Wow, so this is happening, Kara thought to herself as she willingly allowed Lena to drag her by the hand through the door the brunette had exited through earlier. She barely registered the corridors or the stairs because Kara was riveted by the feel of Lena's hand within her own. She missed the contact immediately when Lena entered her office and went straight for her discarded jacket and fished around in the pocket for her keys.
Kara walked across the width of the large office to the massive window and gazed down on the club below. "Well, this is certainly an impressive office with an equally impressive view," Kara said as she continued to watch all the club goer's below her.
Lena shrugged into her jacket and stepped up close behind Kara and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist. She placed her face against the soft golden hair and inhaled the fresh scent that reminded Lena of sunshine and roses. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment and she whispered, "I thought the view went beyond impressive tonight. You took my breath away."
Kara shivered and she didn't know if it was from Lena's words or if it was the way her breath caressed her ear as she spoke, her breasts pressing against her back as she continued to embrace her from behind. "Are you cold?" Lena asked stepping away. "I have a spare jacket you can borrow. I would prefer to leave via the back exit rather than fighting through the masses again. If you came with friends do you mind calling them from the car. I'm resisting tearing your clothes off right now this very instant." Kara turned around to watch Lena pull a leather jacket out of a small armoire situated behind her large desk. She noticed a closed door just beyond where Lena stood.
"I'm a little chilly," Kara said softly even though her body felt like an inferno. She just really wanted to wear Lena's jacket. She rolled her eyes feeling a bit silly by her behaviour as she made her way over to Lena as she closed the armoire. Kara had admired Lena wearing the leather jacket on several occasions. She gave the brunette an almost shy smile when Lena held the garment open for her to slide her arms into the well worn jacket. Kara suddenly felt overwhelmed with the caress of the soft leather and the lingering scent of Lena's alluring fragrance. "I-Is this a b-bathroom," Kara asked mortified to have stuttered in this Goddesses presence.
A look of concern crossed over Lena's face, but she didn't comment on the blondes sudden nervousness and nodded opening the door to reveal a generous sized bathroom which included a shower with a bench seat.
"T-Thank you. I-I won't be long," Kara whispered softly and quickly brushed past Lena and closed to door behind her.

"Get a grip!" Kara hissed through clenched teeth as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had lured Lena to her with her sexy confident act and she feared that if the woman on the other side of that door knew just how shy and self conscious she really was, well.... She wouldn't want anything to do with you. Hell you've been coming here for months and she never once noticed you. Kara's jaw set with renewed resolve her blue eyes flashing with determination. You can do this. You baited and hooked her, now it's time to reel this woman in! With a resolute nod, Kara flushed the toilet she never used and washed her hands before exiting the bathroom with her shaken confidence now firmly re established and wrapped around her as securely as Lena's jacket.
Kara found Lena at the bar sipping a drink. "Shall we get going, sexy?" the blonde said with a breezy easy tone and a playful wink of her eye. Kara allowed her gaze to take in Lena's form and her body responded as it always did whenever she saw her. The blonde saw Lena react to her open perusal and it bolstered her confidence ten fold. I will give you a night that you will never forget, my seductress and I will have you seeking me out for more. I am the huntress now and you are my prey and I am going to steal your heart.
Lena downed her drink in a large full and placed the tumbler down with a clutter. "I'm all yours, gorgeous. Let's go!"
Kara held out her hand with a beguiling smile and Lena let out a delighted, sultry chuckle as she stepped forward to take it. As soon as their hands connected Kara pulled Lena forward and pressed their lips together for a quick, hard kiss full of promise. It was over almost before the kiss began and Kara was ecstatic when Lena seemed to stumble at the abrupt end to the lip lock, her eyes glazed over with unbridled lust. "Lead the way," Kara said with a knowing smirk.
Lena took a few moments to blink away her kiss induced haze and nodded when her brain finally caught up and registered that Kara was waiting for her the lead her to the back exit. "Right....yes. Let's go." Lena gripped Kara's hand tightly and hurried out the door.
The air was cool and smelled of impending rain when they exited behind the club in a small private employee car park. They approached a pristine, shiny red mustang and came to a stop on the drivers side. "I think you should drive, Baby. I've had a few drinks this evening." Lena pushed the keys into Kara's hand. "You don't mind do you?"
"That depends," came the blondes reply.
"Oh, yes. On what?" Lena responded with an inquisitive arch of her eyebrow.
"On whether you are going to keep using generic pet names whenever we converse or if you are actually going to ask me if I have a name and what it is? Or do you prefer not to know the names of your conquests?" Kara couldn't help the slight edge of reproach in her voice despite trying to just sound a little sassy.
Lena actually blushed and looked at her shoes in response to the blondes retort. She found herself feeling a little ashamed that on some occasions Lena had indeed not even bothered with the names of some of her lovers. Maybe even more than she realized. These women had just become bodies to be pleasured. Vessels to ease her physical need to touch and explore the female form and on occasion allow them to return the favour. More often than not Lena would fuck her conquests, as her current companion had so aptly put it, to complete

