Lena looked down at the writhing, swaying bodies below her with an almost bored expression as she took a generous sip of her Belvedere on the rocks allowing the spirit to warm her throat and belly as it glided down her throat. The ice clinked against the crystal as she idly tipped her glass from side to side and the noise seemed to join the muted bass that was able to penetrate her sound proofed office from the massive pulsing of the speakers below. Her club IMPULSE was the hottest place to be in National City and she was proud of the success of her business. Proud of how she had broken away from her toxic family who seemed to only care about money and power no matter who they hurt in the process. She was the black sheep who disappointed them with almost everything she did. Nothing was good enough in their eyes. So, yes, she was proud of the club that brought her patron's entertainment and escape from their dreary, mundane lives.
The club had also brought her pleasure on many evenings when the urge to seek out companionship had become too overwhelming to ignore. She would seek a beautiful woman to quench a thirst that was never truly sated only muted until the urge overtook her again and she would seek another and another and another. It was a relentless need that never abated and thankfully her club had always managed to provide. Lena would allow her gaze to drift over the heated bodies dancing and drinking their nights away until she found a heavenly body that peaked her interest and she would seduce and bed the chosen with relative ease. And after a passionate and lust filled night she would slip away from whoever's arms were wrapped around her and would disappear back to her singular existence, her heart untouched but her body aching pleasantly from her night of carnal delight.
But lately she had felt empty after these exchanges of passion and mutual pleasure. No one seemed to spark even the slightest interest and her need was at an all time high and she needed to release the pressure, she needed a woman, maybe two to push down the insatiable appetite that was never satisfied. Lena finished her drink with a sigh and gazed down at the bodies dancing below once more and her breath caught in her throat when the moving lights highlighted a flash of blonde hair shimmering and swaying around a woman in the centre of

the dance floor. Lena lost her for a moment when the lights moved onto the other dancers. She placed her empty glass on the table beside her and rested her hands against the cool one way mirrored glass that lined this side of her office so that she could keep an eye on the club without having to be surrounded by the throngs of people vying to get the stunning club owners attention. Her eyes swept from left to right until she saw the woman that had grabbed her attention. Her breath caught again and she felt a new warmth that spread throughout her body and rested between her thighs making her clitoris twitch at the vision below.
The woman danced as if it was just her and the pulsating music. She was at one with the beat and her body moved with fluid sensual grace and strength. Her clothing was almost chaste compared to the scantly clad woman that slithered and slinked around her. The pants, leather, she thought, but couldn't be certain from this distance hugged her legs and tight, high ass. The crimson long sleaved blouse was loose enough to allow the blonde free flowing movement as she danced with reckless abandon. The blondes eyes were closed and Lena licked her lips as she watched the woman run her hands up and through her soft, silky hair as her feet and hips moved. The blonde hair fluttered back down across her shoulders, the woman's arms waving in the air a few times before running down the front of her body over perfectly formed breasts. Lena wasn't the only person captivated by the free spirit dancing as if she didn't have a care in the world. Men and women moved in close to the blonde to dance within her presence and she didn't seem to notice any of them. She was in a world of her own and she drew others to her like a magnet, but she never opened her eyes or acknowledged any of them, so they would move away and others would be drawn in to try their luck at being noticed.
Lena was captivated by the scene below her and her body hummed with energy and warmth. She wasn't able to look away and she found herself wishing that the blonde would open her eyes. Lena knew she wouldn't be able to even see their colour from her position, and she found what she was thinking to be quite disturbing, her behaviour, the way she was fixated on the blonde embarrassing. She didn't feel in control and her control was all she had, she prided herself on her ability to stay in control of her actions, thoughts and feelings. She had been controlled by others for most of her life, and once she was able to escape, she ensured that no one wielded that kind of power over her. Who are you? Where did you come from? Lena thought to herself still unable to stop her intense and visceral reaction to the dancer that held every ounce of her attention. Lena's forehead was pressed against the glass, her breathing was rapid with desire, but she couldn't move. The blonde turned as if in slow motion and her head raised towards the office above the dance floor and Lena gasped when the blonde opened her eyes and seemed to look right at her as if sensing Lena's stare. Her arms moved up her body and out towards the club owner as if in invitation. Lena's legs were weak and despite knowing that the woman below her couldn't possibly see her behind the glass she felt as if she was being touched. Lena blinked and forced herself away from the window and sat heavily onto the couch. She was having trouble breathing and undid to buttons on her tailored jacket and yanked it off, tossing it aside as she tried to reel in her unexpected feelings and discomfort.
What the hell was that? She thought to herself when she finally managed to get her breathing under control. She pressed her legs together to try to ease the continuous pulsing between her legs. She grabbed her glass and crossed over to the bar and after tossing out the melting ice cubes poured herself another drink and swallowed it all in one fluid motion. She was wound

