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A/N: This chapter very much got away from me, and then I didn't know how to end it. That's why it's taken a bit to post for anyone reading this lol. Reminder that I'm just making stuff up about the worldbuilding and how magic works in this. It's fanfic I'm posting for fun. I'm not exactly scientific here. 

If you're still here, I hope you read and enjoy. :)


Before Hermione knew it, a whole week had passed since the morning that had changed her entire life. When she wasn't participating in some sort of lesson with one of the older Black sisters, she was reading in the observatory. Andromeda had shown her how to simulate weather. She could spend each day reading in a cold, snowy room warmed by a fire, or curl up on the couch while it rained overhead. It quickly became her favorite room of the manor. Though, she still had yet to visit the library, but even then, the observatory would be one of her favorite rooms.

Andromeda had given her a couple more books that morning, all of which had to do with the classifications system. Hermione wondered how the other girl knew about her desire to research the topic, but Andromeda had given her the books and then ran off to do something, leaving Hermione on her own.

While the books did give her a better understanding of the system, it didn't help her find a way out of her current situation. There were dozens of case studies about designated Littles having their cores developed properly within a few years, sometimes even within the first year of designation. There wasn't much about the opposite, but Hermione did find an article about someone who had willfully ignored their classification, and ended up losing their magic and memory from it.

Hermione didn't want that to happen. She didn't want to be a Little, but she certainly didn't want to lose her magic. It was a very integral part of her. Some of her best memories came from having magic.

Not to mention, what would she do about a career? Even if she only acquired one NEWT when she was allowed to retake them, though she'd like to receive more, she would at least be able to find work in the wizarding world. Without magic, she would have to go back to the muggle world, and she wasn't equipped to work there. Her Hogwarts education wouldn't transfer anywhere, and she'd stopped going to primary school when she got accepted. How was she supposed to catch up?

Hermione suddenly shoved the books away and curled up on the couch. Hot tears filled her eyes as she made herself as small as possible. What would she do if she couldn't find a job in the wizarding world? What if she did lose her magic? How was she supposed to get by? How could she ever face her parents?

She was startled by something being pressed into her hands. She looked up to find Andromeda knelt in front of the couch, watching her in concern. The girl's stuffed panda was in her hands now. Hermione's chest constricted, and suddenly it was hard to breathe.

"Be back," Andromeda said before running out of the room.

Hermione wanted to call out to stop her, but all that came out was a strangled sob. She just curled back up into a ball and cried, heavy sobs completely overtaking her.

"Andromeda, you know the rule about running in- oh," she just managed to hear Bellatrix through her loud cries. The woman's tone softened considerably as she said, "Oh, Hermione, darling." The couch shifted slightly before Hermione found herself in the woman's lap. "Focus on my voice, love. Take a deep breath for me." Her instructions were firm, but she still spoke with a gentle tone. Hermione did as told. "Good girl. Hold it for me. Andromeda, count to ten."

The girl did as told, and then Hermione exhaled quickly.

"Do it again. Deep breath, and hold it while Andy counts." Just as Hermione started to exhale again, Bellatrix added, "Exhale slowly, sweetheart." Hermione did so, and the women softly cooed, "That's it. Good girl. Once more for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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