6. Remember

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I feel a cold hand gently slapping my face. I open my eyes and sit up. I breathe heavily.

"It was just a dream...it was just a dream..." I look to my left and see a dead griever. "WHAT THE FUCK!? ITS NOT A FUCKING DREAM?" Minho taps me on the shoulder. I jump. "Oh hi Minho, are you okay?" He frowns at me.

"The better question is are you okay? You passed out for like 10 minutes" did I? I feel fine. Shaken but fine.

"Minho I'm fine, we're safe here and we just have to wait out till morning." I try stand up to move away from the griever and sit against the wall but I feel a horrible pain in my ankle.

"Ow!" I sit back down and grab my ankle.

"What? What is it" Thomas rushes to my side and looks at my ankle.

"I've either got a bad sprain or a mild break, I'll be fine till the morning though, can you just get me to the wall I'd like to rest" Thomas nods and he and Minho pick me up and rest me against the wall.

"One of you are going to have to wake me up every hour or so, that concussion I have will have only gotten worse since I bumped my head running from the griever." I don't know what they say because I fall asleep immediately leaning against Minho's shoulder.
They wake me up every hour to check I'm okay right until the morning.

"Wait guys I have the best idea." I say with my arm over Thomas's shoulder and his arm around my waist. We got up before the doors open so we could find Alby and take him back.

"What is it?" Minho asks me.

"I'm gonna pretend I don't remember who everyone is especially Newt." I look at Thomas.

"Newt won't care though." Minho points out. Thomas and I stop.

"You can't tell anyone this Minho but...I'm kinda dating him so yeah he will care. We've just been pretending to hate eachother till someone notices that we've been nicer and realises something is up." Minho stares at me with his mouth wide open.

"Fucking called it!" He says.

"No you fucking did not! There is no way you knew that Newt and I would get together!" He nods.

"You little shit, you've been holding out on me." He laughs.

"But will you help me with my plan?"

"Yes I'll help you" Minho agrees

"I'll help too" Thomas adds.

"Thanks guy's, I was thinking you could just tell them I bumped my head coz someone is gonna ask 'oh my god what happened to her' and one of you will say I hurt my ankle really bad from it getting caught in the section then you'll say I hit my head aswel." They both nod. We get to Alby.

"I hope there's something we can do" Thomas says as he helps Minho lower him down.

"He's strong. If he can just hold on I will try my best to find something to help him. Or atleast slow down the process"

They get him down and I jump onto Thomas's back and hold Alby's arm in place while he and Minho carry him back to the glade. I hear the doors open and some voices that sound disappointed. When we walk around the corner.

"It's them!!" Chuck shouts. Everyone rushes back to look. We keep walking but slowky because it's kinda hard to carry a 16 year old girl and 17 year old boy at the same time. As soon as we get to the edge of the doors people take Alby and Thomas sets my down and I put my arm over his shoulder and he puts his arm around my waist. I limp as I walk.

"Oh my god y/n are you okay?" Chuck asks.
Minho quickly jumps in.

"She got her foot stuck in a closing section and bumped her head running away from a griever. But I have to warn you gu-"

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Newt runs up to me. It's my time to shine.

"Who are you? Is this the glade?" Newt looks hurt.

"I tried to warn you guys, she hit her head pretty hard" Minho tells them. Phenomenal acting I have to say.

"Y/n?" Chuck asks me.

"Ha! I got you all! Losers you should've seen the look on your faces!" I laugh at them and Thomas shakes his head laughing.

"You fucking idiot" Newt tells me.

"You love me, don't lie" he just rolls his eyes.
Thomas sets me down on the ground.

"So.... I'm alive"

"Unlike that griever" Thomas says. Everyone gasps.

"Oh yeah, I killed it. I hurt my ankle in the process and hit my head again but I killed it." Everyone stays silent.

"Oh for fuc-" I look at Chuck. "Pete's sake... Someone say something already."

"How about we get you fixed up" Thomas picks me up and takes me to the med hut. Minho and Jeff follow. Gally tells everyone that there is will be a meeting when I've been checked.
Jeff checks me. My ankle is swollen but it doesn't look broken so I'll just have to keep it wrapped up and try not to put too much pressure on it. My head looks fine besides a minor cut on my forehead.

"Thanks Jeff" I smile at him. I grab Minho's hand and push down on it when I have to step on my sore ankle. We walk into the meeting hall.

"Glad you could join us" Gally says. I ignore him and look at Newt. I go lean against a wall.

"We have to punish them." Gally says.

"Why? Because I went to save Minho's life, and Thomas followed!?" I ask.

"There are rules only runners can go in the maze."

"You're right, the do need to be punished. One night in the pit no food for both of them." Newt says.

"You really think that's gonna stop them from going in the maze!?" Gally raises his voice.

"No<3" Newt replies.

"Which is why we make Thomas a runner." I say sternly.

"Nope, you don't get a say in this." Gally tells me.

"Yes I do Gally, I am first in command with Alby! Alby is not here so I get to make decisions by myself!" I tell him. "Thomas will be a runner, starting tomorrow he will go in with Minho. End of story" no one speaks. I nod.

"Come on Thomas, we need to go to the pit." He stands up and I hold onto his arm. We walk out to the pit together.

"Hey, I'm joining you. You guys didn't really do anything wrong in my eyes so I'll spend the night with you" Newt tells us crouching down at the pit.

"I bet that made Gally mad" Thomas says.

"Good, that bitch deserves it"

"Woah there y/n" Newt laughs.

"I'm just telling the truth." I say as Newt comes and sits next to me. Thomas looks at us and rolls his eyes.

"Ugh, do I gotta be stuck in here with you two?" Thomas fake gags. I turn and plant a kiss on Newts lips.

"We'll make it extra cutesy just for you Tommy" Newt and I laugh at the disgusted look on his face. We all sit against different walls and talk, draw in the dirt, play footsies, or just listen to the other gladers.

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