A/N: I had intended to get this up over the weekend, but got whammied by illness. So, it's a day late. But! It's 4k words so hopefully that makes up for it.
Some translations:
mon ange - my angel
mon ourson - my teddy bear
mon trésor - my treasure
ma colombe - my dove
Hope you read and enjoy. :)
Hermione woke up to the warm and fuzzy feeling she'd had in her belly overtaking her entire body. Her head was light and dizzy. If she got up, she didn't think she could stand on her own. She was floaty, ungrounded. Like she just might fly away from the bed.
It terrified her. This was not a normal feeling. If this was what her headspace felt like all the time, she didn't want it.
Someone suddenly laid on top of her, startling a soft whine from her lips. It was more than likely Andy. "You're okay, Mione," the other girl whispered.
Hermione shook her head and whimpered. "No. Not good. Bad."
Andy rubbed the girl's back soothingly. "You feel floaty and weightless, right?"
Hermione nodded. Andy would know what it was like. Maybe this was normal.
"It's not like this every time, Hermione. I promise," Andy assured. She held Hermione tightly, folding them into the mattress. "Not to this extreme. That warm fuzziness remains, but the floaty, weightless feeling will go away. Just let yourself fall, Hermione." Andromeda shifted until she laid on her side, and held Hermione like she did her panda stuffie. "Bella and Cissy are here. They'll take care of you. Just let go, and they'll take care of things for a while."
"Scary," Hermione managed to whisper.
"I know it seems scary, but you'll come up out of it, Hermione," Andromeda promised. "It's perfectly normal. Your core and mindset are finally aligning. Just let yourself drop, and then you'll be up and out of it in a day or so." She nuzzled her head gently against Hermione's cheek. "Just stop thinking, and let yourself drop. Thinking can come later."
Hermione breathed in slowly. She supposed there wasn't any harm in dropping. And maybe the sooner she did, the sooner she could stop the floatiness overtaking her. She really didn't like it. "How?" She would have felt bad about speaking in single word phrases, but Andy knew what that was like. Hopefully, she could decipher what Hermione said just like her sisters did for her.
"Let Bella and Cissy take care of you. Unless there's something you're truly uncomfortable with, just let them take care of things."
"Too little," Hermione whined softly.
Andromeda stroked her cheek affectionately. "Never too little, mon ourson." Hermione didn't know what that word meant. She hoped it wasn't anything bad. "I can drop that deep, too, if it would make you feel better. Then you can do what I do, and you'll know that it's okay. As long as you're comfortable with it."
Well, that was a good point. Maybe it would work. At the very least, she wouldn't have to think too much about what Ron said. That hurt. And she didn't want it to hurt anymore.
She turned around and grabbed the front of Andy's shirt in her fist. "Okay. Can try."
Andromeda smiled at her, so warm and sweet. "Come, mon ourson. We'll find Bella or Cissy."
"I'm right here," Narcissa said from the doorway. It really must have been magic that they always seemed to appear so suddenly and quietly. Or a superpower. Definitely one of the two though. "Does Hermione know you called her a teddy bear?"
Black's House for Little Witches
FanfictionNo one told Hermione Granger about the intricacies of magical society. She's been classified as a Little with absolutely no understanding of what that means. The Ministry has decided to place her with a completely unknown family to help her settle i...