Acacia's Origins: Part 2

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In the aftermath of that fateful day, Ellen Acacia vowed to never forget what happened when everything she knew and loved was torn apart. To this day, she replays the moments before the fateful intervention, wondering if any of the actions she took would have made a difference. Was her mere existence too scandalous, leading her to conclude that her family's misfortune could be her only downfall? Always the supporter, never the supported... she couldn't help but wonder if everything would have been different had she been somewhere else? Does this downfall ultimately result from her own fault? Even so, she should have known, the moment the young girl saw her father's sunken eyes, that there was something stirring, something uncontrollable, perhaps even dangerous to their lives. In anticipation of his arrival, she sat on a wooden chair, her legs swinging slightly as she awaited his arrival. At the time, she was still a young girl with no idea what was going on around her. Once, she believed that forever could truly exist, but now she is not so certain. Life can be unpredictable and beautifully chaotic, so perhaps forever belongs to memories rather than to people.

Still, the girl held on to a sliver of hope, a tiny silver lining in the hopes that the rumor circulating in her small town wasn't true... 'Something treacherous this way comes'. If only she knew how things would turn out back then, she might have prepared her brother for more of what's to come. Possibly, if she had known earlier, she could have done better, be better... Ellen Acacia wanted to be the perfect daughter, but she knew better than anyone that perfection is nothing more than an illusion. Upon Griffin Alejandro's return, the young girl rushed to her father, letting him know her brother had already been asleep, and there was porridge on the table for him to eat. She urged enthusiastically, "Father, the day has been the same, taking care of little brother, cleaning the house, and check out-" However, noticing how her father's eyes are sunken, perhaps due to fear of retribution from the government... the little girl could not tell, but felt concern for him and stopped abruptly midway in her sentence. No matter the circumstances, her father was always kind-hearted and smiling, assuring her everything would work out as long as they were together and not apart.

Nevertheless, the young girl noticed the sudden change in her father's behaviour, realizing something was seriously wrong. "W-what's wrong, father?" the young girl asked quietly, cocking her head slightly as she tugged on her father's sleeve.

If I cannot return home one day... please take care of your brother. No matter how hard it gets, stay strong for me and for him. Something is coming... and these times will be unprecedented from now on. As I always tell you, shine bright amid the darkness, like the stories I tell you... be unbreakable, like those jewels in the dark caves." As she nodded, her iridescent eyes reflected the flickering candlelight, she asked in concern. "But father, why say this now? Is something terrible coming towards the village? Despite her father's dishevelled appearance, he smiled at her and replied, "Nothing much, little jewel. I just wanted to ensure you were okay. You are a big girl now, you know?" Even though her father is trying to reassure her, she knows better now... But a young girl can only carry so much when she has to carry the weight of the entire family on her shoulders, with nothing left to fend for herself. Even if the young girl can handle the burden well, it does not mean it is not a heavy burden one should carry at such a young age. Sadly, the young girl was too naive even to consider that the one thing she treasured could suddenly be taken from her. As she feared, it was her father's last visit home... her father would not return home for days on end and she would be waiting near the dinner table for him to arrive.

In those days where her father did not come home for days on end, her brother would turn to her, his warm amber eyes flickering to life like a warm campfire, asking where their father had gone. Because she could not bear to disappoint him, she always replied, "Soon. Our father is just gone to get food for us, that's all... just one of his hunting trips." However, every time she told her brother this, a small seed of uncertainty would slowly envelop her, like a small seed was planted in her heart. There had been rumors going around the village that her father had been involved in various underground meetings. Every family has its own secrets to keep... But Ellen Acacia never imagined that the secret would blow out of proportion and unfold the way it did later in the week. In spite of her attempts to persuade herself that her father would one day return home, the young girl had her brother to remain inside the house when the sheriffs arrived. In shock, the young girl told her brother to remain hidden as she opened the door, politely asking, "Why have you come here unannounced? The young girl calmly looked up to the sheriff and asked, completely unaware of what was about to happen. Soon enough, one of the sheriffs announced to her this shattering news: "Your father is missing under suspicious circumstances. According to the decree, you will be detained for questioning." The young girl's eyes widened in fright as she realized what was about to happen. "I... I didn't do anything, I am simply trying to care for the family!" She protested as she struggled against the sheriff's restraint. Without her father's protection, she becomes the target of villagers who accuse her of witchery because of her unusual eye color. In an attempt to reach out to her, her brother ran out of where he was and called out her name, only to be separated. "Ellen, don't leave... I only have you left. Don't leave me alone... please." It was at that moment she knew this might be her last time seeing him. Having suddenly found herself subject to the laws and the sheriff's mercy, the young girl gave him a weak smile and reassured him, "Solace... the stars will shine on us again, so everything will be fine... in time. Stay strong and wait for father, okay?" With that, Ellen Acacia left her brother behind within their home, she solemnly followed the sheriff as she was interrogated over a report of witchcraft suspicions.

What happened that day... that desperate look, that one last plea. Her mind replays it time after time while she is in custody, trapped in the dungeon for longer than the days she has already lost track of. Back then, the young girl would mutter occasionally to herself, "I just want to keep things as they are, a normal life with my brother and father... I guess that was never meant to be, wasn't it? " Her voice trailed off as she stared at the wall, her limbs bound by cuffs after being under arrest and questioned despite her constant assertion of her innocence. Her innocence is questioned over the alleged uprising and her involvement with the insurgents... it's all too much for her to handle. She was just a little girl trying to take care of her family after her father went missing for days. What did she ever do wrong that led her to this? As she gazed over the stone wall that had already been engraved with the tally marks of the days she had spent in the dungeon, she often wondered in the back of her mind. In truth, she wonders what she looks like to the other villagers and in their eyes to deserve such treatment. Yet, the young girl couldn't help but realize the weight of her father's words prior to his disappearance. Under these harsh circumstances trapped within these cold stone walls, her once iridescent and expressive eyes have darkened and weary.

Truthfully, she never really wanted to leave her brother. While the external circumstances were already tense, she knew better than to cause resistance against the sheriffs, as that would only increase the danger her brother was already in. As a promise to her father, she promised to take care of him if he was gone one day, unfortunately, he cannot be contacted. It is impossible to know if he is even alive, let alone in good health. 'Father... where are you? Are you still living at this point? I... I don't know what's happening. My little brother may be starving while I've been taken away... just like those orphans back then, back before things turned out this way...' Leaning against one of the stone walls, she huddled in a corner, staring out at the barred window. With a shaky breath, she looks up and wearily gazes at the stars, muttering as she tries to keep warm... "Dear brother, do the stars look back at us?. If they do... would they take pity or mock at this mess of a situation we are in?" She noticed the guards looking at her strange behavior cautiously muttering to themselves, but to her... she is simply trying to gather the strength in her heart to push forward during this difficult time. Ultimately, she wants to believe that this was just a bad situation, that she too will survive and overcome it, then everything will return to normal.

Author's Message

Hey everyone,

Apologies for taking awhile to send this part and thank you again for reading this! Acacia's Origins has around 4 parts, so more will be coming soon! Currently, Revnium's chapters are published on the second Wednesday of each month. Keep an eye out for more around that time!If you are interested in more, join us to be a part of The Safe Haven (Both Instagram and Discord) by checking out the link in my bio to become a part of the adventure! Feel free to support me via Kofi as I continue my journey to finish my debut novel (both links can be found on my profile page)

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