exhaustion before slipping out of their beds and leaving to either return to the club or to an empty house. Lena felt like she needed to apologize for some reason and this left her feeling shaken. She didn't apologize. Every woman that left with Lena knew what they were getting, so why did it matter what this woman thought and if it bothered her so much why seduce her into being one of her so called conquests?
Lena raised her eyes to meet the blondes steady challenging gaze. God, those eyes!! Lena had been ready to tell this woman where to stick her self righteousness. She could have another woman in her arms in no time and yet just looking into this woman's deep, intelligent blue depths had her unable to abandon this encounter. "I....," Lena was lost again. She was rarely lost for words and it was all because this woman had the ability to completely unsettle her and make her question what had been her fundamental way of conducting her life for years. "I won't apologize for who I am, but I do...I, uh, would like to know if you have a name and if you do, what that name is," Lena finally managed to answer, giving the blonde one of her most devastatingly charming, genuine smiles that would make even the most stubborn woman weak in the knees.
Kara had watched Lena with interest, her actions contradicting her normal behaviour. She had unsettled Lena, that had been her intension after all. She wanted Lena to want more than the standard 'fuck and flight' with her, but at the same time she loved the cocky, self-assured club owner and her internal struggle was hard to watch.
"I don't want you to apologize, Lena. I am under no illusions on who you are and that I will probably be just a pleasant memory a few days from now."
"But?" Lena prodded, her arms crossing beneath her breasts.
Kara laughed, even as her eyes flicked down to gaze at Lena's assets. "But, I'm hoping that by giving you my name I may linger a little longer, maybe even a week!" Kara smiled and winked play fully at Lena.
Lena laughed as well, the defensive tension easing between them. "So are you going to give it to me or what?"
"Oh, you better believe that I am going to give it to you, Lena," the blonde responded, lustful heat returning to those clear blue eyes, "and while I'm giving it to you, you can call out Kara."
Lena felt moisture pool between her thighs. Oh, God, this woman unravels me. "Kara," Lena said, trying the name on for size as she allowed her eyes to roam freely over the woman who was exciting her some much. The building anticipation was an exquisite torture and while she could hardly wait to have Kara writhing naked beneath her, she was enjoying the time just being in this woman's presence as well. "Shall we go, Kara?"
Lena opened the door for the blonde and waited for her to slide behind the wheel before closing the door and jogging around the car and climbing into the passenger seat.
"So, which direction are we heading ?" Kara asked, turning on the ignition, the powerful engine responding instantly.
"Your place," Lena responded automatically.
"I asked you to take me home if you recall. Buckle up. Safety first," Kara added and waited to see how Lena would respond to this new curve ball she'd been thrown. Lena never took her conquests home with her. That way she could always just escape and not be the bad girl by

asking her frequent lovers to leave once she was done with them. This will be interesting, Kara thought to herself.
Lena shifted uncomfortably and looked straight ahead and not at Kara. "What's wrong with your place?"
"Besides the fact that I live with my sister, nothing. Though, she would probably have a conniption fit if she saw you with her little sister, she's quite protective and she's a government agent and owns a gun. So, there is that." Silence stretched out between them as Lena seemed to mull over Kara's words. "Lena, I already know you don't do longevity and I promise to call a cab and leave as soon as you are done with me." Kara watched Lena flinch with the bluntness of her words. "All I want is for our encounter to be a little different from all the others. This is what I need from you and if you're unable to make this concession tell me now and I will get out of this car and walk away."
Lena felt as if she was about to burst into tears, which was a fucking shock all on its own to her. But what shocked her more was that she didn't know if it was the way that Kara spoke the harsh truth about what her life had become or if it was the possibility that Kara would walk away and that she didn't seem to be particularly bothered one way or another about it either. Lena felt herself panic when Kara turned off the ignition, unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door.
She reached out in desperation, gripping Kara's arm, "wait!"
Lena blinked back the tears that threatened as her chest constricted and it became hard to breathe. "Fuck! Wait, Kara. You win," she said her voice coming out strained with a tinge of anger mixed in. Lena was angry at her weakness. She had never felt so unsettled and out of control, but it was quite possibly the desperate neediness to touch Kara and the need for Kara to touch her in return that pissed her off the most. Lena softly gave Kara directions to her house and then in a childish form of protest looked out her window brooding, refusing to look at the object of her equal desire and distress as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards home.
Kara was impressed by Lena's ability to stay silent throughout their drive to Lena's home. As a journalist Kara knew that ninety percent of people would have been unable to handle this kind of drawn out silence and would have cracked and filled the quiet with inane chatter by now. She knew the brunette was sulking and was unaccustomed to being spoken to with such blatant honesty and indifference. She was accustomed to being worshipped and fawned over. The simpering women giving Lena complete control and allowing her to do whatever she desired. Kara had watched it happen over and over again and she had come to the conclusion that maybe that was a part of the problem. Kara felt that what Lena needed was a woman that would challenge her and push against Lena's practiced seduction routine and make her work harder for what she wanted.
When she had threatened to walk away from their impending sexual encounter if Lena didn't agree to take her to her place, Kara had been terrified. She wasn't even sure how she had managed to sound so calm and nonchalant with the way her heart was pounding within her chest. It was a gamble and Kara would have felt devastated and heart broken if Lena hadn't finally acquiesced to her demand. In fact Kara was pretty sure that Lena's behaviour was pretty foreign to her right now and she could still sense the conflict assaulting to brooding

