May 14 - Kyber Quartz

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May the Fourth be with you, teens of Star Wars. (Ha... get it? 14?)

We'd like to share with you a bit of research and our findings.

According to the 1 to 10 Moh's Hardness scale, the strongest mineral landing at a solid 10 is diamond, and the weakest mineral landing at a depressing 1 is Talc. We've looked into what a Kyber Crystal might fall under. Surprisingly, not even Reddit was helpful. (Or perhaps we failed in our research department.) No, we don't actually have a research department, but anyway. . .

It seems like Kyber Crystal would be most similar to Quartz in color, likeness, and use. They come in many colors, look alike, and power things with their energy (like watches). Additionally, Kyber Crystals can break if under extreme stress, so they're definitely not diamonds. A Quartz is a decent 7, so it's not easy to break either. It's a good guess, don't you think? 

So, what was the point of this chapter?

We wanted to find out if there are any mineral-eating organisms or bacteria that consume Quartz, discuss what this creature might look like in the Star Wars universe, and consider how it could possibly devastate the Kyber Crystal population.

We failed. There are none.

Womp Womp.

On the bright side, you can find any colored Quartz on Etsy or another site/store and wear it as a necklace, like a hidden piece of Star Wars jewelry, for your fancy outings or everyday excursions. It's your little secret of what color lightsaber you'd use. 


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