Curses (3)

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Well, that could be a possible motive for taking a cursed object..? Belief it will heal his grandpa or something? Gah... I'm just grasping at straws here... You walked around the building, searching the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. The presence of the cursed object only grew stronger as you went up. Suddenly, all the lights went out as a surge of cursed energy engulfed the entire area. "Shit–!" you gasped, running upstairs just as a loud bang was heard as if something heavy fell. What awaited you on the 4th floor was something greater than you've seen in a long time. Cursed energy was everywhere, curses stared you down. One's eyeball twitched as if in delight as it screeched and chased after you. "Shitshitshitshit!!" you screamed, running back downstairs.

"Out of my way!!" you heard Megumi shout from the floor below. "Demon dogs!"

"Megumi!!" you screamed, trying to catch up to him. You caught him fighting a curse on the 2nd floor. "

"Sensei!? Y-you're still– agh! Nevermind! Head to the fourth floor! That's where the source is!"

"No shit!! Kinda in a situation myself!" you said, running past his 'demon dogs' and behind him as the curse that was chasing you appeared.

"Do you not have a cursed technique?! Why aren't you fighting it!?" he shouted at you as his demon dogs started devouring one of the curses.

"I-it's kinda complicated!" you shouted back.

"Make it quick then! Do you or not!?"

"Y-yes! I do! It just.. Isn't an offensive one! Here wait– protect me!" you exclaimed, sticking behind Megumi. You closed your eyes before concentrating solely on Megumi alone, trying to block out all the chaos that was surrounding you. You felt his cursed energy's source, and honed in on it. "Megumi– do you trust me?!" you asked.

"W-whatever you're doing just do it!" he said, ordering his demon dogs to devour the other curse that was chasing you.

"Alright.. Megumi! You have my support!!" you said, unleashing your cursed technique. A small wave of cursed energy flew from you to Megumi, causing him to let out a small gasp.

"W-what did y–"

"Consider it a power up! You should be stronger now!!" you explained.

He nodded affirmatively as he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the fourth floor with him. The more you two ran, the more curses started appearing. "W-we're getting close!" he shouted to you. You rounded a corner with him till you were face to face with the source. "Th-there!" Megumi exclaimed, unleashing his demon dogs on it. "Just stay behind me Sensei!"

"Megumi!! It's trying to swallow a student and the cursed object!! Avert your blows from her!"

"G-got it! Sensei– use your technique more!"

"I-I can't!! It's already pushing it!!"

"We don't have time–!" Megumi yelled before getting interrupted by something— or someone jumping through the window, shattering it. "Itadori!?"

"What the–!?"

Itadori flew overhead the curse, before landing a punch directly to it, staggering it. That allowed him to quickly rescue the student and another from being swallowed by the curse. He landed on his feet, before saying, "So.. this is a curse? Really not what I was expecting.."

Megumi, taking the opportunity, then sliced the curse in half, defeating it. "I should ask what you're doing here..." he spat at Itadori.

"W-what the hell just happened...?" you questioned.

"Uhh, dunno. What are those things feeding on the curse?" Itadori asked Megumi.

"That's uh..."

"Those are my Shikigami.. Wait, you can see them?" Megumi asked.

They exchanged banter for a bit before you gasped. "Wait! Itadori, the cursed object–"

"Huh? Oh– whoah!" he said, catching said cursed object from falling out of the students pocket. "Uhh.. this it?"

"W-wait.. That's..?"

"Ryomen Sukuna's finger.." Megumi sighed. "No wonder that thing tried to eat it.."

"What? Why would it–" Itadori begun asking.

"To get stronger... that.. That's like... really really cursed.." you said with a nervous laugh. "You should probably give it to us.. If that's okay–"

"No, you will give it to us. We'll take it from here." Megumi interrupted, glaring at you.

Itadori shrugged before attempting to hand it over to Megumi. "Wait! Guys wait–!" you shouted, sensing a stronger source of cursed energy than before. Megumi looked up to see a large hand emerge from the ceiling. "RUN!" he yelled, shoving you and Itadori out of the way, before getting taken by the hand.

"Megumi!!" you yelled towards him. Before you could react, Megumi was slammed against a wall, spitting blood out moments later. You crumbled to the ground, clutching your stomach as you spat blood as well.
"H-huh!? W-what–"

"R-run.." you managed to get out, before coughing more blood. The curse focused its attacks on Megumi, sending him through a wall and out of the building. You felt the same force surge through your being, bending over in an overwhelming amount of pain. You felt blood pool in your eyes. You could barely see as Itadori rushed to help Megumi. "F-fuck.. N-no! Run!!"

You heard the commotion outside get worse, as Megumi screamed for Itadori to run as well. Itadori began fighting the curse, as they both struggled to gain control of Sukuna's finger. Itadori stood on top of the curse's open mouth with the finger in his. Megumi staggered to get up to help. "There's... there's a way I can save everyone! Just need.. My own cursed energy!" Itadori shouted, before eating the cursed object.

"S-stop! Don't!!" Megumi shouted. But it was too late, Itadori swallowed it. The air was still, you felt a surge of curse energy enter Itadori's body, before it all unleashed into an attack, breaking him free of the curse's grip. With one swift movement, he killed the curse as if it was nothing. You lied there, staring at him as he began laughing maniacally. "Sukuna's.. Gained control..." you laughed weakly as your vision began to fade out. Right before you completely blacked out you saw someone standing over you. "More work for me I guess..." was all you could hear before everything went dark.

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