woman sitting beside her. Lena was anything but relaxed and Kara actually worried that the brunettes sexual appetite may wane by the time they reached their final destination.
Kara turned to head uphill towards the more affluent residential areas of the city. The winding road was shrouded in darkness and she saw the neighbourhood change from spacious two and three storey homes to become mansion estates set away from the roads with large gates keeping the riffraff away from their wealth and privilege. Kara finally had to break the silence because she was having trouble focusing on the numbers of the properties while navigating Lena's car up the steep, winding road. The last thing she wanted to do was drive them off the edge of the road and plummeting them to their deaths over the steep cliff that fell away on her side of the vehicle. "Lena? Would you please let me know when I am close because I am unfamiliar with this road and your car. I'd like to make it there in one piece."
Lena flinched at the sudden sound of Kara's sweet, musical voice breaking the all encompassing silence that had surrounded them for the last half an hour. She found that she really liked Kara's voice and found herself smiling at the sound of it. Lena suddenly wished that she hadn't wasted the drive brooding. She hadn't even been seeing anything despite looking out the window all this time. She had been replaying the night from the first moment that she had seen the flash of Kara's blonde hair as she'd danced until the moment that Kara had threatened to walk away from their encounter over and over again. Lena forced herself to focus on her surroundings and realized that her home was just around the next bend. Her voice came out a little rough when she informed Kara to take the next driveway entrance. She gave the blonde the gate code seconds later and then they were making their way up the paved driveway surrounded by expansive gardens and woodland. It was too dark to see the small lake that Lena loved to swim naked in during the hot summer months. Lena turned towards Kara for the first time since leaving the clubs car park and found herself imagining Kara joining her for a swim in the lake. Her body reacted with a pleasant tingle at the thought. It's a pity that summer is still several months away, she thought to herself with a hint of sadness. Lena knew that the house had finally come into view by the look of awe on Kara's face. Lena had forgotten the effect her home often had on new guests. The palatial estate often just felt empty to her these days. She rarely had guests and didn't spend a lot of time with the staff that took care of the house and gardens.
"What do you think?" Lena asked softly as Kara pulled the Mustang up to rest in front of the large garage doors. Lena pushed the small button on the remote and the large motorized door opened and Kara drove inside and turned off the engine.
They sat in silence for a few moments, the only sound coming from the tick tick tick of the cars engine as it cooled. Kara turned to face Lena, her face switching between admiration and sadness. Lena hadn't expected to see sadness. "It is a beautiful and very, very large house. You must rattle around inside, Lena. Don't you ever feel terribly cold, lost and lonely within these walls? Hell, this garage which has...four cars, an arsenal of gardening equipment and two ride on mowers is larger that my entire apartment! I haven't even been inside and I know I have never seen anything so grand in my entire life. We come from very different world's, Lena."
Kara's words made Lena understand the sadness she had seen on the blondes face. Kara's candid observations and honesty was refreshing to Lena and she felt a deep endless loneliness in the depth of her soul that she had never noticed before. She realized that she had been

living her life on auto pilot for years without having any true gratifying moments with any friends and family to speak of, not even in the holidays. Lena suddenly wanted Kara to cross over into her world. To bring her light where there was none. Lena wanted things besides sex with the woman beside her, but the thought was such a foreign and terrifying concept that she shoved the sensational desire aside and replaced it with the comfort of the familiar.
Lena reached out and grabbed the back of Kara's neck and pulled her face forward so that she could press her lips against the soft sensuous mouth that opened willingly for a deep, gratifying kiss that made Lena's toes curl in her boots and drew a deep throaty moan from Kara. When the need for oxygen became too great Lena broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against Kara's as they both panted and took in large gasps of air. "Let me show you around and perhaps I can bring you to orgasm in every single room in the house. It may take several weeks, but by the time I'm done, perhaps the house won't feel as empty. Are you up for the challenge?" Lena asked breathlessly with a sexy glimmer in her eyes as she focused on Kara intently.
Kara blushed and let out an unexpected giggle in response thinking that Lena was being adorably playful and irresistibly charming and Kara was lost in the intensity radiating from those bright emerald eyes. "Sure! I'm up for the challenge, seeing as you will be the one doing most of the work and I'll be receiving a mansion full of pleasure. Perhaps you'll allow me to add your pleasure to some of the rooms as well," Kara responded eagerly as the air within the confines of the Mustang crackled with the energy of the mutual sexual attraction between them. Kara reluctantly pulled away from Lena's embrace, "we should probably get started though, because I have to be at work bright and early on Monday."
"Well, then we best not waste anymore time. Stay there a moment, sweetheart," Lena said and she quickly released her seat belt, jumped out the car and rushed around the other side to open Kara's door with warm smile on her face.
Kara now realized that all the stories had been true. She did indeed feel like the centre of Lena's universe right now and knew that whether this lasted one night or for the rest of their lives, Kara would never regret her decision to pursue Lena Luthor.

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