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So when I was a senior in high school I was held captive by my vice principal for 1 month I'd go in to my jail cell and I'd only be able to go to my core classes no electives and no one could talk to me except Mrs Keith and the warden my independence was stripped from me all because of misty looking at my grades the jail cell was 6 by 8 foot and I couldn't even see or touch Mrs rollins my favorite teacher in the world I was able to eat my lunch and then I was able to do my assignments such as Spanish and history through films and filming infomercials and I'd sleep in the cell they searched my backpack and chrome book and I was allowed to play with playdough and my stuff I brought from home to keep me entertained like my sensory toys and my blanket and my therapist Alisha and Carrie came to visit me during that time and I was able to like I said talk to Mrs Keith and Mrs hurt the crappie warden one day though I was feeling sick and so I go talk to Mrs Keith and she said hmmmmmm you're sick are you and I said cough cough yes she took my temperature and said just as I thought 98.6 just fine go back to your cell prisoner before I tell judge combs to send you to the gas chamber it was the worst month of my life and I cried everyday but the good thing was that I had Anita aka my aunt and best friend and dorner they'd try to district me with food or iPad or computer games or medical stuff

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