Crazy Husband

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Matt Fischer sat inside of an old diner, the next morning, waiting for Autumn to show up. He was just about to give up waiting when the door to the diner swung open and a tall blonde haired man with his kid came in. Matt sighed  as he paid for his meal, throwing extra cash down on the table for the tip. He pulled out his phone and called John.

“John, where is she?” Matt asked. 

“Where’s who?” John asked as Matt could hear multiple other people in the background. 

“Where’s Autumn? Shouldn’t she be here by now?” Matt asked. 

“She should have been. I sent her the directions where to meet you” said John  as he suddenly yelled at a fellow employee. 

“No, we’re not doing that!” 

“I’ve been here for forty-five minutes  and she hasn’t shown up. If this is some kind of joke…” Matt trailed off as John cut in.

“No this is no joke. She should have been there, she’s never been late once to an appointment. Let me call her  and see where she’s at” said John, hanging up. John called Autumn’s phone and it went straight to voicemail. 

“Autumn, where are you? Matt is waiting for you at the location I sent you. This is not like you to miss an appointment” said John, worriedly. He hung up just as his phone started ringing.

“Hello?” John answered.

“Hey John, it’s Matt. Some guy and his kid showed up and said, he’s taking  Autumn’s place. What’s going on? This isn’t the deal we had. We wanted Autumn, not her husband” said Matt, irritatedly. 

“Just wait, I'm heading over to her house to find out what’s going on” John said as he hung up and grabbed his keys out of his desk drawer. He walked through the french doors  and grabbed his coat off the coat rack, heading out of his office. 

John knew right off the bat that something wasn’t right. This wasn’t like Autumn to miss out on  a meeting or an appointment. She was always on time for everything that involved work. She loved everything there was to do with her job so when she missed out on work, something was up. 

He drove to the house Autumn and her husband shared and knocked on the door. Nobody answered, He looked in the window and didn’t see any lights on. He went around back, jumping the gate  and found an extra key under the flowerpot, unlocking the door. He walked in, looking around.

“Autumn?” he called out. The house was eerily quiet. John had a bad feeling as he walked further into the house. His blood ran cold, stopping him in his tracks as he saw Autumn laying on the floor, her orangey yellow red hair  matted with blood. He ran over to her, flipping her on her back and grabbed out his phone, quickly punching in the numbers.

“911, what’s your emergency?” the operator asked.

“I got a woman lying unconscious on the floor,” said John. 

“Is she breathing?” theoperator asked.

“Yes, but it’s very shallow”

“Hold on sir, the ambulance is on its way” said the operator as John gave them the address. 

“Autumn, hold on. You’re going to be okay. Just hold on”he whispered. Autumn mumbled something incoherent. Even though  John couldn’t hear her, he never left her side. He wasn’t allowed to ride in the ambulance but he followed it all the way to the hospital and called her parents, letting them know of the situation. 

Soon Autumn’s parents arrived at the hospital, asking where their grandson was. John was at a loss of words. He had no clue where Zander or Owen was for that matter. Her parents were tore up that Autumn’s mother, Katherine was crying, They were pacing the waiting room when the doctor walked in. 

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