Chapter 3

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She nods her head, and then hears Calista's car honk from outside. She grabs her shoes and backpack and slides out the door, into Calista's passenger seat. They chat idly, trying to distract Lana from her worries ahead.

She wants to convince herself she just wants to win, but she secretly just doesn't want to be embarrassed.

She doesn't want to get into the psychology of that.

The games start at 10:00. Meaning she currently has three hours of classes to get through before she has to face Maren. She sits down in her math class, tapping her fingers rapidly against her desk.

Maren isn't here yet. She's never here this early.

But after 5 minutes of Lana waiting, her beloathed arrived.

She sits in her chair next to Lana smugly, eyes squinting slightly as she grins. The two lock eyes, and Lana lets out a huff and shakes her head.

Maren lets out a chuckle, and Lana can't contain a small grin that spreads across her face. She wants to stay mad at her, but she is kind of funny.

Lana hides the smile under the pretense of her being upset, and puts her head down on her desk and groans.

"You good?"

Lana turns her head over on the desk to face Maren, "Why do you torture me like this. You are stalking me, aren't you? You bitch-"

Once more, she laughs.

"Jeez, I know you hate me but calm down. I don't think I'm that bad."

"You are that bad."

"Okay then, Lana."

Their teacher interrupts them, starting off their lesson for the day.

And as Maren looks to the front off the board and starts to take notes, Lana smiles at her once again, small and unnoticeable.

It was kind of fun messing around.

Those thoughts are shaked almost immediately.

Maren could've sworn, out of the corner of her eye she saw Lana smile at her.

Sweet and small.

Her own smile is hidden under hair and a beanie.

10:00 comes sooner than expected.

Everyone was called to their last period rooms to find their partners, so they can start to walk out to the field and they can start the Spirit week.

Calista had split off from her to go to her room with Ember. The lucky gals got to team together. While Lana was stuck with Maren.

All the kids in her class file into the room slowly, and Mrs Miller started to make an announcement, "Hello! I never get to see you all this early, but I won't bore you with any of that. The games are going to take place at the field, and if you don't make it past the first round of teams then you get to just hang out with your partner, I guess! We don't really need to do anything else besides attendance, to see who gets participation points. If you're here, and not skipping, you get 100%. Easy peasy."

She waved off all the kids to find their partners, and shooed them outside towards the field.

As Lana walks out the door, she feels a tap on her shoulder from a familiar face.

"Aren't you forgetting your partner Lana?"

She looked Maren straight in her eyes, god her pretty eyes , and groaned.

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