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A/N: Hello, I am back with another chapter. This one in Andy's pov because I really, really wanted to write little Andy.

Hope you read and enjoy. :)


Andromeda woke up from her nap slowly. She'd fallen asleep in Bella's bed just after lunch. She alternated between her sisters' rooms for several days after any flare up of pain. She was more susceptible to nightmares in the following days, and she'd end up in one of their rooms anyway. Might as well start there in the first place.

She wouldn't tell anyone, but she also just wanted to have some alone time with her sisters. She liked having Hermione stay with them. She wouldn't change that. But there was a teensy tiny bitty part of her that didn't want to share her sisters. She really did try her best to keep that part locked away. She had said that it was okay for Hermione to come stay with them. Plus, Bella and Cissy were her sisters, and nothing was going to change that.

Andy burrowed down into the blankets. Bella had attended a Wizengamot meeting that morning, and she might not be back for a while still. Andy would have to occupy herself in the meantime. And she knew exactly what to do.

She rolled out of bed and took several steps towards the door before she stopped with a small grimace. She needed a new nappy. She tried not to use them as often anymore. She didn't need them like she did before. Back when being Big was so hard. She needed them then, but now she didn't really need them. She still used one whenever she slept. This time was no different. She'd just have to find Narcissa before she went to work on her plan.

The highest chance of finding Narcissa was in the potions lab, so that was where Andy headed. As she approached the potions lab, she could hear voices coming from inside. Narcissa must have been giving Hermione a private lesson. Andy supposed that was okay. She didn't really like potion brewing. She only studied it because she would need a NEWT for if she ever decided on becoming a Healer.

But that was a very Big decision, a very scary one, to make. Bella and Cissy were supportive of the idea, but they weren't forcing her to make the decision, and they were perfectly okay with her never following through on it, too. Cissy's lessons still focused on preparing for the required NEWTs, which meant that Andy had to practice potion brewing. She could get away with one more day of not brewing, though.

She peered around the door to the lab and, as expected, found Narcissa and Hermione at one of the tables, standing over a cauldron. Narcissa studied the contents intently, but there was the smallest upturn of her mouth that usually meant she was pleased with something. Hermione must have done well with whatever they were brewing.

Andy knocked on the door to alert the two of her presence. Narcissa most likely knew she was there, or at the very least approaching. Her sisters had all sorts of wards and charms around the manor to alert them of Andy's location. The lab was no exception; in fact, it might have had the most wards and charms of any room in the manor. In the middle of brewing, Narcissa wouldn't want to be startled by Andy (or Bella, but mostly Andy) suddenly appearing.

"Have a good nap, Drommie?" Narcissa asked, acknowledging Andromeda's presence. She didn't look up from studying the cauldron, but her voice had a warm, pleasant tone that indicated she was happy Andy was there.

Andromeda hummed affirmatively in reply. "Change, Cissy," she declared. She tugged at the band of her nappy. Now that she'd walked through the manor, the wet diaper had become uncomfortable.

Hermione, who had been watching her curiously, quickly looked away, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. Andromeda wondered when the other girl would stop having that sort of reaction at the mention of diapers.

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