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A/N: This is the last of the pre-written chapters I had in my docs. A reminder that I am making up how magic works and it may or may not differ from original source canon. Also different from canon is the fact I forgot Sirius was made Harry's godfather, and that is also being disregarded for this particular fic. Oops. 

If you're still here, I hope you read and enjoy. :)


After breakfast the next day, when she got tired of hiding in her room as noon approached, Hermione found Andromeda in the parlor. The other teen was sprawled out on the floor with papers and art supplies strewn about the floor around her. Andromeda hummed softly to herself as she scribbled on a paper.

"What are you doing?"

Andromeda tilted her head before she looked up. "Drawing."

"Right," Hermione drawled. "What are you drawing?"

"Lots'a stuff."

Hermione wrinkled her nose. She realized a more direct approach was needed. "Can I see?"

Andromeda stared at her for several moments, but then shrugged. "Okay," she said before going back to her current doodling.

Hermione crouched down and picked up a couple discarded papers. She had been expecting crude drawings with no discernible pictures, but she was surprised at the intricate depictions of various constellations and animals. "These are good, Andromeda."

The girl hummed softly. "Thank you, Miss Granger."

"You could call me Mione, if you'd like," she offered after the other girl struggled to say her name. Was that part of Andromeda's headspace, or was it a result of whatever had been done to her?

Andromeda lifted her head. She gave a small, shy smile. "Okay. Am Andy."

Bellatrix entered the room. "There you are, Drommie," she said as a way of greeting. "Are you and Miss Granger getting along?"

Andromeda nodded while Hermione rolled her eyes. "You can call me Hermione. You're making me wear a nappy. You could at least call me by my first name."

Bellatrix pursed her lips but didn't comment on the snarky reply. "Speaking of. Avez-vous besoin d'une nouvelle couche, fille?"

Andromeda did not look up from her doodling as she responded, "No, Grande Soeur."

Bellatrix gave a hum of disbelief. She approached the two girls and knelt in front of Andromeda. As she reached for the younger sister, Andromeda started squirming, trying to avoid the older woman's hands. Bellatrix caught her anyway, and Andromeda whined and struggled harder as the woman slipped her hand down the waistband of her shorts.

"Thought so, little liar. You know a wet nappy is not good to lounge in all day." She helped Andromeda to stand as the girl groaned in irritation.

Hermione's eyes widened. Andromeda actually used her nappy? And from the way Bellatrix spoke, it seemed to be a common occurrence. Though she didn't know why it shocked her. Narcissa had told her that Andromeda's headspace could be as young as an infant. Andromeda had also been doing this a lot longer than she had. Of course she might be more comfortable with using a nappy.

"While I'm taking care of this one," Bellatrix began as she led Andromeda toward the door. "Please consider the effect a person's magic might have on the effectiveness of a potion Miss... Hermione." The older woman didn't seem too thrilled using her first name, but it was a start. "Narcissa wants to brew a few batches of Calming Draught for our personal stores. It would be a good first lesson for you, I think."

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