Trusting Him With The Truth

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Autumn's Pov.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of talking downstairs. I decided to investigate to see what the ruckus was going on. The one voice sounded like Jack’s but I couldn’t place the other. It sounded like a female and she sounded annoyed. What has got her panties in a bunch, I thought.

I crept quietly down the stairs and squatted down on the kitchen floor when I realized that this female may have been Alex’s girlfriend. I lifted my hand after fee;ing grit on my hand and looked at it to see it was covered in dust. How long has it been since Alex last cleaned? I laughed to myself knowing fully well it had been a long while.

“Is Alex around?” she asked.

“No, why?” Jack questioned.

“He hasn’t been answering any of my calls or texts” she said as Zander ran past me and stood behind Jack as soon as he saw the woman.

“Jack, what’s going on?” she asked, worriedly.

“We have a new photographer for the next tour but she’s been dealing  with some things. We’re helping her out with her son while she’s on the mend until the tour starts” Jack answered.

“I got to go” she said quickly as JAck grabbed her arm.

“Elizabeth, wait!” Jack pleaded.

“Why? So Alex can fall for her in front of me? I don’t think so” Elizabeth scoffed.

“It’s not like that. She can’t talk and her leg and arm is in a cast. She’s been beaten, Liza. Trust me, Alex is a good hearted person and we’re just trying to make her feel better” Jack said as Zack  and Ryan  pulled up to the curb. Elizabeth turned to see them getting out of their cars and walking up to the house. I got a good view of them coming up the lawn.  Alex pulled into the driveway  and walked up to the front porch to see Elizabeth and Jack, standing in the doorway of his home.

“What are you doing here, Jack?” Alex asked as Jack rolled his eyes, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“Is what Jack is saying true?” Elizabeth asked. Alex walked past Elizabeth when she grabbed his hands and pulled him around to face her.

“Alex, answer me” Elizabeth demanded.

“Come see for yourself” Alex said, sarcastically. He turned to go through the kitchen and I quietly crept back upstairs, back into the guest room and laid down when there was a knock at the bedroom door.

“Autumn, it’s us. Can we come in?” Jack asked. I slowly got up and walked to the door. When I opened it, Jack, Alex, Zack, Ryan and the woman called Elizabeth stood there in shock.

“Who’s she?” I mouthed out, looking up at Jack's tall lanky frame.

“Autumn, this is Elizabeth. She wanted to meet you” I walked closer to Jack and wrapped my right arm around his torso.

“I missed you” Jack whispered in my ear as I smiled. Jack is so sweet but after everything, I didn’t want to jump back into another relationship. I just wanted to be friends, nothing more. I felt closer to Jack though because I was more comfortable around him and I felt like I knew him a lot better than the other guys.

“Oh” said Elizabeth as I felt her eyes on me. I stepped back from Jack and used the door and wall to try to get back to the bed. I sat down and looked over at Alex.

“What’s up?” I mouthed out to him as everyone but Elizabeth came in.

“Nothing much, we just came to see you” said Alex as he looked back at Elizabeth, glaringly.

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