Kara opened the door and entered the most stunning and HUGE bathroom she had ever seen in a home. She dropped Lena's hand, the woman momentarily forgotten as she took it all in. It was all black and white with shiny chrome fixtures. Along one wall was his and her sinks, or rather her and her sinks. A large jakuzzi spa sat in the middle of the room and was probably big enough for four people. The toilet and bidet were situated in another corner with the remaining corner housing an open shower with two large shower heads and what appeared to be two inbuilt benches on either wall. Though one was situated higher than the other.
Lena's voice startled Kara from her awestruck perusal of the spectacular facilities, "should I leave you and the bathroom alone for a moment?" Lena chuckled finding Kara's wide eyed spellbound look utterly adorable.
The blonde blushed and gave Lena a little shove for her teasing before heading over to the sink and turning the faucet. "Hush you. It's not like I've been in a palace like this before." Kara splashed her face with water effectively cleaning off all of her makeup ensuring that all of the smudged mascara was gone.
"It's hardly a palace, but I know that it is extravagant compared to regular people's homes." Lena shrugged, "I grew up with the privileges and comforts that money can buy...," she paused for a moment sadness crossing the stunning woman's expressive green eyes, "but it doesn't bring happiness. I would have preferred growing up with a kind word of praise every now and again or a warm embrace."
Kara crossed the room and took Lena's hands for a moment before drawing her into a hug without saying a word. They stood that way for a long time Lena accepting the comfort that Kara gave away so willingly. Their hands moved up and down each others backs supporting and comforting at first, but as time progressed Kara's hands started to move with more purpose moving down to squeeze Lena's ass before moving under the back of her shirt to caress the warm skin of her back. Lena moved her own hands to Kara's backside and pulled her closer pressing their breasts together more tightly and both of them felt the hardened peaks of their aroused nipples brush against one another.
"God, you feel so good. How can just a hug feel so damned good?" Lena marvelled.
Kara's hands drifted over Lena's sides and her thumbs brushed ever so softly against the underside of her breasts. "It's time for me to undress you now," Kara murmured as she pulled back so that she could look into Lena's eyes. Her thumbs grazed over Lena's bra clad nipples causing a shudder and a sharp intake of breath at the pleasurable feather light touch. Kara leaned in and gave Lena a languid kiss that curled the brunettes toes and caused a fresh rush of arousal and moisture between her legs. Kara's thumbs brushed over the hardened nipples one more time before coming out from under the shirt and working on undoing the final few buttons and opening the front of the shirt to get her first real look and the treasures within. She pushed the shirt over Lena's shoulders and down her arms to the floor. Kara couldn't

believe that Lena was allowing her to take charge. It was empowering and her nervous apprehension was all but gone as she begun to kiss the newly exposed flesh. Trailing kisses along Lena's neck and clavicle Kara took immense pleasure from the small sounds of she was evoking. She slipped the bra straps down as Kara kissed the tops of Lena's breasts before exposing first one nipple then the other and giving them each a kiss as she reached behind and unclasped the bra and allowed it to slide down Lena's arms to the floor joining her discarded shirt. Lena's breathing was ragged and shallow, her knees going weak when Kara's hands kneaded her breasts while she took command of her mouth in a searing hungry kiss.
"Fuck, Kara. My legs might give out. I might come and you've barely touched me!" Lena gasped as Kara took the left breast into her mouth and sucked on the achingly erect nipple while her hand continued to squeeze and knead the other. Lena's hands moved to Kara's shoulders to give her some much needed support as her legs shook with the increased stirring of her impending orgasm. "Kara, I'm so close....please. God, please touch me!"
Kara hummed against Lena's breast, her tongue lashing over the nipple relentlessly as her other hand made its way over the flat stomach and into to open front of Lena's pants. Kara slipped under the lacy panties and cupped Lena's mound, feeling the intense heat of arousal and the liquid that she had induced.
Lena was coming undone and could barely think straight. She needed Kara's fingers inside her desperately. She wanted to feel this woman inside, filling her, when she came more than anything she had ever wanted before. She whimpered as her need almost consumed her. She thrust forward against Kara's hand and was about to beg Kara one more time when she was finally blessed with the feel of fingers parting her folds and dipping into the abundant moisture that was dripping out of her.
