Old Friend (1)

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"Rei! Ya coming?" you heard a familiar voice call out to you. You blinked, breaking you from your trance like state and looked towards the source of the voice. With his arms behind his head, was your best friend, Satoru Gojo, and next to him, his best friend, Suguru Geto.

"You really need to stop stacking behind," Geto told you once you caught up with the two of them. "Satoru gets... quite whiney.."

"Do not! Don't listen to his blatant lies, Rei!" Gojo protested, a clear pout on his face. "I just want you to witness the two strongest in the flesh!"

You laughed, "The hell is that s'possed to mean?"

Geto rolled his eyes, "Always with your ego, Satoru..."

"What?! Ya know it's true Suguru!!" Gojo retorted, quite literally acting like a toddler now.

You sighed, "Stop stroking your massive ego for a second will you?"

"That's not the only thing that's massiv– OW!" Gojo said before being hit by Geto causing you to burst out laughing. "Yeah! Yeah! Keep laughing at the poor ol' guy who just got beaten!!"

"Can you do it again, Geto?" you asked with a laugh.

"With pleasure." Geto said, slapping Gojo on the back of the head.

"Hey! What is this!? Abuse Gojo day!?" Gojo whined.

"You three always make the biggest scene when you're together..." Shoko said, walking up to the three of you.

"Shoki!! Finally, I'm saved from these disgusting men!!" you cried, clinging to her.

"The hell Rei!? I thought you liked us!" Gojo exclaimed.

"Didn't you know she's sexist? That's our Kishi for you!"Geto laughed, going along with your bit.

"What the fuck guys!?" Gojo whined, slumping over, defeated.

"Okay, relax, relax! We haven't even started the shopping trip and you're already bitching!" you teased.

"Agreed, we really should get started.." Shoko sighed, to which Geto nodded.

"Wait! Waitwaitwaitwait! Before we officially start, Kishi, ya sense any curses?"

"Dude what?? No?? Stop using me as a detector for fucks sake.." you moaned.

Gojo laughed before pinching your cheek, "Whattt, you love me! Admit it!"

"As if!"

Geto and Shoko looked at eachother hopelessly before snickering along with you and Gojo.

If only those good days had lasted longer.

The phone rang violently for what felt like hours now. You sat in bed with a pillow covering your ears. It stopped ringing only for it to blare loudly seconds later. "AGH! FINE!" you said throwing the pillow harshly to the side. You snatched the phone up and answered. "What the fuck do you want!?" The other line sat silent, as if lost for words. This only annoyed you more. "Stop fucking calling me! I don't care who the fuck you are, just leave me alone!"

"Kiki?" an all familiar voice asked from the other end. You froze. Dead silence filled the air. "Kiki... are you–"

"What.. what the fuck are you doing..." you whispered.

"Kiki, look, I can–"

"What? You can explain why you fucking went and vanished from the world ever since that day!? You.. you fucking just left! You left me alone to deal with Geto's death all alone!"

"Please, Kiki–"

"Shut up! Just shut up, Gojo!" you screamed at him.

You could sense his annoyance from the other end, yet to your surprise, he kept calm. "Kishi... I need to talk to you, just, before you hang up on me, just hear me out?" His voice was sickenly serious for once. But you knew him, or at least did. He's truly serious, this isn't a joke to him. With you having gone quiet, Gojo continued. "I.. I want to make things right.. I heard you've been without a job? I could provide you with one. I'll provide you a place to stay too."

Like We've Been Here Before (Satoru Gojo x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now