11 || Surprise, Surprise

23 3 0

Based on Season 1, Episode 10: Young Atlas 

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 3528 words)
Trigger Warnings: Intense moments, fight scenes

"I think I just broke my butt," Jim mutters after Draal knocks him clean on his rear during one of their training fights. I am off to the side, laying on my stomach on a picnic blanket with a flashlight as I look at my spell book. I have still yet to tell Blinky about my magic, as I haven't been to Trollmarket yet. However, I have now formally denied the option to continue using the magic, even if it is Nari's. Jim told me that he supported my decision even though he didn't quite understand it, and I haven't used any magic since. 

"Were this an actual battle, Trollhunter, you would have just been deprived of your right leg, three fingers, and your gronk-nuks," Draal says casually. 

"Ouch," I mumble, flipping another page and enjoying my sketches of the first Romeo and Juliet play I ever saw. 

"Sorry, I guess I'm just a little distracted tonight," Jim mumbles before he yelps. I look over to see him on the ground, blocking Draal's punches until he can't anymore and Draal leaves him alone. 

"Bular will use your distraction as an opportunity to cleave your head from your shoulders," Draal warns. 

"Oh," Jim says quietly. 

"Give him a break, Draal," I tease, returning my gaze to my book, "he's having a rough time right now." 

"With?" Draal asks, confused.

"You wouldn't understand," Jim mumbles, and Draal suddenly roars in anger. I turn to look at them again and I watch the blue troll pin Jim to the ground. 

"I am a son of the former Trollhunter, Trollhunter!" Draal shouts, and Jim looks over at me with 'help me' eyes.

"He's scared about kissing Claire," I call, giving the Trollhunter no assistance. 

"I don't understand," Draal says in response, leaving Jim and crossing his arms as he looks at the boy. 

"The school play," Jim begins, "Romeo and Juliet. We're rehearsing the kissing scene and I have to kiss her tomorrow." The boy flops onto the ground as he speaks, and I shift and sit up, careful to avoid putting too much stress on my wounded right arm. 

"Kissing?" Draal asks, grabbing Jim and picking him up, setting him on a nearby rock before he sits down as well. "What is this... kissing?"

Jim immediately turns to me for help, but I just look away innocently as if I had heard a bird up in the trees. 

"When uh... when two people like each other, they put... um... they put their mouths together," Jim explains, and I have to hold my laugh in. "And depending on how much you like them, the longer the kiss. Sometimes for hours." 

"Jim, my ears are bleeding," I tease, and the Trollhunter glares at me with a look that could cut metal. Thankfully, I am not metal. 

"Disgusting," Draal comments, "killing sounds easier." 

Jim's armor disappears and he sighs. "Draal, I really like her. If I blow our first kiss, I might not get a second, or a third." 

"You're afraid," Draal states. 

"I know, I know. The first rule... 'Always be afraid'. But that's with trolls, not girls," Jim states. 

"Vicky is a girl," Draal points out. "Perhaps she can help." 

"All she does is tease me," Jim mutters, glaring at me. I smirk from my place on my blanket and he rolls his eyes. "See? That look right there. She's judging me." 

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