May 3 - Lightsaber Color

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The first word you find is the color of your lightsaber. Please share which lightsaber you have in the comments below. 

Blue: Loyalty, truth, stability, justice, and serenity

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Blue: Loyalty, truth, stability, justice, and serenity

Green: Growth, harmony, nature, safety, helpfulness, cooperation, spirituality, and goodwill

Red: Power, anger, strength, and determination

Purple: Nobility, royalty, wisdom, and willingness to use force to fight evil while forgiving and healing

Yellow: Goodness, warmth, energy, the power of the sun, hope, and a strong connection to the Force

Orange: Creativity, ambition, resourcefulness, and a character with a void inside them

Silver: Purity, peace, and serenity

White: Purity and peace

White: Purity and peace

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