; not yours” I told him sternly. 

“But honey, it’s a guy band! You don’t know the things theyre capable of” He spoke worriedly. I continued to watch him closely, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“And you do? What are you up to, Owen?” I finally asked, in a serious tone. 

“Nothing sweetheart, I’m just worried about you” he raised his hand and cupped my chin, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I wasn’t buying it. I felt like he was up to something  by the look on his face with his little smirk. I wanted to say something but I didn’t want to argue with him because it’d just make a bigger argument at home and Zander didn't need to see that when he got home later from grandma’s.

“Don’t you trust me?” Owen asked. No, I dont’ trust you Owen

“Yes, of course. I trust you” I lied. 

“Good girl. I’ll go tell John you told me to go on with the job” he smiled as he kissed me on the cheek, turned and left my office. I sighed, walking over to my desk and sat down in my office chair. I turned on my old computer as it blinked to life, thinking about how I got in the mess of a marriage. I knew I was never going to be able to get out of this office as far as he’s concerned. He’s always wanting to run off or take over big projects. I get he wants to make a name for himself but couldn’t he do it his own way like I had to? Owen wanted to make sure I stayed in this office and away from anyone that I might find attractive. 

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