Chapter 1

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Wednesday 11th of October 2023

I heard somewhere that a heart can only break once, and that it can never be fixed. It can never go back to what it was, for if it split once, it can never take back the form it had. I heard somewhere that a heart can only break once, but it can beat a hundred times per minute. It can swallow thousands of gallons of blood.

At that moment, I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, like blood was pouring out of my ears and like my cheeks were getting hotter and hotter as the minutes passed.

Sloan Joakim was talking to me. He was right in front of me, smiling and looking at me with those deadly green eyes. If I extended my arm just a little, I would be able to touch him.

"What do you think Char?"

Oh god, he knew my name. Sloan Joakim knew my name. He knew what I was talking about and didn't behave like a jerk because I was a little bit of a nerd. He behaved with me like he would with anyone else, like he did with Juliette and Martha, like he did with all his friends, and like he did when he came to the coffee shop I worked at.

"I think we should go with a classic," I answered, looking down at the paper in front of me.

"Yeah, but the teacher said to surprise her," he answered, extending his hand towards me as if he wanted to touch me.

I moved back and looked back up at him, "How do you even know about this book? I certainly don't."

"My mother's French, she's always wanted me to know of her favourite books," he shrugged.

I looked at him for a moment. Sloan Joakim was the kind of person that was always nice to everybody. He didn't wonder if it would cause a ruckus or not, or if it would get him in trouble, he always tried to make people comfortable and happy around him. He was the type of person everyone liked and everyone respected, just because he respected everyone.

"Come on, Char! It'll be fun!"

"Fine. Let's go with that."

"Awesome! We can go look at the library if they have it next time!"

And just as fast as he had made his choice, he stood and left the cafeteria, leaving me with Juliette and Martha.

"Don't you think he's so handsome?" Juliette started.

"I was just thinking that!" Martha answered.

They both packed their things as they talked about how beautiful and kind Sloan Joakim was.

"I heard he's never dated anyone on campus," Martha said as they walked away with their bag in hand.

I rolled my eyes and sat back on my chair. I wasn't the type of person that usually judged others, but I just knew those two weren't going to be of help. They will probably melt in front of Sloan Joakim and not think one bit of the project. I will probably melt in front of Sloan Joakim and not think one bit of the project. I had to be honest about it. I had a huge crush on Sloan Joakim. I had had it since our first year.

I let my head slowly slide against my arm until my cheek was on the table. How could I work properly when Slaon Joakim was just next to me? How could I disagree with him?

I saw him talk to the teacher with such ease it made me jealous. Of course I was jealous of Sloan Joakim, and jealous of everyone who could ever talk to him while looking into his gorgeous eyes.

"I don't think they'll have it at the library," I murmured against the table.

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