"You're so wet." Both women moaned as Kara slipped two fingers easily inside Lena's hot, hugging heat. "I can feel how ready you are, Lena. You feel so good." Kara thrust inside, her free arm going around Lena's waist to help keep her steady. "Come around my fingers, honey," Kara said before kissing Lena passionately as she continued to pump her fingers with deep firm strokes. Moments later Lena plummeted into an explosion of pleasure as she was brought to the most intense orgasm that she had ever experienced. Her cries were muffled as Kara continued to kiss her and her fingers milked and prolonged the orgasm until Lena's knees buckled and she reluctantly withdrew her fingers slowly and helped her quivering lover to the edge of the Jacuzzi, pushing her pants and underwear halfway down her legs before having Lena sit on the edge of the spa. Kara fully removed them before kneeling between Lena's legs and gazing up at her. She was thankful for the soft black bath mat that save her legs from the cold white tiles beneath it.
"It's time for my taste," she said opening Lena's legs a little wider before leaning forward and sliding her tongue over the glistening wet folds and tasting her lovers offering all the while gazing up into the sparkling green eyes that looked down at her still glazed over from her climax.
The feel of Kara's mouth against her coupled with the blazing fire in her gaze and the sounds she made as she feasted was enough to bring another orgasm to build and crash through Lena and she gripped Kara's head and rocked her hips until she couldn't take anymore and gently pulled Kara's head away and bent down to kiss her.

"You were amazing," Kara said with a wide grin and dancing eyes filled with joy. She stood between Lena's legs and pulled her in for a hug the brunette's head resting between Kara's breasts.
Lena chuckled, "I'm pretty sure that should be my line, Kara. You've made me come twice and I haven't even managed to get you out of your clothes."
Kara stroked her fingers through Lena's silky, soft hair. "Thank you for allowing me to take control."
Lena looked up and smirked at the blonde who looked down at her with such undisguised affection that it took her by surprise and made her stomach flip flop. "I think you kind of took control all by yourself," Lena managed to croak.
"I'm pretty sure that's not how your usual sleep overs go though is it?"
Kara's tone was light, but her eyes couldn't hide the seriousness of the question. Lena couldn't hold Kara's gaze, the emotions she found within the blue depths were too raw, too powerful. She dragged her short nails up the outside of Kara's leather clad thighs. "You don't really want to know about my other conquests, do you?" she said softly. Her fingers popping and sliding down the zipper of Kara's pants. "Take off your top and bra, Kara. It's time for that shower," Lena said not waiting for the blonde to answer because she didn't want to talk about the women that had come before her and she didn't want to think about the foreign emotions that were swirling around inside her. It was going to be hard to say goodbye to Kara in the morning as it was, without comparing her to the now faceless women that paled in comparison to the angel now residing in her arms. She wanted to enjoy this night with Kara to the fullest because she refused to allow herself the luxury of hope.
Kara saw a myriad of emotions flicker within Lena's eyes, but they were gone too quickly and were replaced with a pure look of need which had Kara pulling her crimson top over her head in seconds revealing the white satin bra that encased her breasts.
"Beautiful," Lena whispered as her hands slid up and down Kara's sides stopping just below her bra clad flesh. Kara tried not to squirm under Lena's intense perusal and the urge to grab the hands that were caressing her sides and placing them on her breasts which felt heavy and tingly with arousal. Her clit pulsed inside her tight leather pants and flooded her underwear with her desire.
Kara whimpered with disappointment when Lena's hands dropped away completely. Kara could barely stand the teasing she saw in Lena's gaze when she looked down to find her looking up at her. The look changed though and Lena's whole face seemed to harden and she saw the clenching of her lover's jaw. She cleared her throat and regarded Kara thoughtfully for a few moments before speaking, her voice low and husky, "remove the rest of your clothing and then join me." Kara stepped back to give Lena space to stand, because she senses that Lena needed the distance for a moment.
