20. Please

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"No chuck!! Chuck please! Just hold on! I can i-i can fix this!! I can save you!" My voice shakes as I cradle Chuck in my arms.

"Y/n, you have to let me go. Goodbyes aren't forever you know?" He tells me. It's something I've told him when people have died or I've told him stories about the other gladers have passed.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye Chuck! I can help you!" I rock him back and forth. He turns to Thomas who has tears rolling down his face.

"Take this" he pulls out his little figurine that his parents gave him when he was little. "Give this to my parents for me." He asks Thomas.

"No, no chuck you're going to give it to them yourself! You can make it buddy" he picks up Chucks arm and holds it tight. Chuck's turns to me and places a bracelet in my hand. He always used to make me bracelets whenever he had time.

"No.... please chuck no"

"Goodbye y/n. I love you" he tells me.

"I love you too Chuck, I always will" I hug him tightly as I hear doors behind me open. I don't turn, I don't want to leave Chuck. Even though I know he's already gone. I'm not ready yet.

"CHUCK NO! PLEASE CHUCK!!" Thomas screams as a man in a black uniform picks him up. A man tries to pick me up and take me away too. I punch him and wrap myself around Chuck tightly.

"Noooo!! Chuck! Don't leave me!" My voice cracks on almost every word and I feel like my throat is closing up. It's hard to breathe and it's like I'm choking. The man gets me off the floor and drags me away. I see Chucks bracelet on the floor and kick the man to break free from his grip. I run to the floor and pick up the bracelet before two guys drag me away.

"Please....Chuck" I sob quietly. They put me in a helicopter and I immediately sit between Newt and Thomas. I grab Newt's hand and rest my head on Thomas's shoulder as we both stare mindlessly at the men across from us.

"You guys are safe now" They tell us. Safe huh? This is what you call safe? I don't fight back. I don't have enough energy to do anything besides let my tears slide out of my eyes leaving a burning sensation. Newt slides his thumb against the back of my hand.

*At the "safe place"*

They take us into a room and immediately start doing tests on us. We get taken out one by one to a room to be asked questions. I'm the first to be taken. A man with the same uniform as the men who "rescued" us leads me to a room where I see a familiar man waiting in a seat. I saw him talking to Ava Paige. I flick my eyes down to his name tag even though I already know his name. I don't want people to be suspicious on how I remember things.

"Good day...Jansen" I say with zero emotion.

"Hello, Miss Y/n" he puts his hand out for me to shake. I stare at it. He retracts his hand as quickly as he put it there.

"I'm here to ask you some questions." He tells me.

"I figured as much, you put me in a cell like this, I didn't think it was so we could bond over tea and cakes" I say sarcastically. He intertwines his fingers together and looks at the table then at me.

"Smart I see" he says.

"Mmhm" I don't bother responding with anything spectacular, just a simple sound vibration of my voice box shall do.

"Right, so the only question that I need you to answer is this one. What do you remember?"

"Oh you know, not much. Bits and pieces. Of course that happens when you get concussed left and right. You're brain changes. You'd know about that? Changes in the brain?" I ask him with an innocent face and a light and cheery tone. It irks him. He knows I'm not letting him know things.

"Mmhmmm. And WCKD? Do you remember them?" He asks.

"Why I don't need to, they gave us a video of a lady explaining things before blowing her brains out." I say still in the same tone.

"And who's side are you on? Wicked..or us, your new safe haven" he asks me. I slide forward on the table inches away from his face. I rest my eyes and grin.

"Yours. Of course" I lie. He plasters on a fake smile and shows me the door. He puts his hand on the knob before I push it out of the way and open it myself. On the way back I see Newt getting taken. I grab him and rest my forehead against his. I whisper to him.

"You're on their team. Don't let them get to you Newt" I tell him, quietly before walking away and they grab his arm to pull him away.

"Wicked is good" I whisper under my breath.

Hey guys!! So glad you've read this far! If you're enjoying this please let me know!! Check out my other fanfics!

Love you all <333

Should I make a scorch trials continuation of this?

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