Chapter Two

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"woah i did not expect this much people" i said as i looked around noticing almost everyone had a i heart tara yummy sticker on their clothes. "oh i so need to get me one of those" i said scanning the room for one

"oh god" jenna laughed "jenna i'm being for real help me" i said in a serious tone "oh okay calm down" she said helping me with my search.

Third person's POV-

As Alex and Jenna search for the stickers alex desperately wants, people around them start to notice their presence wondering what big Hollywood actors could be doing at an influencer's party.

Both girls oblivious to the stares they're getting as they finally manage to get their hands on the stickers they wanted. Alex sticking one on her crotch area thinking it was the funniest thing in the world Jenna rolling her eyes wondering why she's friends with someone who has the mindset of a 12 year old boy.

On the other side of the room is tara having the time of her life with her friends celebrating her accomplishment of gaining 1 million subscribers. A camera following around capturing footage for her montage that she's putting together. Though people are starting to be aware of the presence of both actress girls, tara isn't.

Alright back to the girls pov.

Alex's POV

"damn this shits strong" i said trying my best not to throw this shit up. "no shit that's straight liquor" Jenna said her nose scrunching as she downs her shot

"hey sorry to bother you guys but by any chance are you alex cruz and jenna ortega" i hear a voice behind me say. 'shit' i thought. slowly i turn and am i met with two girls with their phones in their hands probably ready to capture a picture.

"yup that would be us, nice to meet you" i said extending my hand out to shake their hand. "omg see i told you" her friend says to her. "could we possibly get a picture with you guys" they eagerly asked

"yeah of course" Jenna said walking towards the girls grabbing my hand dragging me with her. I stood next to her putting my arm around her as one of the girls came by my side for the photo. The other girl asking someone random to take our picture.

After a picture or two we said our goodbyes and parted ways. "well we went unnoticed for about 5 minutes" i said causing Jenna to laugh "Eh that's longer than our past attempts" she says as we walk further down the party.

"true" i laughed "wait you think tara knows we're here" i ask starting to feel my nerves rise again thinking about how awkward it's gonna be to explain why we're here uninvited to her party.

"omg what do we even say" i say stopping in my tracks "matter of fact how do you know about this party" i ask turning to look at her. "i don't know i was just in my dms and people were randomly sending messages about this party" she says shrugging her shoulders as if it was nothing

"hold up, so you're telling me you didn't know if this was a real party or not" i say in disbelief "oh yeah now that i think about it we could've died,whoops" she says very nonchalant for my liking.

"whoops? really that's all you got to say" i ask a little annoyed with her carelessness. "and that's another reason why i brought you, to protect us you know put those muscles to use" she says caressing my bicep lowkey boosting up my ego.

"yeah" i ask in a somewhat flirty tone forgetting what i was even tripping about "mhm" she hums looking up at me with this unreadable look in her eye, her hand still caressing me.

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