tight and her need was too inflamed to ignore. Lena was on fire and only one woman would be able to put out these flames. The blonde who had ignited her in the first place. She checked her appearance in the full length mirror and after releasing her hair from her loose pony tail and opening a couple of buttons on her black button down shirt to expose a tantalizing view of cleavage she left her office to accept the unspoken invitation from her blonde dancer.
Kara had moved off the dance floor into one of the darker corners of the club and waited. Her eyes were focused on the door that she expected to open any moment now. She was certain that she had given the club owner enough to get her attention. Lena's reputation for plucking women from the dance floor for a night of passionate, sweaty sex was infamous and Kara had finally found the courage to try to grab the dark haired beauty's attention. She had harboured desires for Lena Luthor for months now. Ever since she had first laid eyes on her when she had been dragged to the club by Alex and Maggie. Kara hadn't been able to get the club owner out of her mind. She knew that Lena rarely bedded the same woman twice and that was certainly not Kara's style, but she had to do something. Alex had told her repeatedly to just forget about her and find a nice woman that could give her more than just a hot fuck. Kara grimaced at the word fuck even though she knew it was true. She had heard the stories through the lesbian grape vine. All the women knew that Lena was unattainable. At least emotionally. But she had listened to women who'd had the pleasure of knowing Lena for a night and they all said that in the moment Lena was there completely and made them feel like the most precious thing on earth and gave them exactly what they desired between the sheets and they were always satisfied and left just a little bit in love with her by the time they woke up to find her gone as if it was just a dream.
Kara felt like she was already in love with her and try as she might she just couldn't get Lena out of her mind or heart. She couldn't bring herself to tell Alex that she felt an unspoken connection to the notorious seductress that she had only seen in the pulsing confines of club IMPULSE. Alex would undoubtedly call her a fool if she knew that Kara spent hours at the club each week just hoping to catch a glimpse of Lena. Her heart breaking every time she saw the stunning dark haired beauty pick up one woman after another and allowing them to take her home. Finally she realized that the only way to stop her obsession with this seductress was to stop hiding and to lure Lena to her. It had taken her months to build up her courage to do what she had just done. She was shy by nature and didn't like to stand out and draw attention to herself. But to get a chance with Lena that was exactly what she had to do and as she looked across the club waiting for that door to open she gave a silent prayer to the goddess of love that she had done enough because Kara didn't think she would be able to go through this again if she failed. Kara held her breath and her world stood still as the door finally opened and she saw Lena emerge through it with an intense purposeful look on her gorgeous face. It had taken longer than Kara had expected and for a moment she thought that perhaps it wouldn't be her that had drawn Lena out of her office. Goddess I'll die if she chooses someone else, she thought to herself as she watched Lena stalk gracefully and full of purpose towards the dance floor.
Kara's heart pounded and her stomach fluttered as she watched Lena's eyes sweeping the dance floor ignoring several woman who reached out and propositioned her with a seductive touch or a look. She's searching for me! Kara thought ecstatically her self doubt getting pushed away to be replaced with a confidence she had never felt before. When she saw a look

