Chapter 33

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Seeing that the time for the first discussions was quickly approaching, I headed to his room early because I had nothing better to do now and was curious about the other group members.

Walking through the halls and countless rooms of the yacht, I once again silently thanked the school for splurging so much on us. Upon entering the room, I saw Ichinose and Kanzaki already there waiting.

To the right, Ichinose, I saw the four Class D students, of whom I recognized Kushida, Horikita, and Hirata. Finally, to the left, in a little corner, sat Class A with Katsuragi leading them.

Seeing that the only seats left were next to Horikita or Katsuragi, both of whom I had terrible relationships with, I opted to sit on the couch in the corner of the room.

After ignoring some glances from other students as I sat alone on the couch, I pulled out my earbuds and phone. While on the cruise alone, I used my phone quite a bit to play mobile games.

I know, I know, I was ridiculing the school earlier for being too lenient on us, but damn, these mobile games were addicting.

As the start time approached, Ryuen, Hyori, and two other Class C students entered the room. His expression looked like boredom until he paused on the chair next to Horikita for a moment.

What the hell is going on between those two?

Ignoring the scornful gazes from Horikita, Ryuen and his companions sat down on the chairs next to Class D, and it seemed like I was left all alone on the couch. I didn't even think Ryuen noticed me sitting in the corner.

Finally, the clock hit 12, and a timer for an hour started. Ichinose, being the social butterfly she is, immediately starts speaking in an attempt to control the discussion.

"Since we're going to be stuck together for the next four days, why don't we all introduce ourselves?"

Almost everyone, including me, ignored Ichinose as I continued playing the mobile game on my phone while Class A and D didn't talk. However, Ryuen, being the delinquent he is, decided to speak up.

"Fuck the formalities, why doesn't the VIP just reveal themselves right now?"

Hearing Ryuen's interjection, Katsuragi finally looked up and spoke.

"I'm sorry to inform you all, but Class A will not participate in these discussions. You can ignore us as if we aren't here."

Wow, who would have thought Katsuargi, the conversation, would be conservative? Ryuen obviously didn't like this approach when he spoke to Katsuragi.

"Oh, are you scared of losing your class to the loli, so you're acting all pussy now?"

Katsuragi remained indifferent to Ryuen's onslaught of insults and continued looking down at his phone. Horikita, who seemed to be the new leader of Class D, also spoke against Class A.

"What do you mean you're abstaining from these discussions? Will you just sit there and take in all the information we discuss? Anyway, what if there are more VIPs in one class? Are you going to let that class take more points."

Katsuragi and Ryuen seemed quite annoyed by Horikita's stupid comment, so Ryuen decided to respond.

"Suzune, you must be stupid. Of course, there are the same number of VIPs in each class. This school's whole motto is equality. Class D really is as dumb as they say."

Seeing her question answered so easily, Horikita closed her mouth and instead continued sending sharp gazes toward Ryuen and Katsuragi.

Seeing the hostility between classes heating up, the angel Ichinose stepped in to try to calm everyone down.

COTE: Hikigaya in Classroom of the EliteWhere stories live. Discover now