2 || Trollhunter Jim

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Based on Season 1, Episode 2: Becoming: Part 2

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 5220 words)
Trigger Warnings: Fight scenes, mentions of trauma

"Jim! Toby!" I say sharply as I approach them on their front porch. "Why the heck did you call me screaming?"

"That was just Toby in pain," Jim replies, standing up with his hands up innocently. 

"Yeah, my face hurts," Toby explains, holding his cheeks in his hands. I exhale sharply, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. 

I was mid-braiding session when they called, and I had to abandon my hair and race out the door to make sure everything was okay. Jim was trying to tell me I needed to come over quick, but Toby was yelling in pain in the background. For them to be calling at this time of day, I thought it had to be something. 

"Okay," I say, nodding a bit. "What did you need to show me?" 

"Come inside," Jim offers, and Toby stands up off of the front porch, following Jim to the front door with me behind him. 

"Jimbo, do you have any aspirin?" Toby asks as we enter Jim's house and make our way to his kitchen. 

"No, no. Pay attention," Jim says, and I hop up onto the countertop to sit while Toby rummaging through the fridge. Jim looks at him with an annoyed glance, but I clap my hands to get his attention. 

"Go on. I'm watching," I assure him, and he thanks me with his tone pointedly disapproving of Toby's dismissal. 

The moment Jim takes out the Amulet, I feel my stomach drop again. 

I could destroy it. 

No, no I can't. I can't use my magic. That's a promise I made.

I won't break it. 

Not even for him.

"For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to-" The microwave starts and interrupts Jim's statement and I snap my gaze to Toby. 

"Go on," the unfazed boy says, gesturing for Jim to finish. 

"It worked last night," Jim argues, looking down at the Amulet. 

"Is this a prank?" Toby asks. 

"Try again," I offer, and Jim looks over at me with surprised eyes. "I want to see what it does. Show me." 

I know what it does.

"Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait," he says, holding the Amulet up in front of his face. "For the Glory of Merlin—" that name will never not make me cringe— "Daylight is mine to command!"

As he finishes his statement, the Amulet spews out blue sparks and the transformation from boy to Trollhunter begins. I watch in amazement as he is lifted up off the ground and clad in layers of silver metal armor with the Amulet embedded inside. 

"Oh my gods..." I whisper, dreading the situation I have put myself in. 

"How cool is that?" Jim exclaims, looking excitedly from Toby to me and back again before his eyes flick to me with concern laced in them. 

Toby starts going on and on about how cool this situation is while my hands clasp together tightly in my lap, panic rising in my chest. Jim's eyes ask me if I'm okay, but I can't hide that I'm not, much less assure him that I'm alright. 

My friend... 

Did I cause this?

Surely my presence didn't influence the Amulet's decision. 

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