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A/N: For the record, Bellatrix and Narcissa are very much rich and snobby, but neither of them are anti-Muggle in this story. Yes, I'm disregarding canon. No, I don't care.

Little bit of Weasley family bashing in here. I am also making up my own rules about how magic works.

Hope you read and enjoy. :)


Bellatrix sighed heavily as crying started from inside the room. She had known it was going to be a rough start, Minerva had told her the girl was resistant, but she hadn't realized the girl had received virtually no preparation or explanation about her classification. Shaking her head, she ventured down the hallway to Andromeda's room.

Her youngest sister was curled up against Narcissa's side, contently suckling on a sippy cup. She looked up as the door opened and happily greeted, "Bella!"

"What are you still doing awake, mon coeur?"

Narcissa rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "This little girl is refusing to take her nap."

"Not sleepy," Andromeda supplied as her reason.

Bellatrix hummed softly and made her way to sit on the bed. "Well, you don't have to sleep, but you do need a bit of quiet time," she responded. "I need to talk with Cissy about something in my study." Ignoring the blonde's curious look, she said, "I want you to stay here until we're done. You don't have to nap, but no toys. Books only. Understood?"

Andromeda nodded. "No toys. Books."

Bellatrix smiled and kissed the girl's temple. "Good girl. Cissy and I will be back in a little while."

She led Narcissa out of the room and to her study.

"You know that Drommie will follow the 'no toys' rule for about five minutes, yes?"

Bellatrix nodded. "I also know she will fall asleep on the floor not long after. It's fine." They entered her study, and she closed the door behind her. "We have a problem with Miss Granger."

"Already? She's hardly been here for two hours."

Bellatrix nodded. "I'm not in the mindset of sending her to the DoC. No, that would be cruel after so short a period. However, it is not going to be easy."

"We already knew that."

"Well, it's worse than we thought." Bellatrix sighed and shook her head. "No one explained to her how this works, Narcissa. I didn't know that when I picked her up, otherwise I would have taken the time to explain it before we left Hogwarts."

"She doesn't understand what being a Little actually means?" Narcissa clarified. "The Weasleys taught her nothing?"

"No. Merlin knows why, but it's probably stupid reasoning," the older woman mused, huffing in annoyance. "I'd be curious to know what the youngest boy classified as. He's always a little brat whenever I see him in Diagon. Behavior unbecoming of anything but a Little, really." She snorted softly. "Honestly, Drommie shows more maturity than that boy."

"But Miss Granger knows nothing about this?" Narcissa emphasized. "She doesn't understand what's actually wrong with her core, and how this is supposed to help correct it?"

Bellatrix shook her head. "No. She does not know any of that. She knows that her core is not where it should be, but she doesn't understand how this will correct it." She pursed her lips with an irritated huff. "Honestly, I'm considering opening an investigation into Molly Weasley. I might have grounds for negligent care of a Muggle-born student." She sighed and sat at her desk. "I went about things the wrong way with Miss Granger. I left her in her room in the throes of a meltdown."

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