Lena had withdrawn from her emotionally and she felt it deep within her chest like a physical blow. Kara took several deep breaths to settle down her own emotions which she was certain were plain to see. Lena's eyes blazed a trail down Kara's body as she lowered the leather off her hips and down her thighs, before turning away and heading over to the shower on unsteady legs.

Lena was discombobulated at her apparent inability to separate her body from her heart with the woman who had stripped and was walking towards her, her eyes a little wary because of Lena's abrupt withdrawal and biting her lower lip as she stopped just out of reach. The vulnerability coming off of Kara in waves pulled at Lena to give into the warring of emotions that were swirling within her. She forged stronger barriers within herself to combat her traitorous heart. The steam from the hot water flowing from the two large rain maker showerheads swirled and danced around them as they continued to silently gaze at one another, separate and yet still irrevocably connected.
Kara could see the struggle going on within the stunningly beautiful and complicated woman in front of her. She knew Lena kept an almost glacial distance when she partook in her carnal pursuits. Kara had seen it again and again, but she had felt a difference in Lena from the moment they had danced together at the club and getting the woman to bring her home was a feat in itself. But Lena was cooling before her very eyes and Kara realized that it would take more than just giving over her body completely to this woman to win over her heart. Lena would defrost over time, she felt it. Patience and fortitude of her own heart that was already completely full of love and affection for this woman would be imperative. Kara had no doubts that Lena was worth the effort.
Kara reached out to Lena tentatively, "Are you all right?"
Her words came out so softly Kara wasn't sure if Lena had heard them over the sound of the shower. Taking Lena's face in her hands she stepped forward into her lovers personal space. "It's okay, Lena. Take what you need from me. I want whatever you are capable to give me in return. I know who you are," Kara said planting her seeds of love before taking those sweet lips with her own and drawing Lena into a kiss that stoked the flickering embers of their desire and reignited the fiery passion within them both. Kara would tend to the seeds of love and nurture the feelings that she knew were already trying to grow within Lena's hardened heart.
Lena melted with relief at Kara's softly spoken words and the breathtaking kiss that had followed. It allowed her to relax and just enjoy what was being given so freely from the infinitely sweet, caring and seductively sensual woman that was holding and kissing her so fiercely. She would not examine the way her heart thudded in her chest or the butterflies that continued to flutter in her stomach. That kind of reflection was best left for when she was alone and able to dispose of them without the distractions.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby," Lena said breathlessly as they had to break their kiss for some much needed air. Lena pulled Kara under the cascading water with her and grabbed some body wash and began to run her hands over her lovers body. Kara moaned when Lena paid special attention to her neck and breasts. A hot mouth and tongue kissed and licked her neck as Lena's hands lathered the soap over Kara's twin mounds rubbing her palms over the springy, erect nipples.
Kara pressed her hips forward and she was rewarded when Lena slipped her thigh between Kara's legs and pressed up against her aching sex as she continued to assault her body with kisses and eagerly pleasuring hands. Lena felt Kara's legs shaking and realizing that the blonde was having trouble standing she pulled back drawing a gasp of disappointed frustration. Lena moved her hands to Kara's hips and lifted her up onto the higher of the two

inbuilt benches.
"Time to try out this design of mine," Lena said with a smile as she stepped between Kara's legs. "Open yourself up, baby. Place your foot on the lower step for support." Kara did as requested and eagerly accepted Lena's mouth in another searing kiss and murmured her appreciation as Lena's hands gave her nipples more attention before one hand moved down over the wet, slippery stomach and cupped her mound giving it a squeeze.
"God, Lena! Please touch me. I'm aching for you to be inside me."
Both women moaned their pleasure as Lena parted Kara's swollen folds and ran several fingers through the abundance of thicker fluid found within.
"You're so wet! You feel amazing, Kara, fuck!"
"Inside, Lena. Now, before I explode! Please!"
Lena ran her fingers up and down the length of Kara's soft willing flesh grazing her blood filled clit several times before gliding down to her opening and thrusting first one then two fingers into her ready, hugging heat.
Kara cried out in delirious pleasure as Lena entered her slow and deep and speeding up with every delicious stroke within her. She gripped Lena behind her neck and kissed her hard, thrusting her tongue to join with Lena's to match the thrust of the fingers between her legs.
