Chapter 2

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Maren stood up, hearing Lana start to yell to her friend about how she did better than her. It's also the first time Lana has said Maren's name aloud.

She smiled, and looked down at her paper, a bright red "100%" staring her down.

Maren let out a deep breath of relief, still being able to hear Lana's whoops of victories. This made her happier than actually beating Lana

Maybe it was because she knew she actually did better. Maybe it was because she liked hearing Lana happy.

Who knows.


Lana ran down the hallway, soon finding Calista nearby and immediately grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her.

"Whoa, Lansy, what happened?"

"I did it! I did freakin' better than her! Damn Maren, haha!" another whoop was sent out and she continued to rant to Calista about her previous victories.

They walked through the hallway, down to their next classes and agreed to congregate once more at lunch time. As Calista went to her second class she notices the girl with the beanie, a small smile on her face. Huh.

The time arrived and left, and Calista basically jumped out of her seat once she heard the bell sound.

She quickly stopped at her locker, grabbing her backpack before rushing through the halls once more.

As Calista walks to one of the tables she and Lana sat at, she noticed the girl Lana has been talking about. Maren - she thinks her name was.

She had a test laid in front of her, hidden slightly under a folder and Maren calmly scrolled on her phone while eating her lunch.

The test out was the math test, the one Lana had gotten better than her at, and as Calista passed she took a look at the grade- debating whether to go up to Maren or not.

Calista is stopped in her tracks when she notices a bright red "100%" staring her down.

Calista's mouth is slightly agape, as her mind connects a few dots about the situation.

Her lips purse, and her head nods in some kind of understanding.

This will play out funnily, she thinks idly as she walks over to Lana and the rest of their group.

She sits down, and Lana still has a proud look on her face. Calista notices Maren look up at Lana for a moment, and after seeing Lana's confidence she looks down and smiles at the test- hiding it under the folder further.

Calista chuckles.

"Maren is so confident, it's about time I did better then her! This is the first of many, and this girl seems pretty happy trying to beat me. Slap the confidence off her face, that's my new goal!" Lana says jokingly, laughing about her little rivalry.

Maren overhears, quietly thinking to herself.

"She'll always do better than me. Well, most of the time."

The love hasn't sparked yet, in either of the girls' minds.

All they can think about is winning and having fun- or making sure the other has fun.


Confidence highs are the best kind of highs. Not like Lana would know would know what it's like to be high, she doesn't, well, like to do that? She doesn't know, but she does know that being high off of confidence is deadly.

It lasted the entire day.

In the last few minutes of class, her teacher, Mrs Anderson, stood up to make an announcement.

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