Chapter 5: New People

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Dumbledore called a taxi after they were out of the Dursley's house. A few minutes later, the taxi arrived, they got inside and didn't spoke a word. It was an awkward moment, until Harry broke the silence.

"Professeur Dumbledore!"

The boy got the elder's attention, but Dumbledore wasn't amused when Harry called him.

"Harry... you don't have to call me, professeur. I have responsibilities for your safety and you are going to be the son of my friend."

Harry didn't expect to offend his professor and he doesn't knows the name of Dumbledore. He just met him a few hours ago. How is he going to call him?

Dumbledore glace at the boy, he noticed that he completely forgot to tell his name. He understood the situation of the boy.

"I have a complicated name...Harry, but you can call me, Albus. Just Albus will be alright."

The brunet nodded his head, by answering to the elder.
After, they haven't been talking to each other through the journey. The atmosphere in the car was completely silent.

They finally arrived at their location, both of them got out of the taxi and grabbed Harry's luggage.

Once Harry got out of the taxi, he saw a welcoming sign from the village.

Welcome to HOGSMEADE!

From Harry's point of view, he saw that the village was big and all the houses have a cottage theme. There was nobody around the area and it made sense because it was almost midnight.

Albus was walking to a house that was filled with plants, he firstly opened a fence. It was leading to a path where the house was.

Harry was getting nervous when they were walking closer to the front door.

The elderly rings the doorbell and they were waiting for a response. There was no answers, he press the button again.

Harry thought, they were at the wrong address or there was nobody home.

"Albus, maybe we are at the wrong house or they are not home yet?"

He looked at the young boy and answered back.

"Patient Harry, someone will come."

Finally a few minutes later... A lady opened the door, she looks like she is in her 50s. The lady was in her long nightgown and her hair was in a low bun.

She looks clearly tired, but she immediately looked at Albus

"Albus, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? And..."

She noticed Harry, where he was standing behind Albus. She got worried about the boy and immediately let them in.

Harry was placed close to the fire place in a long couch with a blanket and a pillow. Where Albus and the woman were sitting at the other end.

The woman ask Harry if he needs anything or something. He was fine and shook his head.

She was smiling happily at the boy and she said her final words to him.

"Go to sleep my dear, your going to be very tired tomorrow."

Harry closed his eyes and he slowly fell asleep.

When Harry fell asleep, the woman and Albus continue talking with their conversation about Harry.

"Minerva, I brought the boy here because I knew you could raise that boy and adopt him as your own. I know it's all the sudden, but his relatives were a monster to him."

She stutter by Dumbledore's words
"But... Albus, I'm a teacher at your school and I never knew this kid before and I can't watch over him."

"He's going to be a student. He is Harry James Potter. The boy that we were discussing about with Severus."

"That's him!" She was shocked, Minerva didn't noticed that he was the new student.

"What's all this compliments from downstairs?" All of the sudden, a cold rusty voice burst into the room.

A figure was coming down the stairs. The figure was a pale man that have a pointy face with greasy black hair. He was wearing a over side shirt with grey shorts. His black death eyes were glaring at Albus and Minerva.

"Severus? I though you were correcting tests from the students? And it's one of the reasons why you didn't answer the door." 
Minerva exclamation to Severus.

"You don't have to be feisty like a cat Minerva. WAIT A MINUTES... Why is there a F*cking child in here?"

He noticed Harry, who was sleeping in the couch. Albus and Minerva were looking at each other's eyes. They know that they have to explain everything to Severus.

The next morning.

Harry woke up by a sense of food that was coming from the kitchen. He looked around him, but he got a blank space. He doesn't remember where he was. Was he at the Dursley's?

The boy saw a pale man with black hair in the corner and he was drinking out of a mug.

Who's the man? Harry thought.

Severus noticed that Harry was starring at him. He talked to the boy.

"Severus Tobias Snape, it's kinda nice to meet you Mr. Harry James Potter. And it's rude to stare at people."

Harry already dislike Severus. His attitude towards him was a big effect to the boy.

Albus came out of the kitchen and saw Harry awaken.

"Ah, Harry! You're awake my boy! Come to the dinner, your new adopted mother made you breakfast."

Harry froze on the spot. Was he going to meet his new mom!

He followed Albus to the dinner room, while Severus was following slowly behind. The brunet saw the woman that he met last night. Is it her?

She was placing cookies on the table, but she turned her head to Harry.

"Good morning Harry. Albus probably told you that you will be getting adopted to one of his friends. I'm going to be the one who will be taking care of you... Welcome home Harry!"

Even though Harry met Minerva a few hours ago, he knows that she will be a great mother and she took care of him when he arrived.

The boy was smiling at her and went for a hug. Minerva accepted the hug from Harry. She was so happy that she will be a mother of this child.

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Author's Notes:

Thank you for 100+ readers!
We finally have all the 4 main characters that are in the story!

The next chapter will be maybe of going back to the present, where Harry have his first day at school and he will meet Draco.


Lucius will meet Severus for the first time with the help of Narcissa.

Warning: This are spoilers!

Thank you everybody! Have a lovely day/night!

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