"Oh!" Kara gasped as Lena hit her g-spot with every thrust and her body shook as her pleasure climbed and climbed with each deep stroke. "Yes. Yes. Yes, Lena!" Her eyes closed as her body reached the height of her climbing pleasure.
Lena felt Kara's internal muscles pressing against her fingers with the beginning of her orgasm and the way Kara cried out her name brought even more moisture to flow between her own legs. Lena was pulsing and edging towards her own orgasm as she pleasured the woman in her arms. The sounds and look of Kara unravelling was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and her body reacted to what was transpiring between them.
"I'm going to come, Lena. Don't stop," Kara gasped closing her eyes as she crested into an earthshattering explosive orgasm.
"Open your eyes, baby. Let me see those gorgeous blue eyes of yours," Lena pleaded as she felt Kara's orgasm overtake her.
Kara forced her eyes open as she cried out covering Lena's fingers that were still buried inside her milking her pleasure to new heights. Hazed, feverish blue eyes locked into intense green and held as time seemed to stand still. Lena cried out with a surprisingly intense orgasm as she gazed into Kara's deep blue depths. She drowned in the look and feel of her and feared she would never experience anything so perfect and intensely powerful ever again. Lena claimed Kara's mouth as she pumped her hips against the hand still buried inside Kara in a fierce kiss.
"Hold on, baby, cause I'm not done yet. It's time for a taste," Lena said as she broke the kiss and moved her mouth to kiss each of Kara's rosy pink nipples before moving downwards to her prize. Lena sat on the lower bench which brought her face exactly in line with her hand and the fingers still buried inside.

Lena's face lit up with a dazzling smile as she looked up at Kara who gazed down at her with clearing eyes and an open heart. Lena slowly withdrew her fingers, missing the hugging warmth instantly and saw the same reflected in blue eyes. "Perfect placement," Lena said with a cocky smirk and a wink as she wrapped her arms around Kara's thighs and opened Kara a little wider as she ran her tongue along Kara's folds and tasted the remnants of her desire within. She was thankful that Kara had sat forward to gaze down and watch what Lena was doing between her legs so that the water was cascading down her back and wasn't diluting the essence coating her tongue. Lena found Kara's opening and begun to fuck her again, this time with her mouth and relished the taste as she brought Kara to climax once more, her cries of pleasure music to Lena's ears. The water begun to cool and Lena quickly washed herself before shutting off the water and stepping into the towel Kara was holding out for her.
Kara carried her clothing in her arms and carried them into the bedroom, standing uncertainly near the loveseat at the end of the bed. Will she want me to go now? Should I get dressed? Kara thought to herself. She looked at the alarm clock on Lena's bedside table, it was close to two in the morning. Her hair was still damp only having towel dried it, but her body beneath the towel wrapped around her was almost completely dry except for the ever present moisture between her legs which had started anew while she watched Lena wash herself.
She craved Lena's touch beyond anything she had ever desired before. Kara startled before relaxing and leaning back against Lena when she felt her arms embrace her from behind going around her waist.
"What are you doing? A penny for your thoughts?" Lena whispered against her ear causing Kara to shiver.
"Is that all my thoughts are worth?" Kara queried trying to keep her voice light as she revelled in the feel of Lena pressed up against her back.
Lena held Kara a little tighter, "A priceless gold doubloon for your thoughts? How's that?" "Better," Kara said with a smile. She paused a moment determining just what to say. Lena shifted a little uneasily behind her and decided that she had been up front and honest so far so she wouldn't stop now. "I was wondering if I should be getting dressed now. If it was time for me to go," Kara revealed with a shrug, her towel loosening a little with the movement.
"Do you want to go?" Lena asked softly against Kara's ear before taking her earlobe between her teeth and tugging on it gently before releasing it. The action caused Kara to shudder and she leaned her head to the side as Lena begun kissing her neck while she waited for a response.
"Hmm, I love your mouth," Kara murmured breathlessly as her mind clouded with renewed stirrings of lust.
"So you want to stay then?"
"You're making it difficult for a girl to say no, Lena, though perhaps I'll need a little more convincing," Kara answered huskily reaching up with one arm and lacing her fingers in Lena's damp hair.
