Kara followed closely behind Lena and handed over the set of keys when the dark haired beauty held out her hand with a sultry smile and a playful raised eyebrow. Kara grinned in return and placed the keys in the outstretched hand allowing her fingers to graze over Lena's in the process. Kara's desire to touch Lena was only out weighed by the rising nervous worry about whether she had made a grievous mistake in judgement this night. Kara wasn't sure if she could keep up her act of the self assured seductress that had lured Lena into her arms. The nagging feeling had been plaguing her since she had found herself stuttering in the club owner's office. But what else could she do. It's not like she'd be interested in the real her. The shy woman that often found herself tongue tied, awkward and clumsy frequently in her every day life. The fact that she didn't think of this encounter as a part of her regular life spoke volumes and she cursed her over active brain for causing her fears and insecurities to continue pressing towards the surface.
Her brain kept saying what would Alex think of your behaviour right now? And this was the last thing Kara wanted to think about. She was sick of being the responsible and predictable one. I deserve to let loose sometimes damn it!
The blonde was brought out of her internal reverie by Lena's voice, causing her to blink and flush in embarrassment for being lost in her head instead of enjoying every moment of this encounter.
"Welcome to my home. Probably not the most exciting room to start with," Lena continued with a chuckle. Once she had Kara's attention once more Lena ushered her into a room that obviously doubled as a laundry and mud room. Apart from the washer and dryer, there was a sink and counter top along one side of the room. On the other side of the room there were coat hooks and a few open storage spaces, one which contained several pairs of riding boots, a helmet and a riding crop.
"You ride! I love horses!" Kara exclaimed enthusiastically when she saw the equestrian equipment. " Though I'm guessing that you are going to tell me that you have your own horses and stables here on the property too and that you don't actually have to go to some horse boarding school or hobby farm to ride like us regular folks," Kara said before she could stop herself. She clamped her lips together and internally reprimanded herself for allowing her mouth to blurt out all these semi insulting thoughts that crossed through her mind. For some reason Lena's wealth held close ties to the Luthor family in Kara's mind and she had read and researched a lot about the Luthor's at her job with Catco. They were not nice people and they were suspected of grievous crimes and questionable company practices. She knew that Lena had gone to great efforts to distance herself from the rest of her family, but this

place in all its opulent glory was obviously bought with family money.
Lena just stared at Kara for several long moments as if searching for something, her intense gaze holding Kara's with a gravitational pull that seemed intent on revealing all of her secrets. Lena's mouth suddenly twitched into a smirk, her eyes sparkling in challenge, "I'm beginning to wonder if you even like me, Kara."
"God, Lena. I'm sorry. Sometimes I don't have a filter on this damned mouth of mine. It often gets me in trouble or I'm left grovelling for an apology because I just blurt things out."
Lena's smile grew and she took the two steps to close the distance between them. Kara backed up a step until her ass hit the washing machine behind her. With no where to go Kara bit her lip when Lena pressed her body against her and placed her hands upon Kara's, which were placed on the edge of the washer on either side of her body. "I happen to like your mouth," Lena said in a low, gravely voice before taking command of her mouth in a fiercely passionate kiss that left Kara weak in the knees and grateful that Lena was holding her hands in place. "And the grovelling doesn't sound too bad either," Lena whispered when she broke the kiss a few moments later. Both woman were breathing hard and just watched each other silently while they caught their breaths.
Lena stepped back and gestured for Kara to precede her into the next room which turned out to be an open planned kitchen and dining area, complete with shiny appliances and copper cookware hanging above the stunning marble surfaced kitchen island counter.
"Gorgeous kitchen. Do you cook?"
Lena leaned against the wall and allowed Kara to stroll around the kitchen, her hand running almost reverently, along the pristine marble surfaces. Lena licked her lips as she imagined Kara doing the same thing with those hands on her body and she shivered with anticipation. "I cook as well as I ride. Which is proficiently, but I find I don't have a lot of time for either pursuits. And yes, I do house several horses on my property and enjoy riding them through the wooded area and around the lake of the estate. But because I spend most nights at the club and tend to sleep most of the day, it is a rare pleasure to ride and is often in the late afternoon before I head to Impulse in the evenings. I have a handler who takes care of them in my absences and ensures that he rides Dusty and Rose on a regular basis."
Kara gazed at Lena intently. She knew that Lena often left the club by midnight most nights with whichever woman was the flavour of the night. "Perhaps if you weren't riding a different woman almost every other night you might have more time for Dusty and Rose."
Once again Lena was taken by surprise by Kara's frank and blunt appraisals of her lifestyle. This latest zinger was said with a light teasing tone, but there was also the underlying inflection of reproach. Lena shook her head and let out a rueful chuckle, "touché."
Lena had never met someone like Kara. People didn't challenge her. She was a Luthor. People either did want she wanted because she was paying them to do so, or they did and said what she wanted because they wanted something from her in return. If it wasn't for the hot, passionate kisses Kara and her had shared, Lena would think that the blonde could barely

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