Acacia's Origins: Part 4

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Regardless, Ellen Acacia understood better now that there was more to life than death. Nevertheless, the guards failed to realize the young girl was no longer within the moral realm for such a long time, which made the death of the young girl all the more tragic. Under such dire circumstances, most people assumed the young girl was asleep and never checked to ensure she was still with them. While the guards and sheriffs realized that the girl had departed the mortal realm, they failed to notify her family... leaving them waiting in the bitter unknown until her return was confirmed. As unfortunate as the lives of innocent souls may seem, this would not be the first time a Melsa villager has died while being held in custody due to some sort of 'curse' claim. Even so, the story of the young wanderer has just begun.

Within moments of the deep voice responding, the star's brightness grew brighter and seemed to consume the young girl for a brief moment. At that moment, she met him for the first time. As Ellen Acacia realized now, that was no ordinary star, but the first instance among many of meeting the celestial. It was at this moment that she realized the tales her father told her were not simple folk tales passed down through generations, but living entities whose power would define her life for years to come. Before she knew it, she was no longer in the dark, cramped dungeon cell. Her surroundings are eerily silent, almost as if she were the only one in an infinite void full of luminescent stars.

In her first impression of this space, she thought she was simply dreaming, unaware that she was in a different realm. Her quavering voice reverberated across the space as she surveyed this unfamiliar landscape. "Where am I?" She asks, looking around to see if anyone else is nearby. Behind her, an individual appeared and calmly replied. "You are in the place called the Interpose, or as some know it the veil between two realms." Her slight startle caused her to turn around and catch a glimpse of the hooded individual behind her. As strange as it may seem, one characteristic that stood out to the young girl was the hooded individual's eyes, flickering flame-like eyes as kaleidoscopic and unpredictable as her own. In response to the young girl's stare, the hooded individual commented, "It's not polite to stare, child." Hearing that, the young girl immediately snapped out of her gaze, slightly flustered and stammered. "I... I apologize, it wasn't my intention... " She trailed off as the Hooded Individual took note of her iridescent eyes, which no longer had their distinct glow. It was as if something drastic had stolen the brightness from this young child's eyes, for the eyes are the windows to the soul

Seeing this, the hooded individual commented, "Something has... made your eyes turn dark. What is the matter, child?" Looking up, the young girl replied, "If... If you are, as my father told me, from the heavens, would you not notice such things happening in my village?" Taking a deep breath, the young girl continues. "If you are who the stories claim you are... why didn't you step in and prevent these injustices?" Despite how weary she may be, one can still see how much passion she still held towards the common folk, even after what they did to her and her family. Noticing this, the hooded individual smiled and answered. "Tell me, how much did your father tell you about the heavens?" Despite my origin from there, I am unable to intervene due to causality. That can be disastrous for your village, I assure you." Upon hearing the word 'heaven,' the young girl's eyes widened in realization that she was no longer dreaming, but in an actual encounter with the celestial. "H-heavens? ...does that mean I am no longer living?" Seeing the young girl in front of him unable to comprehend her current state, the Celestial sympathized with her. "Child, you tragically died young and under unjust circumstances. It seems that society has not treated you kindly, have they?" Still in shock, the young girl stammered, "Y...yes". Letting out a heavy sigh, the celestial continued. Tell me, child... I've taken an interest in your desire, especially considering your unfortunate circumstances. Is there any particular reason for a second chance? "

In an attempt to regain her composure, the young girl tilted her head, her wavy caramel-brown hair cascading down her shoulders. "The reason? I've seen many people, a lot of orphans in my village struggling without anyone to help them. If there's a second chance, I think they might make a different decision, have a better life than they have now." Hearing this, the Celestial nods and smiles slightly, commenting. While this is noble of you, there is a more personal reason behind your wishes, isn't there?" The young girl paused for a moment, slightly taken aback by this particular hooded individual's attention to detail. "...yes. Before things come to this, I want to keep the good moments in my life and those I love. Please don't mind me asking... why are you interested in me? Of all people, why me?" The hooded individual replied, "That's a good question, isn't it? Well, most people are either self-centred or blinded by materialistic desires. Even if they weren't, people who suffer unexpected events tend to be blinded by their anger, becoming slaves to desperation they live in." While silently gazing at him, the girl's weary eyes glowed slightly, perhaps reflecting the beautiful starry sights around them in the Interpose.

Taking into account that the Celestial may be the only one capable of bringing such a wish to reality, the young girl hoped that her decision could at least secure her family's safety. From the bottom of her heart, she wishes they would be able to live a better life without her weighing them down. In the end, a good daughter should be willing to do whatever it takes for her family, isn't it? To fight for her family, she is willing to do whatever it takes, in her case... until the end of time. In what seemed to be her last mortal breath, the young girl nodded, indicating she was prepared to face what lay ahead. As the young girl prepared herself, the Celestial explained the bargain. "Upon becoming my apprentice, you will follow my teachings. In return, I will ensure your family is protected." While looking at the young girl for a moment, the Celestial continued. "Of course, you can observe your family's life accompanied by some inherited abilities of mine." A bit surprised at this offer, the young girl simply looks at the celestial with her head cocked slightly to the side, as though she were not expecting him to be so... generous. Realizing that the young girl may still have lingering effects from her mortal life, the Celestial responded. "You deserve to be loved and chosen, appreciated for the light you shine on others. Not almost chosen or loved, but acknowledged by those around you. With that, what is your name, my dear starlight?" In response to what the Celestial said, the young girl gave a small smile, recalling what her father used to call her. "Ellen Acacia. My last name is Haynes." 

Author's Message

Hey everyone,

Thank you again for reading Acacia's Origins Pt.4! Now, the Chapter 1 has concluded. So there would be more coming soon, any progress would be shared across my socials via twitter or Instagram. Feel free to follow if you are interested to know what I would be up to!If you are interested in more, join us to be a part of The Safe Haven (Both Instagram and Discord) by checking out the link in my bio to become a part of the adventure! Feel free to support me via Kofi as I continue my journey to finish my debut novel (both links can be found on my profile page)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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