Lena nipped Kara's pulse point before sucking and licking the throbbing flesh with her tongue. "Ah, well I'm sure I can try a little harder," Lena responded as her hands moved from their place at Kara's waist and moved up over her covered breasts and tugged the towel free

and letting it fall against her sides, only Lena being pressed against her back stopping it from falling to the carpet. Kara dropped her bundle of clothing as Lena filled her palms with Kara's bare breasts and rubbed and kneaded the soft, pliable flesh feeling the nipples responding to her touch, growing hard. Lena continued to nuzzle Kara's neck and shoulder as one of her hands moved south over the taut abdomen, past the damp blonde curls and cupping her now throbbing sex. Lena passed her palm harder against her swelling folds and rubbed back and forth causing Kara to moan with the delicious friction against her clitoris.
Kara spread her legs hoping to encourage Lena's talented fingers easier access to her where she needed it most.
Lena didn't take the bait though and stilled her hand as she asked, "convinced yet?"
Kara whimpered with the loss of friction and moved a hand down over Lena's trying to move it herself as her core pulsed as if it had its own heartbeat. "Yes!" Kara managed to gasp as Lena showed surprising strength at keeping her hand still. Kara started to rock her hips to, causing Lena to let out a chuckle, low and husky.
"So very eager for my fingers, aren't you, Kara?" Lena tugged on her earlobe again after whispering in her ear. "You want me inside you again, don't you?"
Kara couldn't stand it anymore even with the hip movement it wasn't enough. She was so hot and wet, her need made her brain short circuit. She leaned her head back against Lena's shoulder turning her head in an effort to see her lovers face to capture those devastating green eyes with her own. Her fast, ragged breathing caught when they connected and she almost came on the spot. "God, Lena! What you do to me. I'm going to come if you don't hurry!" "Fuck, Kara. I love how your body responds to me. Kiss me as I fuck you," Lena demanded, her fingers moving into her wet heat and plunging inside as their mouths clashed in a deep, passionate kiss of ravenous lips and tongues. It only took a few strokes and the impact of Lena's palm against Kara's clit with each thrust to send her over the edge and crying out into Lena's mouth. Lena continued to slowly stroke Kara as she held her tightly. Their kisses becoming less frantic as Kara's breathing returned to normal. She gently eased Lena's fingers out of her so that she could turn and face her talented lover.
"You are wonderful," Kara said softly, her body a little sore in a pleasant way and a lot fatigued. "You've worn me out."
Lena gave Kara a proud, cocky grin that lit up her eyes with arrogance that the blonde found endearing and not at all irritating, which kind of frightened her. She realized in that moment that she was completely and unequivalently head over heels in love with Lena Luthor and she was in serious risk of getting her heart broken if things didn't go her way.
Lena frowned unable to read the look crossing over Kara's face. Was that fear? "Kara, what's wrong?"
For the first time that night Kara didn't reveal the truth. "I can barely stand, can we get into bed now? I would really like to stay."
Lena's eyebrow arched and she regarded Kara closely sensing that that wasn't what had caused the strange look on the blondes face. After an agonizing minute of close inspection that made Kara squirm a little, Lena led her lover to the bed without a word. She turned down the covers allowing Kara to sink into the soft mattress, the crisp, clean sheets cooling her heated skin. Lena grabbed the wet towel and draped it over a chair before going to the other

side of the bed and climbing beneath the covers. They stared at one another in the soft blue light from the moon coming through the large windows, neither of them speaking. Kara moved closer to the middle of the huge bed and took Lena's hand and encouraged her to join her there.
"I want to make you come again before we sleep," Kara said softly as she traced lazy patterns on Lena's skin.
"I thought I wore you out. Our night has been wonderful Kara, beyond what I imagined. Bringing you pleasure is more than enough for me and I loved how alive your body was with my touch. We can go to sleep now, Kara, it's okay."
