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"Uhh, Gunter. Can you say that again?" Asked Diligence staring at her penguin companion with a widened eyes as he clutched a clump of her hair nervously. "Cause I don't think I heard it right." She added staring at her penguin companion as she sat cross-legged on a log of wood in a forest during an afternoon.

"As my favor for winning our bet, I want us to make a kingdom." Replied Guner in a serious tone, causing Diligence to frown. "An ice kingdom where all bows to us. Everyone will do exactly as we say."

Diligence's eyes narrowed. "Uh huh. Uh huh." She uttered as she nodded with pursed lips. "Your intergalactic tyrant is showing, Gunter." She added with a deep frown, giving Gunter a finger gun gesture.

Suddenly, Snoelle the snelf wearing clothes made of a wolf's fur with a wolf head as a shoulder pad entered the scene standing in front of Diligence. "My Princess, if I may," she said with a graceful bow.  "I agree with sir Gunter." She continued calmly, a momentary flash of panic appearing on her face as she locked eyes with the penguin that wasn't missed by Diligence.

The ice elemental stared at Snoelle with a suspicious look. "Are you being blackmailed by Goonts?" She asked seriously, raising a brow. Snoelle shook her head, causing Diligence to hum. "Are you trying something crazy?" She asked glaring before Snoelle went pale as an immense pressure weighed down on her body. The snelf's heart was pounding as if trying to bounce out of her chest. Snoelle felt like a mouse in front of a monstrous beast.

"N-NO!" The snelf screamed in a panic before hurriedly forcing a smile. "I'm just saying that as a princess, your majesty should have your own people." Diligence frowned, causing Snoelle to gulp. The snelf racked her brain for an answer before speaking. "They'll also be a great resource for you. They'll make food and have culture and- and-"

"You have to do it anyway because of our bet." Gunter chirped in cheerfully, causing Diligence to grumble angrily. The ice elemental moved around uncomfortably, a deep frown stuck on her face, before she glared at the penguin who simply stood calmly under her gaze.

"Fine!" She exclaimed angrily. "But if they turn out bad, I'm blaming you."


A few centuries later.

"Let's conquer the candy kingdom!" Declared a pretty snelf man wearing leather and fur armour that made him look like a seasoned winter warrior. He was sitting with Gunter, Diligence, her three servants and many other snow people around a large meeting table. Suddenly, a thread thin beam of energy flew towards his face and formed ice around his mouth freezing it shut.

As the snelf let out muffled noises, Diligence spoke tiredly. "Okayyyyyy, anyone else have anything to say before I go to the meeting with Princess Bubblegum?" She said taking a pause  for anyone to speak

Suddenly, a snome stood up from his chair. "Let's make 'em a gym for their lanky weak bodies! That outta get us a STRONG alliance!" He exclaimed jumping on the table, getting a few cheers here and there. Diligence watched this with an exhausted expression on her face as she layed her head on the meeting table. "Eh, princess?"

All eyes turned to Diligence, causing her to instinctively straighten her back. "Uhh, no?" She said with a wince as she started scratching the ice making up the table with her fingernails. "Look, here's my idea. Tell me when you guys come up with something that doesn't involve violence and is actually good. No offense, Jimjam." The snome with the gym idea, Jimjam gave a dejected thumbs up before Diligence stood up from her seat. "Meeting done. I'm out." She added grabbing Gunter and leaving the meeting hall made of ice.

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