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AUTHOR NOTE - Poor Aelius in this chapter. She's too confused with Aegon when Rhaenyra's right there. :(

As the first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, Aelius groaned softly as awareness reclaimed her, drawing her away from the realm of dreams and into the stark reality of a new day. The events of the previous night flooded back, with memories of the feast and her father's mistake replaying like a haunting melody in her thoughts. She stretched languidly, and at that moment, a knock sounded at the door.

Gathering her composure, Aelius called out with a voice that was clear and steady, "Who is there?" The question lingered in the air, blending with the serene stillness of the early morning.

Aelius awaited a response, her heart pounding with a blend of anticipation and anxiety. The ensuing silence seemed interminable, her mind awash with potential outcomes and fears. As she was on the verge of calling out once more, a gentle, familiar voice wafted through the door.

"It's me, Rhaenyra," her sister announced. The words instantly soothed Aelius, her stress diminishing with the comforting cadence of Rhaenyra's voice. She got up from her bed, clad in a sheer nightgown, and walked towards the door. With a quick motion, she unlatched the lock and pulled the door open.

There stood Rhaenyra, her silver locks spilling over her shoulders, her violet eyes shining with expectation. She offered a gentle smile as the door groaned open, her eyes locking onto Aelius. "May I come in?"

Aelius gave a nod, the strain in her shoulders easing away. She moved aside to allow Rhaenyra to step over the threshold into her quarters. Rhaenyra then extended her hand to close the door, her gesture tender and comforting as she silently secured it behind her.

The room settled into a serene silence, broken only by the soft click of the door latching shut. Aelius gestured for Rhaenyra to sit in the plush armchair near the balcony, her movements betraying the fatigue from the previous night. As Rhaenyra took her seat, Aelius's gaze remained fixed on her sister's face.

"I came to see how you are," Rhaenyra said, her tone soft and subdued. "After what happened..." Her voice faded, leaving her sentence incomplete.

Aelius offered a small smile in response. "Thank you, Rhaenyra," she answered in a hushed tone. "Your concern means a lot." She then gracefully took a seat in another chair, the fabric of her nightdress whispering against her skin.

The care Rhaenyra showed touched Aelius deeply, filling her with comfort and solace. "To be truthful with you, Rhaenyra," Aelius confessed in a murmur, "I'm still coming to terms with last night's events." Rhaenyra gave a nod of understanding. "It was a tough night for all of us," she acknowledged, "but particularly for you."

Gratitude and a sense of vulnerability flickered in Aelius's eyes as she paused to collect her thoughts. "Indeed," she conceded, her voice reflecting both sincerity and exhaustion. "The emotions are still fresh, and the ache persists."

Rhaenyra's eyes conveyed deep empathy as she responded. "It must have deeply affected you," she imagined.

In that moment, Aelius felt an overwhelming gratitude for Rhaenyra. Her sister's support and comprehension were healing to her troubled heart, a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil of their existence. "Your being here is a great comfort, Rhaenyra," she expressed, her voice laden with thankfulness and feeling. "Your presence is truly valued."

"You don't have to be alone in this," Rhaenyra replied, her voice brimming with understanding. "I'm here for you, no matter what." The room settled into a comfortable silence, the sisters enveloped in their thoughts and emotions. It was a moment of shared vulnerability and connection. Aelius reclined in her chair, feeling the previous night's burdens lighten in her beloved sister's company. Then Rhaenyra spoke again. "I'm departing for Dragonstone with my children and Laenor. Would you like to join us?"

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