Kara's response was to pull Lena closer and taking command of the brunettes lips in a fierce kiss as she rolled on top of her. The feel of Kara's full body laying atop of her caused Lena to moan into the kiss. She grasped Kara's hips and pulled them harder against her as the fire of their passion burned bright once more. Their bodies found a rhythm as they continued to kiss, breaking every now and again to breath before joining lips again. Kara moved a hand between their bodies and entered Lena causing her hips to rise to meet the stroking fingers. Kara broke the kiss they were sharing as she felt Lena's internal walls start to contract. Blue eyes held green as she plunged deeper inside, relishing the feel of her lover and endless pleasure she saw swirling in Lena's shining green gaze. "Watch me as I taste you one LAST TIME, Lena. I want you to remember every single moment and how it feels to have my mouth on you while my fingers are filling you," Kara managed to rasp out over the lump that had formed in her throat. Kara moved quickly as she felt her eyes fill with tears. She was determined not to lose it in front of Lena. There would be plenty of time for her to fall apart when she got home. The only way to convince Lena that she wanted something more than the continuous one night stands was to reiterate that beyond this night there would be no more. She wanted Lena to find any encounter after this night to be lacking and for Lena to seek her out. To chase the connection that was so evident and powerful between them.
Lena nodded and watched silently except for her rapid breathing, her pleasure mounting as Kara moved down her body and clamped onto her turgid, aching clitoris, her fingers still working relentlessly inside of her. Lena couldn't keep the frown from her face as her mind replayed Kara's words. The emphasis on the words 'last time' weren't lost on her. It was true that she rarely bedded the same woman twice. She had learned the hard way in the beginning when the women would become clingy and would start demanding more than Lena could or rather was willing to bestow. Kara brought Lena from her troubling thoughts as she sucked on her clitoris causing her hips to buck as she moved ever so closer to completion. Kara's fingers worked in and out of her faster and Lena knew she wouldn't last much longer. Her eyes fluttered shut with the pleasure Kara was creating.
"Eyes, Lena," Kara demanded releasing her purchase on Lena's flesh. "That's it, honey. I love those eyes of yours," Kara purred when she had Lena's full attention once more. Kara licked Lena, "I will never forget how good you taste, honey. Now come for me so that I can get my fill."
Lena bit her lip as she fought to hold back, even though she knew that Kara was moments away from bringing her over the edge into oblivion. It was all feeling so final and it was causing Lena conflict. Her eyes bored into the endless blue depths that consumed her as thoroughly as the mouth and fingers that consumed her body.
"Come in my mouth, Lena. Let go. You can't deny me this."

No truer words could have been spoken by Kara. Lena couldn't deny her what she wanted. Unlike most of her lovers, Kara seemed to take more pleasure in giving than receiving and that was why Lena finally let herself go after a few more strokes of those talented fingers and eagerly sucking mouth. She wanted to please Kara and by plummeting into the endless bliss of an explosive orgasm that lifted her hips off the bed and curled her toes, she was doing just that. Lena cried out and bucked beneath Kara as she took her fill drinking every last drop of what she had to offer, before flopping back onto the bed completely spent and exhausted.
After a few more moments Kara moved up Lena's body and gave her a sweet, languid kiss before laying on her side and facing the brunette. "That was fantastic, Lena. The rumours about you as a lover were spot on. You are phenomenal and I will never forget this night we have shared. I'll never forget how you made me feel," Kara said sleepily. Her eyes closed, Lena missing the blue depths instantly.
"Good night, Kara. Sweet dreams," Lena said softly.
"Mmm, good night," came a mumbled reply and Lena knew that Kara was already sound asleep.
Lena watched her for as long as she could and moved closer to the sleeping form, her head coming to rest near Kara's shoulder and her arm draping over her stomach just below the blondes breasts. She smiled when Kara's hand came up and rested against the arm that held her before finally succumbing to sleep herself.
Mid morning sun streaming through the windows onto Lena's face woke her up. She frowned and stretched out her arms and legs to ease the stiffness that had occurred from her hours of deep, restful sleep. It took her a few minutes to wake up properly and her brain reminded her about the stunning blonde who had shared her bed last night. Smiling she opened her eyes to take her first glimpse of Kara in the morning sunlight, but her smile faltered when the only thing she saw on the pillow where the blonde should be was a single red rose. No note just the flower that must have come from the beds by the front door. Lena was alone.......

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