of profound disappointment cross Lena's face her eyes flashing with emotion that surprised Kara, but sent her strolling with purpose back towards the dance floor and her target.
Yes, Kara thought as she allowed all her fears and self consciousness to fall away and embraced her persona of confidence and sensuality, this time will be a whole new experience for you, Lena, because this time I am the seductress. Kara's eyes never strayed from the woman who was looking more and more desperate by the second as her eyes continued her search and she continued to reject the women that all vyed for her attention. Kara enjoyed avoiding Lena's eyes as she made her way through the writhing, swaying, grinding bodies between her and her prize. She was able to come up right behind the tall, slim club owner and Kara saw her freeze as if she felt her, recognized her. Kara brushed Lena's hair aside and pressed her mouth against the freshly exposed neck in a feather light, whisper of a kiss and her heart expanded when she felt Lena shiver at her touch. Kara pulled back and still Lena didn't turn around and Kara sensed that the brunette wasn't even breathing, she was so still. The crowd around them seemed to give them space as Kara ran her fingers lightly over Lena's back as she slowly made her way around to face the object of her hearts desire. Blue eyes met green and for a moment they both seem to get lost. Kara's fingers trailed over Lena's collar bone and down between her breasts before moving back to her side. Kara leaned forward not breaking eyes contact until the last second when she veered away so that she could whisper into Lena's ear.
"Don't forget to breathe, Lena." Kara felt as Lena exhaled, her breath caressing the side of Kara's neck as she stepped back to focus on the club owner once more. Kara begun to move as the music seemed to suddenly begin pounding in her ears again. She had been so focused on Lena that everything around her had seemed to disappear. A sliver of doubt trickled through Kara's confidence when she detected what looked like fear in Lena's eyes.
Breathe. Yes, breathe. What the fuck is wrong with me! Move damn it! Do something! You came down from your ivory tower to get her. Take her! Lena didn't move, except for her eyes. They drank in the woman who had starting moving in a slow seductive dance that still somehow seemed to fit perfectly with the fast tempo of the pounding music. The blonde reached out and took her hands and placed them on her hips before stepping close and placing her own hands around Lena's neck. Never did the blondes sparkling blue eyes release her from her hypnotic gaze. Her instincts were screaming at Lena to run even as her body betrayed her and she felt her nipples tighten in arousal and a flood of heat burst at the apex of her thighs. The blonde led her in an intimate slow dance that shouldn't have been as erotic as her body was making it. Lena had never been so scared in her life. She wasn't in control. There was no control. She was lost in the feel of the blondes body pressing against almost the full length of hers and in the intensity of her gaze.
Who is this woman? God, she feels amazing in my arms. Like I'm home. What? What the fuck is that about. This is about physical pleasure, Lena, she chastised herself internally. Nothing more. Break her hold on you. Take control and take what you want. What you need. If not with her with someone else. Someone safer. Lena forced her eyes closed and shook her head. You are in control. YOU ARE IN CONTROL.
Kara felt Lena's internal struggle. And she felt momentary panic when she felt Lena start to pull away. Lena's eyes shut and the connection loosened it's grip between them. Kara leaned forward and did what she had wanted to do since she had first seen the stunning woman

standing before her. She pressed her lips against Lena's in a kiss that was filled with months of unrequited desire. Kara saw the bright green flash as Lena's eyes opened in surprise before a moan vibrated in the brunette's throat and she pulled Kara tighter against her, their connection re-established and increasing in voracity as their kiss deepened with Lena's tongue seeking entrance and Kara gladly accepting. Kara, wasn't sure who was in charge now, but she was on fire with desperate need and when she pulled back breaking the kiss she saw the need reflected in Lena's shining eyes. They were both panting and their slow dance had turned into a slow grind as the kiss had progressed, thighs slipping between legs to press into one another's heat. Kara felt she may spontaneously combust when her hips involuntarily pressed harder against Lena's thigh.
"Take me home," Kara whispered into Lena's ear and her heart nearly burst when the words seemed to finally break through Lena's paralysis.
Lena nodded and stepped back on unsteady legs and took the blondes hand within her own and led the way through the dancing masses towards the door that led to her office. Her car keys were in her discarded jacket. She felt her control returning even though there was something different with this encounter. Lena ignored it for the moment, not prepared to examine everything she was feeling in this moment of time. Her need was too great. She needed this woman as much as she needed the oxygen filling her lungs and she didn't even know her name......

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