6 || Infestation Situation

25 3 0

Based on Season 1, Episode 5: Waka Chaka!

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 3301 words)
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of scars

"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal—"

I lean over to Jim while the museum curator speaks to us and whisper, "How is training going?"

"Good, except Draal keeps laughing at me while I'm working," he mumbles back. 

"Well, you'll get him back when you win your rematch," I assure Jim, and the boy next to me cracks a small smile before turning his attention to Mr. Strickler, who is speaking now. 

"Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. Don't you think?" Mr. Strickler offers. Immediately, everyone disperses and runs off into the museum. I start to go with Jim and Toby, but then Claire's waving hand snags my attention and I follow her instead. 

"Come on, I want you to tell me if everything's real or not," Claire says with excitement laced into her voice. 

"That's not really how it—" She grabs my hand before I can finish, leading me up to the second floor, where all the oldest European artifacts are laid out for people to look at. 

"What about all of these beautiful dresses?" Claire asks, looking at the fabrics stores behind the glass cases littering the wall. "Would you have worn these?" 

"Well, I was shapeshifted into a boy during most of my time in Camelot for my own protection, and all the female clothes I wore in my coven were created by the witches there, so no. Plus, I wore pants anyways. Dresses were for special occasions, and we didn't have many of those," I explain, and her eyes light up. 

"No wonder you have such an androgynous face!" she exclaims quietly. "You could literally be a boy or a girl." 

"Did you just clue in on that one?" I ask with a playful smile. She pushes me with a laugh, and I pretend to stumble. "Oh, Claire! Spare me! Your happiness, it's too much!" The smile that decorates her face is one I would die to keep recreating. Even though I don't necessarily see her as attractive in a sense that I would act upon, I do see how Jim likes her. 

"Hey, Claire." An annoyingly familiar voice joins the conversation and Claire and I turn to see Steve approaching us. "And Victoria." 

"Hey, Steve," I mutter, trying to be polite so Claire doesn't get mad at me.

"Sorry if you got caught up in that little tiff between Lake and I, but I want you to know that, since joining the play, I feel like there's another side of me that wants to come out," Steve explains, and I nearly cringe at the horrible statement. 

"Apology accepted. You were a jerk," Claire says plainly before turning back around to the dress. Steve glances over at me and I step between him and Claire, laying a hand on her back pointedly before glaring at Steve and turning around to face the dress with her. 

"Is he still behind us?" Claire asks quietly. 

"Yep," I mumble, throwing a look over my left shoulder to find Jim and Toby standing only a little way away. I catch Jim's eye and nod discreetly to Steve. Jim shakes his head, but Toby is ready to take the chance for him. 

He wanders over and immediately strikes up a conversation. "Hey, Steve! Did you hear about the Neanderthal exhibit? Topless."

"Nice! Cave ladies," Steve chimes before running in the opposite direction. 

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