Acacia's Origins: Part 3

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That night, the stars shimmered brightly in the darkness, almost as if they were remembering her father's last words, and perhaps...just maybe waiting for someone to unravel the secrets of the vast universe like those stories he used to tell. A wistful smile spread across the young girl's face as she sighed quietly towards the bright stars... holding the sharp-edged rock and gazing downwards, seeing the stone wall covered with tally marks of the days. Likely, she has already spent months in this dreadful place. Is this what you meant by unprecedented times? In your last words, you told me to remain strong... Did you know that this would happen? " In a moment of rumination, the young girl looks back out at the barred window, her mind racing with thoughts of the moments before the sheriffs took her away from her parents' home, wondering if anything could have altered the outcome of the situation.

Compared to before, Ellen Acacia knows that she simply grasped onto a silver lining from her father's stories about some kind of celestial deity that resides above her. Remembering his own words, the young girl whispered to herself, "Your eyes are a blessing from the stars. Even though society can be cruel and unjust, never let darkness dim your light. " Despite his reassurance, the young girl must have found it hard to comprehend how everything changed so drastically in just a year or so. If she had become someone else, would things have turned out differently? If her family was intact, would her father still tell her tales woven from celestial mythology and her brother accompany her to explore the meadows? Even if it was more or less unusual to explore those meadows and heights, the young girl shudders a bit as she continues to stare absentmindedly almost as if she is slowly blacking out of reality surrounding her, hazily gazing at the flickering flame across the dimly illuminated stone corridor, seemingly calling out to her to cross over.

Despite the grim circumstances, the young girl gave a weak smile when she saw the moon shining so brightly outside the barred window. Her kaleidoscopic eyes reflect the glimmering starlight under the silver crescent moon in the night sky. Amid the suffocating darkness, it is almost as though the stars are calling out to her like a homing beacon, indicating they will always be found, regardless of where they are. As the young girl curled up against the wall and gazed at the glistening stars, she thought, "If I had another chance, I would like to become someone other than myself to prevent this from happening again. Could it be done?"

In response to her desperate prayer, the young girl caught a glimpse of the stars glowing brighter than ever and heard a voice calling to her. It seemed as if the young girl was unable to tear her eyes away from the bright star as if she was being compelled to answer this question regarding... someone in particular. Even though she hesitated, the young girl thought, "What choices do I have now?" I was imprisoned for a crime I didn't commit. I haven't heard from my father or brother in months... what could possibly go wrong?' Nevertheless, Ellen Acacia wished that back then she had realized that once she answered this... celestial entity, her life would have been gone forever, and she would never have been able to return to her family. Even so, the young girl took a deep breath and answered. "Hello?" she asked, her voice tinged with cautious curiosity. A deep voice responded, "Child... I am simply an individual who answered your call. What is it that you wish for?" After hearing that, the young girl hesitated for a moment before responding, "I... I wish for a second chance. A new opportunity so that I can prevent the events that have occurred up to now." 

Hearing that, the voice chuckled and commented, " is possible." Unbeknownst to the young girl, her eyes began to feel heavy and the overwhelming exhaustion settled its impact on her once and for all. As if her mind still wanted to fight for her family, but her heart was exhausted, the surrounding environment slowly darkened around her, blinking in and out of consciousness. With that, the young girl falters and succumbs to the long duration of the harsh environment she has endured under the questioning of the sheriffs. An innocent victim and the brightest star within the village fell into darkness, taken away to be returned to the heavens. Could that be the end of the young girl's journey? The young girl had no idea what lay ahead. It seems there is more to her than an endless walk among the darkness and bittersweet reunions with long-lost relatives after death...

Author's Message

Hey everyone,

Thank you again for reading Acacia's Origins Pt.3! Acacia's Origins has around 4 parts, so the final part will be up next month around the same time! Currently, Revnium's chapters are published on the second Wednesday of each month. Keep an eye out for more around that time!If you are interested in more, join us to be a part of The Safe Haven (Both Instagram and Discord) by checking out the link in my bio to become a part of the adventure! Feel free to support me via Kofi as I continue my journey to finish my debut novel (both links can be found on my profile page)

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