Prologue: The Birth of Vengeance

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Giggles and the sound of boots pounding on the tiled floor resonated across the room

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Giggles and the sound of boots pounding on the tiled floor resonated across the room. Loud squeals evoked bliss in the heart of angels above the sky, as well as the heart of the man who was watching his younger brother jumping in pure ecstasy like a child.

"I'm finally graduating! I can't express how happy I am, bro," the blonde boy pulled the taller man into an affectionate embrace, eliciting a wave of solace in the tide of melancholy and sorrow of the latter. Forging a smile, he pulled himself out of his brother's embrace and cupped his small face into his grasp.

"I'm so proud of you, little bro. I never realised how much have you grown. I wish you will rise in your life to the point you touch the sky."

Pool of colourless liquid brimmed in the blonde's eyes. He held his brother's hands over his cheeks, two trails of liquid streamed down his eyes like dissolved crystals.

"I will make you proud to the point you will hold your head higher than the sky," a tug at the strings in the taller's heart made his breath uneven. His brother would sure make him proud. It's just that he would not be able to witness it.

"You are running late, my moon. You gotta enjoy your graduation ceremony to the fullest." a tender smile broke out in the taller's lips, a real one. In this darkest moment of his life, the only one who held the power to filter light was his little brother.

"You are right! Okay I take my leave now but- I'm gonna annoy you with my gossips once I return. Bye!" the blonde blabbered as he fixed his uniform and jogged towards the exit.

"Of course you will," he whispers as the blonde waved and walked off his house, the taller mumbled, "sitting before my grave." as he took the syringe out of his pocket, inaudible drops of tears fall on the white tiles.



Unbelievable. Time flies so fast. So fast that it didn't give me a chance to remember what have I gone through all these years. To even process what have I done throughout this span of time. It still feels like I just enrolled in University. But guess what? I actually graduated today. My studies has come to its end. Now, I'm going to step into the most complex phase of my life.

My career.

A smile blooms in my lips. Resting my head on the backrest, I tilt my head to my right, watching the busy life outside like a video in 10x playback speed as the car paces through the traffic free road.

I'm not afraid. Rather, I was waiting for this moment of my life. To be able to work for my brother. I have always dreamt of being the pillar for him. He has worked his whole life since he was just a teen. When he should have played with his friends in the rain and muddy water, he washed dishes in restaurants. When he needed the most nutrition, he starved to save money. He lost blood more than a soldier with a bullet in his chest.

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