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Coldness enveloped her skin, the chill of the snow contrasting sharply with her fairness. She extended her hand above her head, shielding her eyes from the relentless snowflakes. Amidst the blizzard's fury, Aelius closed her eyes, and a hush fell over the world. Standing in the storm's calm eye, where dreams meld with reality, she glimpsed it—a far-off light, pulsing like the rhythm of a dragon's heart.

She wrapped her warm, soft cotton cloak around her shoulders and ventured forth. The snow crunched under her feet and billowed around her. With each step, the journey became more challenging. A light flickered in the distance, and she moved towards it, only to have the snow swallow her into the ground, and then she woke up.

Resting on her elbows, she gasped for breath. Her gaze swept across the room, the breeze from the nearby balcony caressing her face. Taking a deep breath, she then rose from the bed. She moved across the room and shut the balcony doors. She pondered for a moment. It must have been a dream. Yes, merely a foolish dream. She headed to her closet to prepare for the day ahead.

She strolled through the corridors toward the breakfast hall. Servants bustled through the corridors, attending to their tasks. Aelius proceeded, hands clasped behind her back, until she reached the breakfast hall where she spotted one of Lord Arryn's daughters, Rhaella Arryn, who had been one of Aelius's companions during her childhood in the Vale. When Aelius was young, her father, King Viserys Targaryen, sent her to the Vale where her mother, Aemma Arryn, had grown up. She was sent at the age of ten with the potential of marrying one of the Arryn boys, a prospect that never materialized. Now, she was is in her thirties.

From a young age, she developed a fondness for her companion, Lady Rhella Arryn. A woman of strong will, With curly brown hair and hazel eyes, complemented by a sharp jawline and gentle gaze, Aelius recognized these features upon closer inspection. 

Aelius approached the table where Rhaella was seated. On the table, there was a cup of tea and a book in front of her. "Good morning, Rhaella," said Aelius, her hands clasped behind her back.

Rhaella looked up and greeted her with the warm smile she was known for. "Good morning, Princess... what brings you to me this morning?" Her voice was gentle, and her eyes reflected genuine interest and curiosity.

"May I join you?" inquired Aelius, her demeanor courteous and her voice steady, seeking no particular reason beyond the desire for conversation and companionship.

"Of course," Rhaella responded, her smile gentle as she pushed a chair from the opposite side for Aelius to sit down comfortably. "I am quite happy that you came to see me today," she said, her voice warm and her eyes sparkling in the light.

Settling into her seat with a soft chuckle, Aelius gave Rhaella a warm smile, noting the curiosity in her eyes. The book before her piqued his interest slightly. "What are you reading?" she inquired, "Is it interesting?"

A soft chuckle slipped from her, "Indeed," Rhaella responded, eyes on the book, "It's a tale of a young woman journeying across the globe in pursuit of adventure, only to discover more than she anticipated... yet, there's more. The narrative weaves together humor and grief, love and loss."

"It does sound intriguing," Aelius responded, a gentle smile gracing her features. Her curiosity was kindled, yet she hesitated, considering her other obligations and her recently hectic schedule. Nevertheless, she was willing to listen. "I've never been much of a book reader myself," she added with a chuckle.

"Oh, no?" Rhaella inquired, her spirits lifting slightly. "Why not? Books aren't to your liking?" She laughed along, finding it difficult to comprehend someone not enjoying books. To her, those who didn't take pleasure in reading were foregoing a wealth of knowledge, and after all, knowledge is power.

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