Operation Beanstalk

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Beneath a grey and cloudy sky and in front of a ruined supermarket where trash and empty shopping carts were littered around aplenty, a duo of young girls stood firmly staring at the sign which had fallen to the ground. "Alright, Marcy, remember what we talked about?" Asked the older blue skinned and white haired girl in a serious tone as she narrowed her eyes.

The younger girl with gray skin and black hair nodded calmly. "Stay close and be lookout for oozers while you look for stuff." She said with a serious expression.

Diligence nodded as she took a nearby shopping cart. "And be stealthy. Always check the road ahead BEFORE moving." She added before the half demon nodded prompting the duo to silently entered the supermarket hiding behind the cart. "Alright, first things first, let's find some canned veggies. With some luck, they wouldn't be spoiled." Whispered the ice elemental as she eyed the inside of the building for dangers with Marceline adorably mimicking her. "Coast is clear. Operation Beanstalk is in order."

The duo tip toed through the supermarket with absolute silence, until the ice elemental saw a certain item on display. Diligence gasped in excitement, causing Marceline to turn to her friend in a panic before seeing the ice elemental with mushrooms in her hands. Marceline tilted her head in confusion. "Mushrooms?" She asked curiously.

"Not just any mushrooms! Edible supermarket mushrooms!" Replied Diligence with a bright smile as she quickly took a plastic bag off the floor and started filling it with mushrooms. "They're easy and really fast to grow." She said as she pulled a mushroom from the bag and held it in front of Marceline's face. Marceline grabbed the mushroom before Diligence continued. "We just take it apart, put it in some dirt and spray it with some water. Then boom! Easy farm. Expert level street urchin trick right there." She said before frowning as she placed the bag inside the shopping cart and Marceline put the mushroom in her pocket. "Just never put them in a park or else they might get taken away." She said bitterly with a deep frown as she zoned out.

Marceline's eyes sparkled at the seemingly great piece of information. "Woah!" She exclaimed excitedly, bringing the ice elemental back to reality. "What else do you know?" She asked cheerfully, causing the ice elemental to flush blue with in embarrassment at the girl's admiration.

Diligence rubbed the back of her neck with a small smile before speaking. "Oh. Hehe." She muttered as a fuzzy feeling spread inside her body. "Well, I guess I could teach you some other stuff." She said before a big smile spread across her face. "Y-yeah! I'll teach you everything I know!" She said placing her hands on her hips proudly. Quickly, she noticed a box of chicken soup mixture next to her. "Did you know chicken soup helps with fevers?" She asked throwing the box in their cart.

"Cool!" Marceline stared at Diligence with starry eyes as she took in the information, causing the ice elemental to smile proudly before the she spoke once again. "How does it do it?" She asked cheerfully.

"I don't kn-" the ice elemental said before covering her mouth. Diligence froze with nervous widened eyes. "I DEFINITELY know this. It's uhhhh-" a sound of confusion left her mouth as a nervous bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. Her eyes darted around for any answer before her gaze fell onto her hand and her blue skin. "M-magic! It works with magic! Yeah!" She said, causing the younger girl to giggle cheerfully. Diligence laughed along before the duo started heading towards the canned veggies section with smiles on their faces. However, all of a sudden, an oozer stepped into their path. The two froze in their tracks and shut their mouths tight as they saw the oozer. They quickly hid behind the nearest shelf before Diligence started staring at the oozer intently.

"We should go around-" muttered the ice elemental as she stared at Marceline holding the hem of her skirt worriedly. She stared at Marcy intently for a few seconds before flashing a smug smile to the girl. She grabbed a nearby box of oat meal and spoke. "Hey, Marcy, check this out." Diligence quickly threw the box into a far away stack of cans of tomato soup, causing a loud sound that attracted the oozer before grabbing Marceline's hand quickly rushing past the distracted oozer with their shopping cart in tow. "What a dum dum. Am I right, Marcy?"

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