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The OCs appearance is the cover


In the streets of a large city where people could be seen endlessly a lady wearing a fancy dress adorned with beautiful jewelry strode out of a store with a handbag in hand. The lady had blonde hair and fair unblemished skin. The lady smiled as she took a step forwards before she felt someone much shorter bump into her.

"S-sorry." The lady looked down to see a wretched looking child apologizing. The child wore tattered a filthy coat and hat over ripped pants and a dirty shirt. From the child's sunken cheeks, they seemed highly malnourished and not over 10 in age.

The lady took a step back as a look of pure disgust overtook her face. "Ew, how disgusting! Why did someone so dirty have to bump into me?" The lady asked with a deep frown before she pushed the child away with her heels. "Shoo, get away from me!" The child quickly ran away, pushing their hat over their face to hide it as they did. The lady rolled her eyes before turning to her handbag. "It feels lighter than usual." She muttered before looking inside.

Almost immediately, a loud scream resounded throughout the streets as a certain child grinned while shoving goodies in their pockets. "Jeez, what a banshee." Said the child with a smile as they removed their hat to reveal shoulder length brown hair. A girl with a big smile. "At least that tool bought me dinner. Could even buy a better brand of beans."

Suddenly, the girl felt dizzy as her vision turned blurry. She quickly headed towards the closest alleyway and sat down amongst the filth and trash clutching her head. "I need to eat something." She said as she started coughing, drops of blood flew stained the pavement with every cough.

"I don't care! Find that brat or else!" The girl heard the rich lady she robbed yell. The voice was getting closer.

"Stupid unfair world." Muttered the girl before her coughs became more frequent with more blood coming out. "Can't eat, can't live. I hate you." She muttered as breathing grew weaker and weaker.

"Found them!" She heard before she drew her last breath, cursing this world in her mind one last time.


In a wasteland of a ruined world full of oozing monsters wandering about, piles of snow were riddled across the ground aplenty as the cold weather of winter overtook the air. In one such pile there layed a skinny sleeping girl with blue skin and long luscious hair white as snow that covered her from her head to her knees.

The girl groaned as she started to wake up. Her arm moving to her head as tired expression overtook her face. She felt absurdly cold, yet not uncomfortable one bit. "Is this heaven?" She slowly opened her to see a world of ruins and death. The girl blinked in confusion before rubbing her eyes and taking a better look, yet the scene didn't change. "Definitely hell." She deadpanned. "Why couldn't that rich stooge be sent here instead! I didn't even have the chance to live!" She yelled angrily.

The girl frowned, crossing her arms as the unfairness of the situation weighed on her mind before noticing her odd coloured skin and hair. She let out a noise of confusion before grabbing a lock of her hair and letting out a sound of confusion as the hair fell apart and reformed in her hand. Her hair wasn't just snow coloured, it was physically made of snow! Magic regenerating snow.

"Uhhh, what?" The girl asked in a mix of shock, fear and confusion. She quickly pinched her cheek, noting its texture. It felt mostly normal aside from the freezing cold temperatures. "What am I?" She muttered as she stood up, inspecting her new body that looked to be the same age as before. "Y'know, don't I kinda look like ice queen from Adventure time with a different hairstyle?"

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