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“All rise! Court is now in session. May I present the honorable Ariana Walker” the bailiff announced as a young brunette Judge came out and stood behind her bench. 

“You all may be seated” she banged her gavel down on the wood top bench and zag down as everyone else did in the courtroom. 

Autumn sat in a wheelchair next to the table here attorney sat at. John, Alex, Ryan, Jack and Zack sat behind the bar on Autumn's side of the courtroom. Owen sat on the other side of the courtroom with a pair of black sunglasses and a cast on his foot. Suddenly, the doors opened and James and Katherine Taylor quietly snuck in and say on Autumn's side.

“What is this?”Judge Walker asked, pointing to Owen. “This isn't the beach, take those off” she demanded. His attorney elbowed him, making him take his sunglasses off. 

“Sorry your honor” said Owen as Judge Walker's eyes widened. 

“What the hell happened to you?” She asked. 

“My wife beat me, your honor,” said Owen, sadly . Autumn scoffed as Judge Walker looked over at Autumn. 

“I see why, you nearly killed her,” said Judge Walker as Owen stood up. 

“I did not kill her!” He shouted. 

“You stepped on her vocal chords!” Judge Walker yelled standing up, pointing at Autumn. If she could she would have shrunk down in her seat if everything wasn't bruised or broken on her body. 

“I did not!” Owen argued. 

“Shut up! Don't you start with me!” Judge Walker shouted. “I've read the police report, the ambulance report and the hospital report. You beat your wife to an inch from death and kidnapped your own son out of his bed at two in the morning.Where is your son now?” Judge Walker asked. 

“My Parents have him,”said Owen . Judge Walker looked over and saw Zander sitting by Owen’s parents. 

“I grant Miss Taylor Blackwood custody of Zander Taylor and I will file the divorce papers. Miss Taylor is free from this man” said Judge Walker, turning to look at John. 

“John, this man is fired from Blackwood Entertainment. I want this man so far from Miss Taylor so far from Miss Taylor he won't be able to contact her”she said. 

“What about me? aren't you going to punish her!” Owen shouted. 

“Sit down! You deserve everything she gave you. If I could I would come down there and beat you myself!

“This is bull crap!” Owen shouted as Judge Walker pointed at him. 

“One more outburst and I'll put you in contempt! Case dismissed!” She shouted, banging the gavel, grabbing the file and exiting the courtroom. Autumn sat there wide eyed speechless. Alex, Jack, Zack and Ryan all stood up and walked over to Autumn. 

“You stupid idiot! Look what you did! You broke up our family!” Owen ran over and smacked her across the face. 

“No you don’t” said the bailiff as he threw himself at Owen and handcuffed him. Jack picked i[ Autumn as John sat her wheelchair back on the floor. 

“Are you okay?” Alex asked as Autumn nodded. 

“Are you sure?” Jack asked. Autumn looked up at Jack and shook her head no. 

“We’re going to Baltimore tonight, until then you’re staying at our hotel room” said Alex. Autumn made a circle with her right hand as  if to say okay.  Jack placed Autumn in her wheelchair  and pushed her out of the courtroom as Owen was taken into custody. Jack pushed Autumn out to the car and Alex helped her into the car. He shut the door and turned to his bandmates. 

Alex sighed, running his hands through his shaggy brown hair. “What are we going to do? There’s no way I can cheer her up  after all that she’s been through” he said  as Owen’s parents walked over, carrying Zander. 

“This is Zander, all of his clothes and diapers are in the bag. His toys are in the back of our car if you can help us with them” said Owen’s father

“Let me help” said John as he walked over to the vehicle with them.

“Hi, what’s your name?” Jack asked. 

“Zandwer” said Zander.

“That’s a cool name buddy” said Ryan as he looked down at the three year old. 

“Tank yew” Zander smiled, shyly. John came  back pulling a wagon filled with Zander’s carseat and a clothed laundry basket full of toys.

“She said, “Keep the laundry basket” John chuckled. 

“What the hell were we supposed to keep the toys at, anyways?” Alex laughed. 

“He said a bad word,” said Zander as Jack laughed. 

“Sorry little buddy. I’ll try not to say anymore bad words”said Alex, ruffling Zander’s hair. 

“John, is there a way we can get Autumn’s stuff from her house?” Ryan asked. 

“ I can, with a police escort,” said John, smirking. “I’ll have it all shipped to your place” Alex stepped away from John  as Jack opened the car door and sat in the empty seat. 

“Are you okay?” Jack asked. Autumn turned to look at him. She had black tears  running down her face from her mascara. Her eyes were red along with her cheeks and ears. She shook her head, turning back to look at the window. 

“Anyone have any kleenex?”Jack shouted as Autumn backhanded him in the chest. Jack laughed looking over at the woman. 

“Damn you’re feisty” Autumn glared at him.

“Don’t mess with her Jack” John wanted. :She may have a broken arm but she will kick your butt” Jack laughed as John turned his back.

“Fine, don’t believe me” John glanced at them from the corner of his eye. Autumn tuned everyone out as she leaned against the window.

“Come on, turn that frown upside down” Jack smiled. He looked at Autumn  as she continued to stare out the window. “Look at the funny face. Look at the funny face” he said, making multiple funny faces. Autumn shook her head, not pulling her eyes away from the window. 

“Autumn” Autumn looked over seeing Alex standing outside of the car with his hands in his pockets. He walked around the car to the other side and motioned for the window to go down. 

“Alex, I’m not going to lean over her!” Jack shouted. 

“One of you roll the window down now!” Alex demanded. 

“No!” Jack shouted. 

“Yes!” said Alex as they continued to fight like children.Autumn rolled her eyes at their childish behavior. If she wanted to hear fighting, she’d go back to high school. Autumn reached over  with her right hand as Alex stuck his head through the window.  Alex reached up and rubbed the tears away with his thumb. Jack glared at him as Alex flipped him off behind Autumn’s back. 

“Don’t cry, Autumn. You’re too pretty to cry. Don’t let that jerk bring you down. He’s not a man  for raising a hand to you. You had every right to do what you did to protect yourself. Do you hear me?” Alex asked as Autumn nodded, wiping her face on her shirt.

“You’re too beautiful to let anyone bring you down. Don’t let anyone tell you you aren’t beautiful” said Alex as Jack grabbed her hand.

“What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?” Jack asked. Autumn turned, shrugging. 

“A carrot” Jack laughed as Autumn raised a brow. 

“What do you call a marathon for pastors?” Jack asked. “A rev run” he laughed along with the guys. 

“Jack you’re an idiot” said Alex, laughing  as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

“One last joke. What’s the best kungfu vegetable?”Jack asked as Autumn gave him a blank stare. 

“Broc Lee” said Jack as Autumn cracked a smile and laughed silently. 

“We need to get this show on the road, Matt wants us at the hotel as soon as we finish at the hospital,” said Ryan, getting in the car.

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