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-" so did you just moved here from Gwanju y/n?"
Jungkook asked with a sweet smile on display.
-" yes I did?"
-" why if I may ask?"
Taehyung said joining the conversation.
-" well my mom wanted me to have a better education, better chances so she made me leave home, I'm glad we did actually.
-" why are you glad y/n?"
Yoongi said as they were getting close to a big house, it was built in the deepest parts of the forest in Ilsan.
-" well, I don't know if it's me but weird stuff has been happening back home for the past few weeks.
-" like what y/n?"
-" well Jimin I can't explain to you what it is because they still trying to figure out but there has been finding a lot of dead animals with weird wounds in their bodies but they can't figure out what it's causing it.
The boys looked at each other, their eyes were as wide they could go.
-" really?, I'm sorry to hear that y/n I hope they can figure it out soon, well we are finally here.
Namjoon pointed at their house.
-" ohh, well what a beautiful place boys.
-" we glad you like it deary come on in.
Jin said opening the door of the car for her.
-" thanks Jin.
She smiled at him.
They walked to the house, after everyone got inside
the house they scattered like roaches, except Jin.
-" would you like some tea y/n?"
-" oh yes please Jin, if I'm not a bother.
-" follow me then, Namjoon I'll entertain her while you get comfortable.
He looked at Namjoon, they both knew what he was referring to.
-" thanks hyeong, I'll be back y/n, you can settle in the kitchen, I won't take long.
-" ok Namjoon, what a beautiful place Jin
-" thanks deary, do you want me to show you around?"
-" yes please.
She jumping up and down, Jin laughed at her cuteness, offered his arm so she could hook her arm in his.
She took a look a the house, her jaw was literally dragging at the beauty of the house, it was stunningly beautiful.
-" what do you think y/n?"
-" wow, this house has me literally drooling Jin.
-" so you stay with your parents here in Ilsan?"
-" no my parents stayed back in Gwanju, I stay in a guest house.
-" what, do you stay alone?"
-" yes I stay alone!"
-" well you are more than welcome to stay over at our place anytime you like, see the boys rooms are like in a separate part of the house, that part of the house is divided by a door, there is a couple of extra rooms by the kitchen, so you will be by away from the boys.
-" that's so nice of you oppa, but I couldn't impose like that.
-" aigoo, nonsense we would love to have you as a guest.
He said as they walked back to the kitchen, he didn't take her past the door, the boy's rooms were off limits, unless one of them invited her to come into their rooms.
-" well let's make you that tea deary, come on.

After a while y/n and Jin were having a good conversation in the kitchen, when Namjoon showed up again, he had change his clothes to something more comfortable, his hair was all straight bangs covering his forehead opposite to in the morning when he had it pushed back and well groomed, he didn't look bad, to the contrary he look sexier and much younger like that.
She had to force herself to look away, once again she caught herself staring even worst than when she saw him in the morning at the administration office.
-" I'm sorry if I took so long y/n.
He vowed at her while she smiled.
-" well youngsters I'll leave you to your studies, I'm going to freshen up, just call me if you need anything else.
-" thanks for your hospitality Jin, you are so great.
-" aigoo deary anytime, like I said you are always welcome, here, now Namjoonssi take care of her or else.
He said with a smirk his eyes got lost as his grin got wider.
-" don't worry hyeong.
As Jin disappeared Namjoon sat down in a chair besides y/n.
-" ready y/n?"
-" not really but I have no choice do I?"
She said with a giggle.
-" sorry that you have to catch up with all this stuff, I'll help you as much as I can, I would try to make it as easy as I possibly can, ok?"
-" ok Namjoon.
After a few hours y/n felt her stomach rumble, she was hungry and tired, she took a look at her phone screen and saw the time.
-" aigoo, is late y/n, I'm sorry for being such a bad host, are you hungry?"
-" aigoo, don't worry Namjoon.
She was trying to pretend but he could hear her stomach growling with his sensitive hearing.
-" how are you telling me not to worry?, when I can hear your stomach growling.
-" really?
Her cheeks turned red immediately.
-" yes madame.
He smiled as he heard steps around the corner.
-" who is hungry?"
Yoongi asked turning around the corner into the kitchen.
-" she is hyung.
Namjoon pointed his finger towards her.
-" I can fix that, do you like steak y/n?"
-" oh yes I love steak.
-" all righty, I'm going to cook for the guys so I'll put one for you too, how you like it?
-" medium to rare.
-" really?"
-" yes please.
-" no problem.
He said walking towards the fridge getting a bunch of steaks out, then they heard Jin and the others coming into the kitchen as well.
-" what are you up to Yoongiah?"
-" I'm about to throw some steaks on the grill for us and the little lady that's hungry too, care to make some side dishes for her hyung?"
-" of course Yoongiah, I can't let my deary suffer hunger.
She smiled at him.
-" please you don't have to worry about me, I'll eat something at home.
-" what?, nonsense you eating with us then we will take you home.
Hoseok said happily.
-" did your parents know that you are here with us?"
Jungkook asked giving her a bunny smile.
-" oh, I leave alone at a guest house.
-" really?"
Taehyung felt bad for her, not having no one around after moving away from home.
-" why don't you move here with us y/n?"
Jimin asked walking closer to her.
-" aigoo boys no do you think I'm going to bother you guys like that messing up your guy's space like that
-" it wouldn't bother any of us y/n.
Even Yoongi didn' mind if she moved it with them, they wouldn't lose their privacy because the house was divided in sections and their rooms were away from the main living area.

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