First Mission (2)

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So you ended up doing what any bored and confused person would do, walking around your old highschool to see what the hell changed. Turns out not much. You sighed, dragging your feet along with you. You would have continued to stay like that until you caught the gaze of a spiky black haired teen. For some reason, his gaze was dead set on you, like you were some sort of specimen he needed to dissect. Okay.. weird. Random students staring at you. No big deal.

Alone in your thoughts, you happened to jump when your phone rang suddenly. "Ah, goddammit..." you sighed as you saw Gojo's number pop up. You reluctantly picked up.

"What is it?"

"Want ya to come see something. I'm sending you a photo of the class I'll be in. Meet me there 'k?" he said, instantly hanging up afterwards.

You opened the image Gojo sent you to be met by the standard classroom door, it didn't stand out at all. You groaned right as Gojo sent you a text, 'Better get searching <3'.

Eventually, you found the room you were looking for. "Asshole.." you cursed under your breath before opening the door to the classroom. Within the room was Gojo with what seemed to be two students. Gojo, who was sitting backwards in a chair, sprang up and welcomed you enthusiastically.

"Rei! How funny, I was just talking about you!" Gojo beamed towards you. You cocked your head, looking awkwardly at the other people. "Students! This is my assistant—"

"Assistant!?" you exclaimed before being interrupted by Gojo.

"Please refer to her as Rei Sensei. She'll be teaching with me." He pointed to a black haired student who you recognized to be the same student who was staring at you earlier, "That means!! You'll be seeing her a-lot, Megumi! Yuta on the other hand... eh, you might see her from time to time. Who knows!"

Megumi glanced you up and down before sighing. He averted his gaze moments later to look at Gojo. Yuta turned to you and smiled shyly, "H-hi! It's nice to meet you Rei Sensei!" You waved to him and smiled.

Gojo looked at the three of you and grinned ear to ear. "What's got you so happy?" you asked him, nudging him with your elbow.

"Oh nothing~ Now, let's get down to business. Yuta, if you wouldn't mind?"

"O-oh.. right, bye sensei's!" Yuta said, waving goodbye.

Megumi leaned against a desk while Gojo sat back down. "Well then, looks like it's just us. Now, Megumi, you'll be working with Rei for this mission." He nodded without much commotion. "And Rei, I expect you to help Megumi out with this as well. Guide him and help him find the cursed object. He'll tell you more about it later."

"Alright, it's a pleasure to meet you Megumi." you smiled.

"Mhm..." he muttered.

"Try to get along will ya?" Gojo said, shooing you away.

You and Megumi walked in silence for a while. You could feel your skin crawl and stir about as the silence lasted. Finally, you broke it. "Ahem, um.. So... what's the mission about? Besides the searching for cursed object deal."

"He didn't tell you?" Megumi questioned before scoffing at your lack of response. "Of course, of course he didn't. Look, we're dealing with a special grade cursed object. We need to retrieve it quickly."

"Ha! So you do have a voice!" you exclaimed to Megumi's dismay. "Anywho, jokes aside.. It's special grade? Why'd they put a student in charge of finding it?"

He shrugged, "No clue. Frankly, I don't really care either."

You hummed to yourself while kicking a rock. "Hey, Megumi. Do you like... not like me or something?" you asked.


"I mean, I don't know, it could just be how you act around people... but you just seem off-put by me." you mentioned.

"Well, that's certainly an observation." he muttered, rolling his eyes. "... before you get the wrong idea, no, I don't dislike you. Just... you know Gojo Sensei, don't you?"

"Um, yeah.. I do. What? Does he talk about me or something?"

"No, he just has a photo of you together with some other guy in his place." he said nonchalantly. You didn't dare question how he knew that, but you caught yourself smiling lightly given the information.

"Huh.. he does now does he?"

"Mhm, now, we're getting close to the destination. Sense anything?" Megumi questioned.

"Oh? Uh, yeah, kinda. There's like a remnant close..." you hummed.

"A 'remnant'? That can't be." Megumi said hushed before walking towards what looked to be a wayside shrine. "It's here." Megumi said, opening the doors to the shrine, only to find it empty. He stood there dumbfounded, causing you to laugh loudly.

"Dude! I told you!! There's only a remnant here! The source is coming from over there." you said, pointing to a field.

"I... how... how could I..."

You sighed and grabbed Megumi's sleeve. "C'mon, it's a timely manner isn't it?" you teased, dragging him away to the field.

When you both got to the field it seemed like an event just got finished. There was a bit of a crowd gathered. "So? Where is it?" Megumi asked you, looking around for anything suspicious.

"It's close... think there's a strong trace of it coming from that." you said, pointing to a backpack that was actively being picked up by a student. "We uh.. Should probably stop him.."

Megumi rushed into action, reaching out to the student before he started sprinting away. "Hey!! Wait!!" Megumi shouted towards him to no avail. When you walked up to him, he slumped over. "Dammit.."

"Hey it's okay! I can probs ask around to find out where he went–"

"No, I'm following him." Megumi spat.

You blinked a couple of times in disbelief, "H-huh?" Before you knew it, Megumi sprinted away too, leaving you alone. You clicked your tongue, "Well.. that sucks.." You decided to whip out your phone and text Gojo about what happened.

You: Ayyyy Goji, uhhh your student kinda ran off after a trace of cursed energy... do I like, chase after him or?

Blue Eyes White Gojo: Of course he did... don't chase after him, you said it was only a trace right?

You: Yuppppp

Blue Eyes White Gojo: Then I'm guessing you have a clue where the actual source is?

You: Yupppppp x2

Blue Eyes White Gojo: He's running the complete opposite direction, isn't he?

You: Dude, don't make me have to text 'yupppp' 3 times...

Blue Eyes White Gojo: ;_; just find the object before something bad happens, k'?

You: On it boss man >:)

You sighed, putting your phone away. "Least I don't have to run..." So, you began your search. You asked around the field first.

"U-um, excuse me sir?"

"H-how.. How did he.."

"Uh.. would you happen to know who that student was who just ran off thataway?" you said pointing in the direction Megumi left.

"... Itadori Yuji..." was all the guy muttered before shulking away.

Next, you entered the school, it was getting dark by the time you found someone. "Hi! Excuse me miss! Do you happen to know where Yuji Itadori would be?"

"Huh–? Oh uh, he's probably at the hospital visiting his grandpa... what, are you his family or something?" the lady asked.

"Oh nah, just an old acquaintance. Is his grandpa okay?"

"'pearently he's on his deathbed."

You muttered an 'oh' before continuing. "Do you happen to know if Yuji hangs around that wayward shrine outside?" you asked.

"No clue, now, I'm headed out, so I suggest you do too." the lady said before leaving.

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