I. The Appel & The Deaths

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Once upon an unknown time, there was a little Apple.
It wasn't some kind of celebrity, no. It wasn't a famous Apple. I wouldn't have needed to talk about him if he was famous.
It was just a random little Apple that one day fell from a Tree.
That was me.

My name is Appel.
My parents obviously hated me, so they gave me a stupid name. I don't know them, but I don't like them anyway.
All my friends have cool names such as Elppa, Aeple, Ealpp, or Pplae. I was always jealous of them, and they made fun of me.

I absolutely love it when Apples make fun of me.
I know that it is just because they are jealous of my amazing talents, so it doesn't bother me that much.

We live in a dimension called 'The World of Living Apples'. We are all living, obviously. It says it in the name.
In our dimension, we are the supreme masters. No one is there to contest us.

We all live in a big structure out of wood. When we fall off the Tree, we faint and stay unconscious for at least 32 Apple Hours, that are equal to 47 Tree Hours, if you are a Tree. When we wake up, we are in that structure. No one knows how we are brought there, for the other Apples never see how we arrive. We arrive during the night, when all Apples sleep, and Apples that stay awake disappear.

We like to believe that we know most things about our dimension. I like to think that we do, but I often realize we do not. Occasionally, I stumble across something that I don't know what it is, and I am sure no one ever taught me anything about it. It doesn't bother me, and it doesn't bother the other Apples. But one of the things that we do not know annoys us to no end.
What happens after an Apple dies?

Many Apples have submitted theories to the Government of Apples. One of my friends, Pplae, said that maybe Apples, after death, turn into an Apple Tree, and then have to make new Apples. That does not make sense, for so many Apples die, but there are only a few Apple Trees.

Sometimes, during the night, Apples are abducted, by something that we do not know. We presume that they are skinned and then eaten, for we found quite a few Apples' skin and heart lying outside our structure.

That is how Apples die. By being skinned and eaten alive. For the only two ways to kill an Apple are to eat him, or to burn him. It never happened to me, obviously, since I still live in the World of Living Apples. This cruel world that still likes to kill us.

It has happened to many of my friends and I still miss them. They most probably do not miss me. Maybe they were just reborn. But what do I know? We don't know what happens after an Apple dies.
Of course, they might miss me just for the sake of me being there, but I strongly doubt it. Those that I considered my friends rarely considered me their friend. Sadly.

So what happens after an Apple dies? You want to know?
I wanted to know too. Now I know, and it's worse than I thought. I thought it was going to be a paradise for Apples. But it wasn't, oh hell no it wasn't.

I'm an Apple, and I killed myself. This is my story.

Hey people!
I started a new story right here, and I hope you like the idea of it :) nothing really happens in this first chapter, so I published the second one as well.
Thank you so much for reading! If you like what you read, please consider leaving a vote and a comment if you feel like it :)
Enjoy your life and don't die,

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