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                                                                                 BURNING COURTS

                                                                         "Je la vois dans mes rêves

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                                                                         "Je la vois dans mes rêves."


Young Vaelor Snow was meandering through the corridors of Winterfell, driven by the curiosity and adventurous spirit common to boys his age. His dark hair was unkempt, and his cheeks bore the flush of the cold. He delighted in discovering every hidden corner of Winterfell, and today his exploration had taken him farther than ever before.

Rounding a corner, he abruptly came upon a child he had never encountered before—a young girl with silver hair and striking purple eyes.

Startled by the unfamiliar face in Winterfell, Vaelor's brow creased in bewilderment. "Who are you?" he inquired.

The girl raised her eyes to meet his, her face serious yet not unkind. "I am Aelius Targaryen," she introduced herself in a soft, melodious voice. "And you are...?"

"Vaelor Snow," he replied, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness. He had heard tales of the Targaryen offspring but had never encountered one in the flesh.

Aelius regarded him intently for a brief moment, her gaze steady upon his face. "Snow," she echoed gently. "So, you are a bastard."

With a nod, Vaelor acknowledged this, his face reflecting a slight sense of shame. It was widely known that bastards were often treated with disdain in the North, and he was no stranger to the hushed whispers and sideways glances.

Observing him closely, Aelius commented, "Your father is Rickon Stark," her voice carrying a softness.

Surprised by her awareness, Vaelor questioned, "How do you know that?" suspicion lacing his tone.

With a nonchalant shrug and a trace of a smile, Aelius responded, "I read extensively and observe carefully."

Vaelor found himself unexpectedly moved. Accustomed to being overlooked or scorned due to his illegitimacy, he was unprepared for the respect and inquisitiveness this princess displayed towards him.

A quiet pause fell between them as they stood, each uncertain of what to say next. Vaelor shifted uneasily, acutely aware of her penetrating stare.

"Why are you here?" he finally asked, breaking the silence. "I mean, in Winterfell."

Aelius' smile slightly widened. "My father, the king, is engaged in diplomacy with your father," she explained. "However, I saw this as an opportunity not to be missed. There are hardly any people my age in the Red Keep, and many here in Winterfell seem...unacquainted with my family."

Vaelor experienced a surge of empathy for her. He was all too familiar with that sensation - being the outsider, subjected to whispers, fear, and scorn.

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